Don't argue with Sony stans, sony started catching their stride in 2017, And how many decades long has sony been in the game now?
You let them tell it and in the last 7 years MS should have knockout banging triple A games dropping yearly. When truthfully Sony didn't even start getting there big time popular triple A games until around 2017, With uncharted games sprinkled in.
MS is doing fine, and things will only get better now that they have studios underneath their wing, something they didn't really have or didn't really handle well with some of the ones they did. And lets not act like sony didn't screw up or close down and reshuffle studios. Superbot? 989? ICO? Incognito anyone?
Anyway, Sony has always just had strong 3rd party support to pad their 1st party gaps and games. MS had strong 3rd party support on the 360 and that's really about it. They also aggressively played the 3rd party exclusive lock up game.
Sony stans can't even tell you what the next 1st party exclusive is gonna be for PS5. But let them tell it and they have been eating since the ps5 dropped in 2020. It still amazes me dudes haven't finished gow2018 or horizon or tlou talking about how great and how many exclusives they have to play.
If Xbox is doing all this with "no games" it's no wonder sony stans stay pressed.