WWE SummerSlam 8.19.18 "Lesnar vs Reigns IV, Let The Coronation Begin"

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
Had to let them know on IG how I felt about their booking and "champion". Posted this comment on their Roman reigns champion pic:

I only recognize one true champion and that's @ajstylesp1 . How you gonna have your WWE championship match between two great wrestlers in Styles and Samoa Joe be before 5 other matches in the middle of the card on the second biggest event of the year? Can't even get the main event or the lead up match, smh. @wwe Please explain that cuz I never saw Austin or The Rock defend the title in any match other than the main event. Soon it'll be on the kickoff show with this company's lack of respect for the wwe championship. Glad I don't watch on a weekly basis and cancelled my network subscription.

That’s one of, if not my biggest complaints: how little attention they pay to continuity, the lack of respect for tradition, lack of logical progression up the card by wrestlers, and how little priority is put on that title. I’m assuming it’s been over a year since the belt was competed for in one of the last 3 matches of the night and probably has been close to 15-18 months since it closed a show. How are you gonna treat the most storied championship in the history of the sport like it’s no more valuable than the IC title circa 2013? These guys knowingly put a fistful of matches ahead of it and close the show with a match for a belt with the WOAT lineage and use a bait and switch to mitigate the awful reaction and then wonder why so few people tune in. Same exact shyt they did to punk in 2011-13. He’s out there opening the show defending the title in the elimination chamber while matches nobody wanted in the first place like cena vs Kane or cena vs Johnny ace gets top billing and closes the show even with nothing at stake. I mean these a$$holes on back to back events had Roman vs Jinder (or was it Samoa joe? I can’t recall and don’t really care to google it) with nothing at stake go on after that belt and Braun tag teaming with a ten year old to bury the tag champs. Tonight I think baron Corbin even went on later than it did :scust:. Pretty sure last month Roman vs lashley again with nothing at stake closed the show while AJ vs Rusev went on in the middle of the show :martin:
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Playaz Eyez

Sep 2, 2015







Jun 1, 2012
AJ-Joe was GREAT. 4 stars. I didn't even mind the DQ. In fact, I would go as far as to say we need more dq/count out finishes.Dudes take too many flat out Ls these days. Hurts their heat, imo. The family angle is actually working here.

Carmella worked her ASS OFF tonight.

Braun Stroman's existence in the WWE Universe is becoming problematic. Basically ended kevin's career tonight just so they could make him look even stronger. Then make him look weak by wanting to cash in AFTER the match is over then getting his ass kicked from 2 or 3 moves so badly that he could never cash in on Roman. Just terrible.

Alexa getting beat more easily than Alicia Foxx is a bad look, too. I'd much rather see DQ or countout finishes instead of squashes.


Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
AJ-Joe was GREAT. 4 stars. I didn't even mind the DQ. In fact, I would go as far as to say we need more dq/count out finishes.Dudes take too many flat out Ls these days. Hurts their heat, imo. The family angle is actually working here.

Carmella worked her ASS OFF tonight.

Braun Stroman's existence in the WWE Universe is becoming problematic. Basically ended kevin's career tonight just so they could make him look even stronger. Then make him look weak by wanting to cash in AFTER the match is over then getting his ass kicked from 2 or 3 moves so badly that he could never cash in on Roman. Just terrible.

Alexa getting beat more easily than Alicia Foxx is a bad look, too. I'd much rather see DQ or countout finishes instead of squashes.


Braun needed to win the title last year at summerslam or no mercy. It was painfully obvious. He’s been sitting in purgatory ever since with them always having to knock him down a step or two just so they don’t have the same situation as when Bryan was sitting with no direction after Batista won the rumble. Every week that passes without him winning the title at this point does more and more harm to him. Between the stupid shyt last year at the survivor series, having Kane randomly enter the title match at the rumble to eat the pin, teaming with the kid at wrestlemania, and his pointless feud with Owens, they’re running out of way to keep the belt off him. It leaves Rollins in limbo too. 3 years ago he was the top heel and the top guy having won the belt in a top 2 cash in moment. Now he’s facing Ziggler for the IC belt? Isn’t that belt supposed to be for young guys on the way up? Rollins has been here for six years now and done far bigger things, and Ziggler peaked a long time ago, has been there for 13-14 years, and is running the same HBK/ diesel angle he was running with big e back in 2012.


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
What was the point of Miz cheating to win then? It doesn't elevate Miz, because he cheated. "Oh it sets up a second match". But they did a segment afterwards where Daniel Bryan made no mention of cheating and just playing pity victim like he lost clean. You could not watch that segment and tell he lost by opponent cheating. So it wasn't needed.

Swear some of you came from old TNA PPVs and now salivate at these same finishes because it's WWE doing them instead.
Nah you just didnt pay attention. Bryan had ice on his head and told Brie "I should have known Miz and Maryse would pull something like that." Selling they cheated.


May 8, 2012
I dug the show mostly, I'm good about it.

Rollins/Ziggler was dope as usual. These two put in work every time.

The tag title match was eh. Kinda ready to move on from the Bludgeons, it was a good time to put the belts back on New Day... with Hell In A Cell next month, do we get a rematch in the Cell like New Day & Usos had last year? I'm down for that, but if not, they shoulda just changed the titles here.

Braun with the squash was about right. Made him look dominant as ever. Doesn't do KO any favors, but he'll be aiight. Feud's over anyway.

Lookin' fwd to the Charlotte/Becky fallout. Although honestly, I felt the turn coming but I hoped it would be Charlotte. I know the usual thing is for the one who lost to do the sore loser thing and turn heel on the winner... but what if, just to be a complete heel about the situation- she wins, hugs her friend, then cracks her with the belt just to kick her while she's down. At least the crowd would've reacted accordingly. We just saw a heel turn get one of the biggest pops of the night :russ: Guess they thought Becky'd get booed. WRONG!

AJ/Joe is a feud I'm lookin' forward to goin' further, we're definitely gettin' this in a Cell next month. I thought maybe we'd get a clear winner out of this and then some post match stuff to stretch the feud, but I dug the finish with AJ flippin' the fk out with the chair. Joe is a great heel, still.

Bryan/Miz was match of the night IMO. We're definitely gettin' more of this, it could be the feud of the year honestly. The mic work so far has been dope, and this match delivered. Thought Miz would get some bullshyt sneaky win, which goes further to prove everything DB says about him... but that comeuppance when Bryan fukks him up for good gonna be :whew: Wouldn't be mad if they stretched this for two more PPVs.

Balor back with the Demon! I was wondering why they were stretching this feud and having Balor get punked out so much... dope way to reintroduce this, and gladly, the match wasn't too long. Corbin in the ring bores the shyt outta me.

Jeff/Nakamura is better on paper than in the ring. Didn't really do much, and Orton walking halfway to the ring just to walk backstage was... :what:

Ronda/Bliss was dope, mostly cause it's just Ronda whoopin' Bliss' ass. This is pretty much what Nia/Alexa shoulda been at Mania, instead of that 10-minute match that felt mad long and unrealistic. Good to see Natalya back so soon, seriously didn't expect to see her around so soon.

Roman/Brock... ahhh... so I'm glad Brock's run with the belt finally is a wrap. I don't hate the dude but it was time. He definitely aint the Brock that was in there with Punk in '13, or the Brok that destroyed Cena in '14... he's unmotivated as fukk, and has been for the last 2 years. I guess if he really is soon to be leaving, Roman had to finally go over him after takin' so many Ls to him. BUT... this whole shyt with Braun coming down there, laying the challenge, only to catch an F5 and disappear while Roman celebrates at the end... :what: I was waitin' to see Roman celebrating and then Braun raises up like the "monster" he's supposed to be, then he gets in the ring... so he just got F5'd and said "fukk it, some other time"? Made no sense to do that. So where does this go? I mean I got an idea it's going toward Braun/Roman but the execution tonight was kinda blah.

So overall, good Slam... had a lotta good moments and matches, definitely delivered for the most part.
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