So I'm guessing the movie starts some time right after X-3, then time skips to the future, then goes back to the past?
And look at Halle's stomach at 0:43 is she suppose to be preg in the movie?? or was she just preg in real life. If its just real life you'd think they would be able to hide it a little bit better.
I wish they wouldn't use wolverine for everything. It's sad that we have all these X-men movies yet there is still no real "TEAM". Just Wolverine and a ragtag of throw away misfits every movie.
I know there are a lot of mutants. I get that. But can we get some kind on consistency instead introducing 20 mutants every movie and then never hearing from them again like they never existed??? **cough** nightcrawler.
X-men in the movie doesn't feel like an actual mutant organization. It feels more like its just a halfway house for mutants.
I don't get hyped for seeing new mutants in these trailers, because I know they're only gunna get maybe 5 mins of screen time if that.
There's no team/character development. Wolverine hasn't changed at all, he's the same as he was before he even met the X-men. He hasn't gotten smarter, or faster, or stronger, or anything. Wolverine has been in every single xmen movie, if they wanted him to feel in the leader role why didn't they show any type of progression towards that role in all those movies. He seemed the most smart and level headed in X-Men - Origins but that just may be because he was next to a demonic sabertooth the whole time.
And I truly think Cyclops and Jean are that missing link the X-men needs. Without them there's no structure. It's like The Avengers without Iron Man and Captain America.
Which makes me think that X-men would be better if they gave Wolverine the Hulk treatment and gave Cyclops and Jean the Iron Man and Captain America treatment. If they need something destroyed, send wolverine, but if the task involves your brain and teamwork, send in Cyclops and Jean. But instead they send Wolverine for EVERYTHING.
Anybody else feeling me on this.
Sorry for the lack of smileys btw .