Why does apocalypse look like a cac that gives up boy c*nt. fukk
This is a wish. We talk in about cacs here. They not gonna have a black looking man building pyramids bruh come one.Origins Origins Origins. he was depicted as a boy in that pic thousands of years ago. Will look much different in modern times.
Why does apocalypse look like a cac that gives up boy c*nt. fukk
Exactly; But you know people are gonna bytch about something alwaysStill bytching about Apocalypse? Didn't u see the Evolution cartoon? Same gimmick.....he puts on the Apocalypse armor after the Celestial tech is found.
Im pissed, I didn't stay until after the credits rolled, what happened?
Why even leave at this point? All the comic book movies have something at the now a daysWhy do people continue to do this in 2014?All you gotta do is Google "_____ after credits scene" on your phone as soon as the movie ends to know whether or not you should bounce.
Posted this in the other thread..
Saw it again for the 2nd time today and I can honestly say this was the best X-Men movie out of the whole series. They re-booted the franchise in a very smart way in my opinion.
Them future Sentinels were nothing to fukk with. Seeing them literally ADAPT to every mutant they fight with and kill them at their own game had me like
There were some corny lines here and there but it didn't really take away from the movie.
When Magneto got them demo Sentinels and brought that whole stadium to white house just to fukk shyt up my only reaction was "Welp Erik gonna Erik"
Young Xavier was acting like a bytch though out a good potion of the movie but when his older self pretty much told him to stop acting like a bytch in a nice way he finally got his swag back like
Jennifer Lawence as Mystique was...she looked even better in that make up then Rebecca Romijn. When she said, "Whats the matter baby I don't look pretty enough for you?" I would have went
To be honest, after she is done with the Hunger Games movies I wouldn't be surprised if they do a spin off of just her character. Especially after that ending which could lead into the next Wolverine movie.
Oh yeah were some plotholes in this:
Like how did Logan get his metal craws back?
How did Ellen Page get her Back To The Future powers?
How did Magneto regain his powers after X3?
How did Xavier restore himself at the end of X3?
What happened to that Asian sidekick chick from Wolverine 2?
And that's all i can think of..
The after credits scene though
I guess business is about to pick up soon...can somebody explain whats about to go down in the coming movies?..
Why does apocalypse look like a cac that gives up boy c*nt. fukk
director has already stated that apocalypse will be set in the 80s with the younger characters.. he's gonna recast a younger everyone (who wasn't in first class) except wolverineLooked better than Rebecca Romain? But nah movie was dope,a little too much Mystique,never thought id ask for more wolverine after asking for less wolverine but god damn,he had one fight scene....could've at least put em to work at the Pentagon with the bone claws,i know they was pretty worthless against sentiniles.
Magneto was a savage...him trying to kill Mystiqe was a nice twist,and I even liked the part where he said JFK was a mutant...but was I the only one who had the
face on when he said that?But I still thought it was dope because he's a master manipulator so even if he was lyin it seemed right for him to lie to Charles....and I liked that Charles basically told em "
"?Whether he was truthful or lying you still had to
I think its safe to say they realized they fukked up with the past movies and didn't think far enuff ahead....but they did a good job in kindve rebooting it without having to do an actual reboot....My question is will it be two different Xmen's now....I cant imagine not having young Magneto or young Xavier in the future movies......old Xavier and old Magneto is
now and personally have never been as good as they younger selves
.....so will they continue to follow 70's version as well as the present day version in two separate movies or will that be too confusing
If Gambit,Wolverine and Mystique gon all be in one movie im guessing they will get the bulk of screen time,still leaving Cyclops and Storm in small cameo roles again
But if you had to pick do yall prefer old Magneto and old Xavier,or the younger versions?based on the ending I can only assume they will go with the younger versions and Apocalypse will be set in the 70's?