I don't think people realize that the original plan was for Singer to direct Both First Class and this sequel, he even tried to get out of doing Jack The Giant Killer in order to do it but couldn't because he'd already committed. Not taking anything away from Vaughn at all but First Class would've been virtually the same had Singer written it. These two films at LEAST have been planned out by Singer and Fox for awhile so I don't think this movie is in any danger of not being good because of Singer. If you liked X-1, 2, and FC chances are you'll enjoy DOFP
You're wrong. First Class had Vaughn's style written all over it. You compare X1&2 to FC, they are completely different films. Vaughn made FC a super hero movie, political thriller, and James Bond-esque film all in one.
Singer wrote the initial draft which was taken from a draft already established about Magneto and added bits and pieces. Vaughn had the last say and removed characters and added his own. Vaughn also took out the love triangle between Mags, X, and Moira (thank god!).
Check out the wiki and you'll see how the script went through various changes and even hints that Singer sharked Sheldon Turner's Magneto script to write his own.
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