Ya'll notice how the #Inherently movement has "certain" posters on edge?


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
If they would condemn the evil of their fathers then they would be justified but by their actions, they are condemned. Those posters are upset because they are not going inherit the Kingdom of Heaven because they are inherently evil. As it is written in the Holy Book:

Hebrews 12
17 For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.

As Malachi, the Prophet of the Most High stated concerning the so-called white man. Its no wonder they inherited the Caucus mountains and love spending time in the wilderness where they hunt animals for sport as their father Esau did.

Malachi 1:3
And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.

Thus saith the LORD GOD of Israel

Romans 9:13
As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

The scriptures bear witness...thus we shall continue to say #inherently :lolbron:

All Praise be the Most High that will redeem his people in the last days :blessed:
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Apr 11, 2014
should I be sent to Guantanamo bay for using the word "irresponsibly"?


Don't ask me that shyt. Ask yourself that. I had nothing to do with this fukkery.



Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
More of us black people not being afraid to be vocal and educate ourselves and others on race and racism on a global scale and from a historical context= "The black st0rmfr0nt" to them (even though this was disproven by @Tommy Knocks in a thread I have not had the full opportunity to peruse in full)

This is why I f*ck with this board to be honest. It helped me out and I've learned so much. This really isn't present on other hip-hop boards in my opinion. Especially considering the majority of the posters on those other forums/sites are non-black and there aren't that many black posters who are educated enough on those boards to challenge racist thoughts and opinions to the point they seem soft and almost like c00ns (I hate saying that word and using it honestly). I've seen it happen too many times. White/non-black posters make racist statements/threads and these black posters co-sign them cause they don't know any better and it resulted in some shameful and depressing reading material.

I refuse to stay silent anymore honestly. Coming up in Pittsburgh and predominanty white academia I've had too many white colleagues and associates try to silence me and drown out my opinions cause it made them uncomfortable. I'm too old to do that now and I refuse to comfort the ignorance of others or tap dance for them.

Our father Jacob prophesied about us:

Genesis 49

1 And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you IN THE LAST DAYS.
8 Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee.

We know who our enemies are. There will be a bunch of Samsons that will rise up as we approach the coming of our LORD and HE, yes even HE will deliver them into our hands to destroy them. Nothing is greater than being a child of the Most High :blessed: He is executing perfect judgement. Please believe in HIM....the WORD is true and do not doubt.
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Jun 4, 2012
You've quoted just the first part of my post while leaving out the second. It's okay to not give a fukk here, but if you expand the movement, you're gonna have to find a way to deal with the opposition or you'll end up easily dismissed by part of the audience you're trying to reach as a bunch of extremists.
the status quo is extreme. We played those game before and ended up getting played.

Thinking that these pasty faced humans were the same as us, so we opened up more AFrican trade routes. --- we ended up being traded like no people have been traded before and even lost our real identities in the process.

Thinking that the end of slavery meant that northern cac thought of us as more than cattle. Wrong as fukk.

Thinking that separate meant equal and being surprised when it didn't.

Thinking that we could fight for rights and end separation..... all we ended up with was worse shyt than seperation.... no representation in politics, when we used to have senators n shyt... we ended up with no family strucuture replaced with welfare and gov sponsored crack.

Thinking that we could form groups and fight.... contelpro.

Thinking in the 80s 90s 2000s that we could be new black and that shyt was sweet... cacs periodically hunt us- and the justice system fails...... , then they point out black on black crime as if we created the environment that cooks that shyt up. wealth gaps, gentrification, education gaps, Still trying to fix our identities and dealing with those affects from the First thing that I mentioned.....

Now we are to do what?? Be afraid to even say inherently?

Well most black americans are inherently scared and spineless when it comes to certain topics... so that's gonna happen anyway.

But the fact still remains that ..........#inherently

End Cruelty

Yuffie butter!
Mar 14, 2014
me too...I clicked on @Napoleon 's tag in his sig but I still couldn't follow 100% :dwillhuh:

Do you think white people are inherently evil?
It's an open discussion. There are jokes and there are facts. It's up to you to decide what you agree with but all opinions are welcome, even from white people. It's nothing that hasn't gone on before. The shyt just pops, tho. #inherently is trolling with the truth.

Within the movement on the coli (so far as I've seen it) there are 2 main schools of thought with some overlap and some renegades. they are as follows:

-"White people are inherently evil."
-"I don't know if White people are inherently evil but there is enough evidence to warrant further investigation"

The best thing to come out of this movement are the racists that can't help but expose themselves getting hit with a :sas1:, a #inherently, and then a neg train (or the ban hammer). There's that and the actually memes which are the beyond powerful.


All Star
Feb 10, 2013
slighty OT: you know how some white people are like "why don't he have a white history month?". perhaps we black folks could give back and make May white history month.

:sas1:we'll tag everything #inherently and bring as many evildoings to light as possible.

that way, white people will be properly reminded of their heritage. :sas2:
i'm about to go single mom on cacs like "if china jumps off a bridge are you gonna do it, too?" :pachaha:
because their idea of post racial consists of Black people suffering in silence. as long as they don't have to hear about the injustices Black people face, it simply doesn't exist to them.

white people seriously believe that Black people who speak about racism are the real racists because somehow, racism would go away if "the Blacks" stop bringing it up so much.

So many gems... So many...

Man, I don't even gotta say "n/h"

This shyt making my dikk hard :shaq::shaq:


Jun 2, 2012
:laff:@little cacs catching feelings over the interwebz


nikka been on my dikk for 2-3 months now negging me and tagging me. Now I know how Yeezus feels like with the paparazzi.

I'm on that nikka's mind 24/7 outside the web :wow: