
May 13, 2012
Waiting until 2025 for X-Men in any fashion (cameo or Disney +) is fukking comedy.

Feige is notoriously tight lipped I ain't buying that shyt one bit.

Remember when Spiderman came on board they changed all the dates in place. Spiderman got placed in like 16 months after the announcement.

No one should expect anything RIGHT NOW it's only been like 3 weeks but by this time next year (or sooner) there will be news.

It makes perfect sense. Why rush into a x-men film and rush mutants into the fold when you just had black panther and now cap marvel doing 1 billion? Especially since fox is wrapping up their x men series this year. Add to the fact they have now a ton of cosmic characters they can use and integrate into the mcu without the obvious hangups.

Feige could be looking at the long game, where they can set up mutants properly, they'll have a ton of stories they can dive into. :yeshrug:

Bleed The Freak

Dec 9, 2015
I believe the only reason Spider-Man got rushed was because of the Sony deal. Sony made that call because they handled marketing and received majority of the BO revenue

I just don't buy that shyt.

Their villain catalogue outside of


Is fukking wack.

I'm not saying blow your load on Magneto or Dr. Doom (or even Sinster or Kang)out the gate or make an immediate Charles or Cyclops appearance but I'm taking this shyt with a huge grain of salt.

Bleed The Freak

Dec 9, 2015
It makes perfect sense. Why rush into a x-men film and rush mutants into the fold when you just had black panther and now cap marvel doing 1 billion? Especially since fox is wrapping up their x men series this year. Add to the fact they have now a ton of cosmic characters they can use and integrate into the mcu without the obvious hangups.

Feige could be looking at the long game, where they can set up mutants properly, they'll have a ton of stories they can dive into. :yeshrug:

I personally have no issue at all with his plans and want FF and their related characters first. And he's smart too he doesn't bow to public pressure.


You have a shyt ton of contracts expiring, a lot of characters who despite worldwide appeal will get stale if they keep getting exposure (I'm talking you Loki and Iron Man) and a villain catalogue that is mediocre at best.

And most importantly, despite him being in charge, shareholders and stakeholders who will be nudging him gently to get these shiny new toys exposure. 71 billy sitting on the shelf for 5 years I don't think so.

I don't expect him to have anything NOW with Endgame 3 weeks out and Spiderman and BW, Shang Chi and Eternals coming but after that......

I'm thinking 2022.

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
It makes perfect sense. Why rush into a x-men film and rush mutants into the fold when you just had black panther and now cap marvel doing 1 billion? Especially since fox is wrapping up their x men series this year. Add to the fact they have now a ton of cosmic characters they can use and integrate into the mcu without the obvious hangups.

Feige could be looking at the long game, where they can set up mutants properly, they'll have a ton of stories they can dive into. :yeshrug:
I hope they don't go full cosmic. I mean that stuff is cool, but the best most relate-able stories with the most intrigue are still the earth based stories, like Winter Soldier, Logan, Spiderman 2, Civil War, Black Panther, Blade, the dark knight. None of those cosmic movies except Infinity war seem to work for me as well. Too goofy all the time.

I think the main reason is that they force too much humor in order for them not to seem like a star wars or star trek clone, which for the most part are more serious space movies. Ironically Infinity war was the rare exception where it was in space but wasn't a full out comedy. But Warlock is probably going to be a clown because he will be introduced and a guardians movie. Thor is a slapstick comedian in ragnorok. Captain Marvel had the supreme intelligence dancing to 90s music. Starlord legit had a danceoff in his movie.

Darth Vader never danced, Yoda was funny in way that served the plot, not the audience. Spock never once mentions Kevin Bacon or any 90s pop culture and he's been to earth too. but yet those characters still worked.

anyways rant over, as you were. forget what i said. :mjcry:

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
I personally have no issue at all with his plans and want FF and their related characters first. And he's smart too he doesn't bow to public pressure.


You have a shyt ton of contracts expiring, a lot of characters who despite worldwide appeal will get stale if they keep getting exposure (I'm talking you Loki and Iron Man) and a villain catalogue that is mediocre at best.

And most importantly, despite him being in charge, shareholders and stakeholders who will be nudging him gently to get these shiny new toys exposure. 71 billy sitting on the shelf for 5 years I don't think so.

I don't expect him to have anything NOW with Endgame 3 weeks out and Spiderman and BW, Shang Chi and Eternals coming but after that......

I'm thinking 2022.
This is actually a pretty good point. The studio will not be happy sitting on that much money for 5 years just to serve the story. But that might be where deadpool and other non-canon fox characters come in. They aren't rebooting him so they could immediatly start his sequel and something related to that in the meantime outside the MCU but still x-men related. Maybe just finish off some the last fox movies that were in development to buy some time like New Mutants.


May 13, 2012
I personally have no issue at all with his plans and want FF and their related characters first. And he's smart too he doesn't bow to public pressure.


You have a shyt ton of contracts expiring, a lot of characters who despite worldwide appeal will get stale if they keep getting exposure (I'm talking you Loki and Iron Man) and a villain catalogue that is mediocre at best.

And most importantly, despite him being in charge, shareholders and stakeholders who will be nudging him gently to get these shiny new toys exposure. 71 billy sitting on the shelf for 5 years I don't think so.

I don't expect him to have anything NOW with Endgame 3 weeks out and Spiderman and BW, Shang Chi and Eternals coming but after that......

I'm thinking 2022.

You still have sequels for BP, CM, DS, Antman (lol), GOTG, and add in Shang Chi, Eternals, FF4, Dr. Doom and Silver Surfer and however many spiderman films sony wants to pump out the film slot is going to be packed.

Marvel Studios is only going to be doing 3 films a year for the most part, so unless economically all the newer properties bomb something terrible I dunno if Disney shareholders will be going all hard, especially since x-men really haven't been killing it at the box office lately. They also don't even have to use the X-men if they want to introduce mutants. Feige and co. have had success with intro'ing unknown characters and having success.

If they weren't getting the FF IP you could say there would be more pressure, but aside from Deadpool, fox has kinda sullied the x-men brand financially and it would make sense not to rush in and cannibalize your other properties.

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
You still have sequels for BP, CM, DS, Antman (lol), GOTG, and add in Shang Chi, Eternals, FF4, Dr. Doom and Silver Surfer and however many spiderman films sony wants to pump out the film slot is going to be packed.

Marvel Studios is only going to be doing 3 films a year for the most part, so unless economically all the newer properties bomb something terrible I dunno if Disney shareholders will be going all hard, especially since x-men really haven't been killing it at the box office lately. They also don't even have to use the X-men if they want to introduce mutants. Feige and co. have had success with intro'ing unknown characters and having success.

If they weren't getting the FF IP you could say there would be more pressure, but aside from Deadpool, fox has kinda sullied the x-men brand financially and it would make sense not to rush in and cannibalize your other properties.
Both of ya'll making good points actually. :leon:

should point out there is also a black widow film in that release schedule somewhere too. with sequels if it does big numbers. 1 to 3 more


Valar Morghulis
Feb 10, 2017
Baltimore, MD / Charlotte, NC
I hope they don't go full cosmic. I mean that stuff is cool, but the best most relate-able stories with the most intrigue are still the earth based stories, like Winter Soldier, Logan, Spiderman 2, Civil War, Black Panther, Blade, the dark knight. None of those cosmic movies except Infinity war seem to work for me as well. Too goofy all the time.

I think the main reason is that they force too much humor in order for them not to seem like a star wars or star trek clone, which for the most part are more serious space movies. Ironically Infinity war was the rare exception where it was in space but wasn't a full out comedy. But Warlock is probably going to be a clown because he will be introduced and a guardians movie. Thor is a slapstick comedian in ragnorok. Captain Marvel had the supreme intelligence dancing to 90s music. Starlord legit had a danceoff in his movie.

Darth Vader never danced, Yoda was funny in way that served the plot, not the audience. Spock never once mentions Kevin Bacon or any 90s pop culture and he's been to earth too. but yet those characters still worked.

anyways rant over, as you were. forget what i said. :mjcry:

Already forgotten.


May 13, 2012
I hope they don't go full cosmic. I mean that stuff is cool, but the best most relate-able stories with the most intrigue are still the earth based stories, like Winter Soldier, Logan, Spiderman 2, Civil War, Black Panther, Blade, the dark knight. None of those cosmic movies except Infinity war seem to work for me as well. Too goofy all the time.

I think the main reason is that they force too much humor in order for them not to seem like a star wars or star trek clone, which for the most part are more serious space movies. Ironically Infinity war was the rare exception where it was in space but wasn't a full out comedy. But Warlock is probably going to be a clown because he will be introduced and a guardians movie. Thor is a slapstick comedian in ragnorok. Captain Marvel had the supreme intelligence dancing to 90s music. Starlord legit had a danceoff in his movie.

Darth Vader never danced, Yoda was funny in way that served the plot, not the audience. Spock never once mentions Kevin Bacon or any 90s pop culture and he's been to earth too. but yet those characters still worked.

anyways rant over, as you were. forget what i said. :mjcry:

I think Feige said that phase 4, even prior to them getting fox (although he might have know about the deal) was going more cosmic and less earth base, which kinda makes sense IMO; considering that only GOTG and Thor were the only cosmic based franchises.

As far as humor goes, y'all all say this but it doesn't show at the box office.:yeshrug: Everyone talks about how they love CA The Winter Soldier but its in the middle of the pack as far as MCU films go.:usure:

I honestly think the humor thing has more so to do with the director, than with if a mcu film is cosmic or not:yeshrug: Funny, cause I did see some early reviews of how the music and tone of IW reminding them of IW:mjlol:

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
I think Feige said that phase 4, even prior to them getting fox (although he might have know about the deal) was going more cosmic and less earth base, which kinda makes sense IMO; considering that only GOTG and Thor were the only cosmic based franchises.

As far as humor goes, y'all all say this but it doesn't show at the box office.:yeshrug: Everyone talks about how they love CA The Winter Soldier but its in the middle of the pack as far as MCU films go.:usure:

I honestly think the humor thing has more so to do with the director, than with if a mcu film is cosmic or not:yeshrug: Funny, cause I did see some early reviews of how the music and tone of IW reminding them of IW:mjlol:
well, at least black panther & spiderman will hold it down for the earthlings for two more movies.:mjcry:

Bleed The Freak

Dec 9, 2015
I believe him on this. Feige before any other Marvel stuff is an X-Men/Mutant fan. He is going to take great care bringing it to the public. And great care takes a lot of time.
I could see Phase 4 including F4, Doom, Galactus and SS. And they bringing the Eternals out as well. If they do all this it will be a heavy lift already. Doing mutant stuff as well would spread the talent too thin.

I'd really like to see X-Men expanded into detail with Disney + ala GOT. Then move into the movies.

You can have a totally separate storyline that then meshes into the movies.

X-Men is so rich and deep with heavy plot lines and character developments they need a LOT of room to grow.

Peter Popoff

AKA Petty Pimpiń..🤑
Dec 25, 2012
Brooklyn, Texas
It makes sense, in the comics the FF4 have more of a relationship with the avengers. Black Panther was once an honorary member. Plus Reed Richards, T'challa, and Doctor Strange, and i think Iron man were part of a superhero Illuminati. They also fit better into the quantum and space stuff that the mcu has been doing lately. Their Rogues gallery also has a stronger relationship with the avengers, like Doom and Namor, Skrulls etc. I could see them hinting at them in the next black panther film sort of like how claw showed up in Avengers 2.
Professor X was part of the illuminati too. They can add side characters without doing the X-Men like Logan and Cap in a cold war past sequence or Rogue and Captain Marvel.