It’s psychological copium and the hope that women will be punished for not falling in line with how they think women should live their lives. The idea that some men feel like women should be punished or the hope that women will hit a wall or die in a raging explosion of sadness because they didn’t choose men they weren’t attracted to in their youth is just a control mechanism some men are obsessed with.
In the past, the old cat lady trope was also a scare tactic used to push women into relationships whether they benefitted them or not.
The deflections, defensiveness, personal attacks just prove that this is a sore point for many men.
And it isn’t just men of past generations either.
There are massive studies that specifically targeted the health and well-being of men in isolation and in loneliness. Dudes need to put aside their pride, stop trying to deflect to women and worry about themselves.
The High Cost of Men's Loneliness
It’s hard to pretend like women are lying in these studies because their actions are matching their words. Not only are they reporting more satisfaction, but many aren’t seeking remarriage and divorce is initiated 70% of the time by women
even past retirement age.
None of this means women don’t want male companionship because ultimately they do. But it means they are less willing to put up with anything simply to be able to say they have a man.
The real way men need to combat this isn’t to try and browbeat women into relationships with scare tactics, or take refuge in echo chambers or be bitter. They need to focus on developing better social skills, maintaining closer connections to family and children and BOTH men AND women need to focus on having enough money to retire well because that’s one of the largest variables in this crisis.