"Worldstarhiphop is much blacker than the Coli..."


Aug 9, 2017
Just read some of the sub-forum's mission statement, WTF :huhldup:

I still don't even know what HAPA stands for lol

Half-Asian, Part American?? :patrice:

But that wouldn't make sense, since American is a nationality and not a race/ethnicity :patrice:

Unless they believe only whites/cacs are Americans? :patrice::ohhh::sas1::sas2::mjpls:

they mad at this to:mjlol:

these nikkas just disgurntled ass halfbreeds and asian men



Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
The previous conversations...
Wait so they think real black people can only come from the *american* ghetto? :gucci:

The level of disrespect :picard:

You have to be from the hood to be black according to these Asian brehs :mjlol:

Hmm so the worldstar demographic is supposedly a true representation of black identities than suburbanites or 'wealthy' Africans. :mjpls:

What obtuse oversimplification of the website by a half breed mutt. Just reading that you can tell he's never visited let alone touched the No BS section. Though, why would he that asicac just came here to appropriate the culture.

Obviously Worldstar isn't 'Blacker' than TheColi, he's bugging for that

But he's spot-on as far as the Carlton Banks comment. There's a significant disconnect between the majority of TheColi and the greater Black community. Children of Mid/Upper Middle Class black households are oftentimes far removed from authentic Black culture and view it largely in the abstract, that's why the 'hood' videos that get posted on here or videos that are more reflective of our visceral, everday culture are seen as "cacs and c00n" topics. I believe this is what TheColi calls "New Blacks".

The majority of these nikkas only frame of reference for Black men is Carlton Banks, Barack Obama or Nas. And that's cool but the disconnect festers nontheless and you'll see nikkas on TheColi talk in white conservative language about Black people who aren't like them, allat "ghetto ratchet thugs!" talk you see on here is a testament to that.

Feels like some Twilight Zone shyt, lml. This is exactly what we say about some BW.

nikkas getting mad @ asians saying only blacks from the hood are "authentic blacks".:mjlol:

Ive seen nikkas on this site claim the same exact thing though:sas1:.

That shyt is cac and c00n topics when you post ignorant wshh clips. That shyt aint aint our culture, and it should be shunned and abused. That bullshyt is a bad look and should not be praised on this forum.

Actually everyone now, suburbs or ghetto, are new blacks. 70 years ago our parents and grandparents (or great grandparents to some of you) came from the rural South. My mom grew up raising their own chickens living in an all black rural community in the south.

Those comments come from white supremacy. To them, we can't have various influences in our culture, we have to come from one place and act like a certain set of characteristics or else we aren't "typical black". White supremacy and the people who submit to it reduce and stereotype us instead of understanding that we are a varied and multifaceted people and always have been. Being multifaceted is part of personhood and telling us we can't be black is taking our humanity away. They are allowed to come from rural parts of the world, the suburbs, the city. They're allowed to listen to all kinds of music, go to school or stay home, go through teenage years and act like stupid kids, then wise up and become adults. They are allowed to grow and change. A person in the Appalachian mountains in a trailer is just as white as a wealthy NorthWestern tech entrepreneur.

But we are fake black unless we come from 1990s Inglewood and if we aren't we are removed from our culture. FOH.

I think yall are harping on this idea of socially typecasting Black people into one 'mode', and that's absolutely right, White supremacy holds our very sense of 'Blackness' to a rigid set of stereotypes that they use to further oppress us,and non-white groups have appropriated that set of thinking and been subsumed under the broader ideological school of White supremacy, no arguments here at all.

However, that's not necessarily what the Asian dude was speaking to above (Admittedly, I didn't real every comment, but the one I cited atleast). his observation was more about the disconnect that I spoke to between the various (And relatively 'new') socioeconomic masses in the Black sphere and the ideological shift that's come as a direct result of that. and further, how it's extremely prevalent on TheColi, ironically since this is supposed to be the paragon of Black discourse on the interwebs.

When you talk about Inglewood in the 90s as a means to juxtapose the two 'extremes', you're further playing into that in a sense by seperating yourself (A black man/woman) from another Black man or woman based with wanton disregard for our own history (There's a reason why Inglewood or Detroit has the issues it does, and it's not because 'ghetto people live there' or some shyt, which is often what these arguments boil down to, and that's a white man's talking point.)

Migration and cultural shifts are foundational elements of a people's identity, and in our short history(post slavery) that's been doubly true, but my issue stems from the often white supremacist attitudes of certain Black people, the Asian dude just picked up on it too is all.

note: I've lived in just about all socioeconomic classes as a Black man, so I'm not just talking shyt to nikkas for the sake of it.

You just contradicted the actual stats posted in here that dispute that and co-signed their (reddit) shyt despite the proof saying otherwise.


"hood videos are more reflective of your everday culture" :mjpls:

so in summary you think just like the reddit dudes that majority of black people and also the most authentic black people are hood :dead:

No, I didn't "Body myself", I merely followed up on the OP's initial observation. You cannot read more than 3 lines so every statement is in a vacuum and comes off without context to you. I pointed out that certain segments of our community and broader culture are viewed in disdain on TheColi because they're abstract bodies (don't exist, don't know about them, don't understand them, just hear white people talk about it alot so they hate it).

How about your find your own opinions. READ and then make an assertion

those Asians reddit dudes have a point, I always said alot of us who get money wanna socialize poor but think rich.

cats making 150k a year wanna be all hood around black folks living in poverty but once they go home or back to the burbs they wanna forget the hood.

young Pharoah spoke on this with the trump comment on the NFL, said he don't care cuz alot of rich nikkas wanna keep their hood pass but don't really care about cats living the struggle.

nikkas wanna socialize around it to keep the p*ssy going but really the ones who feel the real blunt of the anger is the women, black women especially are shown the true feeling of how people see the community.

white women can go anywhere and get a man and that's usually how whites are viewed world wide.

even with the educated black population, they still have little power to make change, can't even get a white man locked up for shooting a unarmed brotha on camera.

so they got a point, all that education and money and nikkas wanna keep it real and hood to socialize but wanna blend into white America to keep what they have.

1. You can't be a "new black:" without money breh, poor nikkas can't walk downtown and associate with middle class white/Asian or Hispanics brehs like a middle class black can so I disagree. "New Blacks" primarily get that label because they're seen in a better light and often times have more money/better image with leads them to be able to associate with others with the same education and image as them.

brothers in the hood, broke and slanging drugs all day ain't associating with doctors and laywers and dating/marrying educated sisters bro, usually that's not the case.

New blacks primary are about education and attaining resources, the problem is in order to get that you're being trained in a white owned institution telling you how you should act and speak.

This is what these Asians are saying, they don't have a problem with you attaining the education, they have a problem with you attaining the education and branching out socially to explore the horizons while complaining how everyone hates you.

And truth be told, you'll never win the argument with any racist asian or cac as to why you dating this non black women when you cry racism all day period, you will always lose that one.

Asians integrate heavy in America but usually they build for each other, we simply don't.

I use to be downtown looking bummy go to work, I couldn't even associate with my people cuz they looked at me as a bum.

I don't see low income Asian people downtown usually other Asians employ them and keep them outta view from white people, only time you see them is when they deliver food to your job.

When it comes to racism and the racist cac or asian speaking ill on black folks, alot of what they say is on point, I always said blacks are more classict than any other group on people in this country. we separate quickly based on money but what to come together to socialize on the same poor we don't wanna fukk with too heavy in real life.

The problem you have is when asians and cacs call you carlton but are they wrong? You make 6 figures but you all up in the booth speaking on some rapper who spent his whole in the trap dogging bullets, living that life, while you scooping to the hood to fukk a sister and dropping her back off when you done, you speak real nikka shyt to socialize at the bar then go out on a date with a Hispanic or white chick, that to them makes you look fake.

I believe in white supremacy only because we don't really respect or want to deal with each other unless we fit a certain mold. If we came together as one, the hoods will open up businesses over night.

I go to the strip club, I'm in the hood pretty often and talk to alot of the sisters in the struggle, the uneducated sister or the sister with multiple kids at 22, trust me, they don't even respect most nikkas but the problem is the middle class cats who can put them in a home or provide something for them only scoop them up to fukk and drop them back home, the frustration from them is crazy.

I'm as black as they come, been real about trying to turn my life around, been blunt about hating how my educated father didn't fukk with me and I was raised in a matriarch where I came out fukked up trying to fight and I'm real enough to most most of us are extremely classist and despite poor but we use the slang and rep for attention to keep that hood pass, the Carlton label is right, most middle class blacks who make bread want to keep that pass in their back pocket at all times.

You haven't learn t from Marilyn Mosley, Van Jones or any other black educated democrat, they feed you bullshyt and you eat it up and wonder why you can't defeat white supremacy.

They preach unity but only among themselves with equal education and resources and the poor is left unprotected.

No it's not because you don't have the privilege whites have since they control the narrative, nothing c00nish about what I said, you want white acceptance and stay away from black inferiority, that's what really being c00nish is.

Everyone sees it, no one who isn't black will tell you though.

Whites have the money and resources to hide their poor and whatever ills they do, you wanna separate from yours. But don't mind fukking the hood bytches though knowing you only wanna smash and dash and marry someone on your level.

With that argument most you nikkas have you can shyt on poor black folks but whites, asians and others will look at you like you a c00n and that's what they do.

Everybody knows what he means, blacks who grow up in the burbs are so far removed from their culture, its absurd

Hearing some black woman talk like valley girls(like oh my god)
and blacks acting like Carlton banks is funny and sad at the same time.

I been around blacks from the burbs who have a hard time understanding Ebonics.

...remind me of issues I have with both "white suburban" AAs and "hood" AAs. That I've mentioned before.

Continued below


Nov 13, 2013
How do you spoiler?

Yes it really happens, you must be from the burbs too
Who are you "explaining" slang to? People older than 25? Slang is YOUTH culture, not black culture. Slang changes every 6 months. If my dad talked to in slang from the 70s and my grandpa slang from the 40s, you wouldn't know what they were talking about. Are you less black now?


Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
Continued from above

Growing up in a place like Birmingham, Alabama I'm used to seeing AA at all levels of society be it mayor, judges, business owners, police, construction, teachers, office workers, lawyers, retail, sanitation, doctors(aunts a general surgeon), etc. I have to say a lot of the stuff I hear from not only yall in this thread but on thecoli in general just throws me off and really highlights the issue of "regional bias/realities" for lack of a better term. Stuff like the convo I'm having with @NoChill Jones above is just baffling to me on certain levels because it flies directly in the face of my lived "regional reality" in the U.S.

For example:
You have people who grew up in white majority suburbs or cities that can't wrap their head around the fact that there are those of us who grew up just fine in a black ran city or in the case here that such places really even do/can exist.
2. You also have AA who grew up in the "hood" who think that all places where AA are the majority is exactly like their "hood" and want to escape to white suburbs
3. You have people like myself who grew up middle class in a black ran city who are blind to the issues of direct racism that people in majority white communities face.(I couldn't imagine stop & frisk)

Growing up my daddy worked at AT&T in the advertising(yellow pages) dept while my ma worked at AT&T in your standard H.R. middle management gig. I.E. we were "relatively" comfortable(we had all our needs and most of our wants met). That said we still grew up in a "financially integrated" black area. Everything from warehouse worker & McDonald manager to nurse & electrician.
When I see black folks get shot down without accountability, stop & frisk, courts fukking over AA by stacking jury/ not prosecuting,etc etc etc.
That kinda shyt is foreign to me, nowhere near my "regional reality". Which leads me to think, why do they continue to live under the jurisdiction of cacs when we see how they treat us:dwillhuh:

Now obviously everyone can't afford to move :whoa: But luckily there is a back migration of African Americans to the south already under way.
After nearly 100 years, Great Migration begins reversal
New Great Migration - Wikipedia



:comeon: Now that's some suburban didn't grow up around black folk talking shyt right there. That's like those people who make a mental population map in their heads.......

Then say anything that happens in the blue inner circle is indicative of everything in that circle. Put simply just because there is a 50%(random number) chance there will be a shooting incident every [insert # of days] there aren't equal 50% odds that any ol person in the circle will be shot.

Example: of that kinda thinking at 7:30 - 8:30(sexy chocolate sister on the far left)

  • I'm not worried the postman is going to attack the elementary school teacher down the street.
  • I'm not worried the truck driver is going to attack the office worker down the street.
  • I'm not worried the nurse is going to attack the cable man down the street.
  • I'm not worried the church pastor is going to attack the auto repairman down the street.
Everyone knows where the fukkery comes from in the neighborhoods and where not to go:stopitslime: ...now who causes the fukkery is another question all together:whoa:
The people getting shot are manly those engaged in fukkery ...and for better or worse they stick to themselves and leave "civilians" mostly alone. Unless you in a place like Chicago wit strays popin damn near anybody :francis: .................:sadcam::snoop:

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Bondye Vodou

Proud practitioner of the "High Science"
Jan 5, 2013
:camby: who gives a fukk what some virgin ass haffu hapas think anyways, these nikkaz prolly ain't smelt a piece of p*ssy since dey came outta p*ssy.... fk em


High On That Ray Charles
Jul 23, 2015
This is the dumbest comment I've ever read.:heh: you know damn well that never happens.

This is my ex she in school for engineering, but she a black valley girl. Grew up around white people all her life and what's sad she's from Africa




High On That Ray Charles
Jul 23, 2015
Who are you "explaining" slang to? People older than 25? Slang is YOUTH culture, not black culture. Slang changes every 6 months. If my dad talked to in slang from the 70s and my grandpa slang from the 40s, you wouldn't know what they were talking about. Are you less black now?

Stop it, if you're from the culture you can know what they mean just by the context is being used.

So different eras don't matter.


Dont mind me..Im a azzhole
Sep 14, 2012
Them Lo Lifes...
Who are you "explaining" slang to? People older than 25? Slang is YOUTH culture, not black culture. Slang changes every 6 months. If my dad talked to in slang from the 70s and my grandpa slang from the 40s, you wouldn't know what they were talking about. Are you less black now?
TBH, Slang is street culture. There are plenty of youth that dont speak in slang, yet ANYBODY thats in the streets will use street vernacular, young and old.

Slang is also code for people who are nosy..

Some slang stays local, while some becomes universal in its use..

Most slang is spread through music and television and now the internet.

If you can keep it in context slang from the 40's and 70's inst that hard to figure out.

And most of todays slang terms originated with the inner city or black community.


Nov 13, 2013
TBH, Slang is street culture. There are plenty of youth that dont speak in slang, yet ANYBODY thats in the streets will use street vernacular, young and old.

Slang is also code for people who are nosy..

Some slang stays local, while some becomes universal in its use..

Most slang is spread through music and television and now the internet.

If you can keep it in context slang from the 40's and 70's inst that hard to figure out.

And most of todays slang terms originated with the inner city or black community.
Okay but you know older people don't know slang like young people. Youth tend to know more of it across races and across time. Older people trying to say zaddy or some other new shyt sound stupid af, like they're trying to be young.

At the end of the day if you're over 25 looking down on other people who are over 25 and don't know the slang that's common among 14 year olds and musicians, you can't complain about them not being black.

Slang and street culture is part of Black culture, but black culture is OLDER and more complex that that.


High On That Ray Charles
Jul 23, 2015
Okay but you know older people don't know slang like young people. Youth tend to know more of it across races and across time. Older people trying to say zaddy or some other new shyt sound stupid af, like they're trying to be young.

At the end of the day if you're over 25 looking down on other people who are over 25 and don't know the slang that's common among 14 year olds and musicians, you can't complain about them not being black.

Slang and street culture is part of Black culture, but black culture is OLDER and more complex that that.

Aye, I thought that never happens?

And slang is street culture like he said old or young can pick on the slang because its innate from them being in the streets, part of being in the streets is to pick up on stuff.

I don't expect my grandma to know what a thot is cause she worked and went to church, (hip grandma's can pick up on what a thot is)but even she knows how to speak in code cause thats all slang is and its within the streets you will find the most black culture in the Americas.

I wouldn't say you're not black if you don't know slang and stuff but if you exhibit a lot of behaviors that's far from the culture, than I'm looking at you funny.


Dont mind me..Im a azzhole
Sep 14, 2012
Them Lo Lifes...
Okay but you know older people don't know slang like young people. Youth tend to know more of it across races and across time. Older people trying to say zaddy or some other new shyt sound stupid af, like they're trying to be young.

At the end of the day if you're over 25 looking down on other people who are over 25 and don't know the slang that's common among 14 year olds and musicians, you can't complain about them not being black.

Slang and street culture is part of Black culture, but black culture is OLDER and more complex that that.
One of the reason being is old heads cant identify with todays mainstream hip hop.

But you also have adults who are STILL into hip hop and will use the current slang...sounding young doesnt have anything to do with it.

If you DONT use the slang in everyday life and trying to use it to sound hip or in the know..THATS what makes you sound stupid...it comes off as forced.

The complaint comes in more with using slang to be hip in contrast to actually being part of the culture where slang is derived.

Prime example of this was the movie Havoc or Malibu's Most Wanted.

And the black culture we are referring to is the slang that is used and adopted from the inner city used by non urban and suburban youth(non blacks) as a way to fit in, belong or identify with.

And most if not all urban style of the world is created by Black youth.