It was a great album, it's just 36 Chambers was so monumental, that is the one album that was so ahead of their time that they made a lot of rappers sound ancient.
Wu Forever is a great album, but not groundbreaking.
I got to argue it was groundbreaking. The production, engineering and mastering was next level. It's an elite album sonically. Movie score quality but still street and hip hop to the core. They found the sweet spot between the vintage Wu sound and going too far into digital and experimental. They never did anything like it before.
And to be real they leveled up as rappers since 36. Raekwon, Ghost, Deck, RZA and U-God especially delivered at a crazy high level. GZA ain't get enough slots but got some classic verses too. As do Meth even though he later spoke on not really feeling it at the time.
Still arguably the GOAT double album. At worst it's top 3, and got less filler than the other contenders.
The main criticism always come back to it's too clean, lacked the rawness and energy of 36. But it would have been foolish to try to recreate that.
They had too much money, fame and recognition to pretend to be hungry. Wouldn't have been genuine. This was like a celebration of everything they did the prior five years. And it was a unique and original album.
On that point maybe my least favorite aspect of hip hop discussion, is focusing on what albums ain't instead of appreciating what they are. Every thread about this album you gonna find dudes rushing to mention Black Shampoo. Like, why? It's one skippable track on a double disc. An album with deep cuts like For Heaven's Sake, Scary Hours, Older Gods, Severe Punishment, Impossible, Deadly Melody, Bells of War, Hellz Wind Staff. Why the first thing so many want to mention is the couple filler tracks?