To quote the great @missyleebunny, "I truly feel that the vast majority of black women would not care if white men fell off the face of the Earth tomorrow. All they want is a man who will cherish, defend, provide for and protect them, preferably black. But if not, white or "other" will do too. That's it."
There are varieties of black people world wide but it's not the case that where we are, there are black people we want to date/marry for whatever reason...that's life. It's not feasible for every single person to relocate to find Mr./Ms. Right. I'm not in favor of IR because black men/women "ain't shyt", but I advocate for people to find (genuine) love where they can. If that love is outside their race, so be it... The woman in this article has low self esteem that's related to her blackness...I hope incidences like hers are isolated.
Again, everyone has an opinion about beauty, and when it comes down to it, none matters but the people involved.
well it's a good thing that you're sorta pro black, some black men find you attractive, and that you don't respond to antagonism (like my post) with your own foolishness,
because none of what you're saying is true and you'll still be OK , even with that being the case. More than I can say for half the chicks in here.