Why is this white women success being used to denigrate a black women
No because Beyoncé doesn’t write her own music and she doesn’t really have any depth. lol.Man, the major networks have been analyzing this got damn album on their morning show for a week straight. I mean fukin 10 minute segments detailing the minutiae of it, psychoanalyzing the lyrics and shyt. Annoying af. Did they do this for Yawnsay’s country album?
In the modern era, only Beyoncé and Rihanna are the exception to the rule because they crossed over to pop music and non black/whiter audiences. They both diluted their original sounds to be more palatable and accessible to the non black masses. But Taylor never had to do that.
You’re pushing 50 and have been posting on SOHH since 2001. You’re too old for this behavior.
white folks don't know about Lana Del Rey?