They just finished shooting weeks ago, so post production hasn't even finished, I bet the next trailer will show a whole lot more
Do you already know the story?
yea the scene with the two professor x's kind of threw me off, maybe it all mental, but it would be weird if they actually met
I know the basic plot. The X-men of an Apocalyptic future send Wolverine back in time to mentor and protect a young Charles Xavier and prevent a horrible future from becoming reality.
sounds like the plot of Wolverine and the XMen
I would be way more hyped if Matthew Vaughn was still directing, I love the direction of first class. It looks pretty good, happy they didn't show the sentinels and most of the action scenes. I just hope we get more of the young cast and not so much of the old guys
I think there is a stark difference between disposing a villian via a "bottomless pit" and straight up killing em via laser beam.The way zod was handled in donner's shyt was left open ended.Was it a bottomless pit or was there a surface under that poof of smokeThe funny thing about that is....... In the last movie Zod was in, SUPERMAN KILLED HIM!!!
Don't see anyone complain then why complain now? They should be conditioned to seeing Sups kill peeps on the big screen!! Matter fact he murked 2 HUMANS!!
Zod became mortal and Sups dropped this nicca in a deep pit in the North Artic, and that other cat. No way in hell they survived that!!! And if they did by chance survive the fall, they surely died in the extreme cold
you are just realizing that now? shyt i knew that the moment I saw the cartoon on fox.Nimrod was essentially t-100...Thought everyone knew they both jacked the same fable.Cant remember the source material thoughThe movie is 70% first class cast, 30% oldies, film is basically Terminator with mutants
I think there is a stark difference between disposing a villian via a "bottomless pit" and straight up killing em via laser beam.The way zod was handled in donner's shyt was left open ended.Was it a bottomless pit or was there a surface under that poof of smoke :ehhh: hell who says supes didnt fly to catch then and send them to some space prison? the way zod died in MoS there was no guessing was he or wasnt he