See me after school.![]()

About 34%.Remember when you thought you could beat uncharted 4 on crushing and I had to break the news to you that you were just a regular gamer?
Did that get you tight ?
See me after school.![]()
About 34%.Remember when you thought you could beat uncharted 4 on crushing and I had to break the news to you that you were just a regular gamer?
Did that get you tight ?
Good fun on a slow news dayI don't think we need to start banning everything like Era but there is way too much console fangirling on this board
Nah we good.
Respectfully, it's not your call. Brook asked me to be a super mod because moderation is basically nonexistent on half the site. Including this sub-forum.
I don't plan on doing anything too drastic but I can't tell the owner of the site "nah man, they said they're good." That's not how this works, I gotta moderate the whole site. That's what a super mod does. Same as Houston.
I gotta tell Brook to give me a side job.
So I guess Courtdog getting unbanned is out of the question![]()
Honestly not sure what's up with Court, that was before I became super mod.
Brook/Houston are looking for more mods, not sure for what sub-forums. I think more in general, as long as they're active. The issue is we have like 50 mods and 10 of them are active.
Well shyt, I'm active as fukk. Imma hit him up on twitter then.![]()
I have no idea how active he is on Twitter, but I'll pass the word to Houston.
What would you want to moderate?
Anything is cool since the site needs the help. Brook can rely on me.![]()
No one's reporting anything so what do you need to moderate ?Respectfully, it's not your call. Brook asked me to be a super mod because moderation is basically nonexistent on half the site. Including this sub-forum.
I don't plan on doing anything too drastic but I can't tell the owner of the site "nah man, they said they're good." That's not how this works, I gotta moderate the whole site. That's what a super mod does. Same as Houston.
No one's reporting anything so what do you need to moderate ?
The whims of a guy from another forum..makes no sense.
Hire a moderator from within and there's no issue. You aren't an arcadium poster.
Ok I get the humble flexFam you seem confused like this is a vote or something.
A super mod moderates the entire site. Brook don't give a fukk if I'm not active in every sub-forum. Houston isn't active in every sub-forum either, that has nothing to do with anything.
A super mod handles reports but they moderate the entire site, regardless of reports.
The reason moderation has been lax is because we don't have active mods. They made me a super mod to fix that.
Even if we have a dedicated Arcadium moderator....I'm moderating the entire site. Same as Houston. You can feel free to not like it butthere isn't anyone to appeal to. The owner of the site decided this.
Breh I already been a super mod for like 2 months and nobody even noticed.So you're deciding to moderate talk about posters shytting on Xbox and playstation. You think hats necessary, where no one's asking for it.
I hear what you're saying but what exactly are you moderating if only 1 person is reporting something no one else is tripping about.
90% of the people that got bushed/banned since I became super mod have been in TLR