someone said to me once, we name many things we have owner over, but not ourselves?

fukk offwhere you from
Your happiness hinders on someone elses misery. fakkit.Feels good not having my family lineage trace back to a slave..
Feels good not having a slave owner cac surname..
feels extra food, knowing exactly where my fam comes from.. With our unique language, food and culture
African-Americans stay losing![]()
fakkitfukk off
I don't believe that Blacks will always be at the bottom.
Feels good not having my family lineage trace back to a slave..
Feels good not having a slave owner cac surname..
feels extra food, knowing exactly where my fam comes from.. With our unique language, food and culture
African-Americans stay losing![]()
To be sure, there were all kinds of mobile jocks in New York in the early 70′s. Hands down, no questions. I’ve always asked the Bronx cats that I’ve interviewed this one important question, “Yo, what impact did the Jamaican sound systems have on ya’ll?”
Everybody from Toney Tone to Kool Herc to Bambaataa said: “None, none at all. They weren’t a part of our thing. They did their own thing.”
The one time I interviewed Kool Herc I asked him about the Jamaican sound systems in the Bronx and he acknowledged knowing a few of them, but said that they had no influence or impact whatsoever.
unless you're from Africa, every "black" person in the New world has a slave name.
Not really. After slavery, a lot of the black people chose their own last names and interracial relationships aren't new.