That’s not answering the question.
I said why do men hold tight to the idea? You’re explaining why they think women will be miserable. But my question is why do they relish in it? What do they gain gloating about how miserable women will be? Do they take the same pride in miserable old men?
Someone who understood already answered for you though.
Just report this plant and keep it moving
I feel like all the dudes are saying "whatever we don't have any emotions, no one to confide in, and no one really cares anyway."![]()
It’s psychological copium and the hope that women will be punished for not falling in line with how they think women should live their lives. The idea that some men feel like women should be punished or the hope that women will hit a wall or die in a raging explosion of sadness because they didn’t choose men they weren’t attracted to in their youth is just a control mechanism some men are obsessed with.
In the past, the old cat lady trope was also a scare tactic used to push women into relationships whether they benefitted them or not.
The deflections, defensiveness, personal attacks just prove that this is a sore point for many men.
And it isn’t just men of past generations either.
There are massive studies that specifically targeted the health and well-being of men in isolation and in loneliness. Dudes need to put aside their pride, stop trying to deflect to women and worry about themselves.
The High Cost of Men's Loneliness
It’s hard to pretend like women are lying in these studies because their actions are matching their words. Not only are they reporting more satisfaction, but many aren’t seeking remarriage and divorce is initiated 70% of the time by women
even past retirement age.
None of this means women don’t want male companionship because ultimately they do. But it means they are less willing to put up with anything simply to be able to say they have a man.
The real way men need to combat this isn’t to try and browbeat women into relationships with scare tactics, or take refuge in echo chambers or be bitter. They need to focus on developing better social skills, maintaining closer connections to family and children and BOTH men AND women need to focus on having enough money to retire well because that’s one of the largest variables in this crisis.
This is female thinking.
Fucc “help”.
Men have social ties and all of that, but we handle our hard times by ourselves for the most part
because we know nobody else can really pull ourselves through them - that’s even if they care...
OP struck a nerve in this thread you can tell how some deflected and tried to investigate was OP on a alt account or not. He’s not saying men are bad, he’s just saying a lot of men especially on here worrying about the wrong things.
Loneliness in the men community is real and can have a negative effect.
No girlfriend/wife, barely any friends, no social life. So all these guys know is work, and come home. That ain’t healthy
Plus women say "get your clout up and step up your mouthpiece" when even that ain't taught properlty to young dudes anymore. That "bootstraps" method always been a flawed concept that nowadays is an 85% failure rate, which is why incel armies are growing (Afghanistan).
Problem is, there are no real formal tutorials on "getting better social skills" and there is a reason why its not being taught.
I’ll tell you like I told OP, y’all make this seem like some widespread phenomenon when it’s a small percentage of men who talk about women hitting the wall and dying lonely or whatever other nonsense you spew in every single dating thread.
For every post you see from men saying that, there’s at least 5 giving props to a fine middle aged women saying “black dont crack”. How such and such is 50 and look better than women half her age. But you’d rather focus on the small minority of men who say the things your diatribes are based on.
Y’all project your own lack of success with dating/marriage on to men and ironically the men y’all say this about are your equals in terms of attractiveness/luck with the opposite sex.
Why would that be?