X-Men (creative franchise): What is Magneto's helmet made of?
And how does it prevent Telepaths to read his mind? What's the material? in X-Men: First Class, Russians made Schmit that helmet. How do they know what can prevent telepaths from breaking and entering?
Cliff Gilley, X-Men fan since the late 80s.
3 upvotes by Quora User, Quora User, and
Madison Miller
In the comics, at least, It's never really been explained how the helmet prevents telepaths from reading his mind or manipulating him, and it's never really been explained where is comes from or what it's made of; however, since M is the master of magnetism, one could presume that he creates the helmet from whatever materials are available to him, and connects them together in such a way as to protect himself from intrusions of telepaths and others, perhaps through subtle manipulation of magnetic waves (after all, thoughts are "merely" electronic impulses, and M has been shown to be able to interact with the EMF spectrum with his powers).
The other inferential answer is that his helmet is made of the same materials and harnesses the same power or properties as Cerebro, since M was a key player in helping Prof. X to build the machine in the first place.
Written 2 Nov, 2013 โข 863 views
Nicole Moncada, Quora User,
Rohit Shinde,
Madison Miller,
You must understand that X-Men movies are
very different than the comic books.
In the main X-Men continuity (Earth-616), Magneto resists telepaths by sheer force of will. He has been immune to telepathy even without his helmet. Perhaps it was originally intended to be part of his mutation. Unfortunately, during the Utopia story arc one unskilled writer accidentally made Magneto say that his helmet protected him from telepaths; this is a great example of the tv tropes article
running the asylum. Historically, the main Magneto is naturally immune to telepathy.
In the Ultimate continuity, Magneto's helmet protects him from telepathy. Whatever the helmet is made of is never discussed as far as I know.
In the movie continuity, Magneto helped Charles Xavier to build Cerebro. It can be inferred that Magneto's helmet uses a technology similar to Cerebro to block telepathy.