idk why these dudes got rid of RZA as they executive producer outside of ghost on Supreme Clientele. Also not sure why RZA didn't just shelve Method Man, Deck and U-God's album and not just recreate them unless, at least with Meth they wanted to keep up the momentum.
Post the Forever tour blow up, RZA only stuck with a few while he finally went for dolo. Ghost had always been RZA's tightest in the Clan outside of literal family, so they stayed close. He felt he hadn't given U & Deck the same opportunities as the other Clan members, so he did a chunk on Uey's and less on Deck's as they were trying to push Deck as a producer himself at the time plus he shepherded Meth's 2nd more than the credits would show. RZA let people do as they feel but didn't divorce himself from their process entirely until the members split from their Wu Records deals (which allowed proceeds from each individual signing to go back into the collective) around 2000 .
First run exec. productions through Forever were all RZA, Divine, Power & Ghost (treasurer).
2nd run:
GZA's exec producers were himself, RZA & Arabian Knight/Q-Base for Beneath the Surface
Rae's exec producers were himself & Power for Immobilarity
Deck's exec producers were Divine & RZA on Uncontrolled Substance
U-God's exec producers were himself, RZA & Mook on Golden Arms Redemption
ODB had no exec producer info on ----- Please
Meth's exec producers were himself, Kevin Liles, Divine & RZA on T2: Judgement Day
RZA's exec producers were himself, Divine & Jon Baker on BDIS
Masta & Ghost didn't drop in that timeframe but Ghost's exec producers were himself, RZA & Divine on SC and Masta's on NSD were himself, RZA, GZA w/ the label heads & Dreddy Kruger as A&R.
Realize the only album to have zero RZA involvement or credit in that time is Rae's sophomore attempt and then maybe people will start understanding my long standing claim on Rae doing a CL follow-up w/ absolutely no RZA or Ghost, which were universal highlights of his debut, were driven 1000% on self interest and ego.