Women reject 95% of potential partners on dating apps


Feb 16, 2017
How is it out there? How much do u need a month to live in either SD or Sosua?

And are u saying dudes are struggling with women there too?

You could get by but with as little as 1400 bucks a month I know some people getting by with less. There's a guy who's sustaining himself by selling Cigars to other visitors and expats. He also sells Cigars overseas, I think he's trying to send free cigars to Michael Jordan.

There's literally no way dudes can struggle with women over here. I was at this restaurant where expats hang out (It's sorta like the local version of IHOP) and we were chopping it up and looking at women pass speaking in English and it turned out a Lesibian couple understood us because one of them used to live in Pittsburgh. We all low key put our bids in and they confrimed they were lesibians politely. One of them went to the bathroom and this over sixty year old playa (who's married and lives in TX) got the other one's number.

That's how it is out here chicks are super polite, you can talk to anyone. In fact there's an ADOS Black chick who hangs out at the same spot and kicks it with the fellas.

To put this in context when you're overseas there's always a bar or restaurant where the local expats and tourists hang out in all third world countries local chicks who hang out in these spots are trying to holla at expats or already have expat boyfriends. This is not a "hooker bar" It's a streetside restaurant where you can holla at chicks for free or the fee. It's the kind of place where dudes can "street harass" women while drinking a beer in the shade.

Needless to say if this was in New York bytches would be tripping here it's okay and in this place there's an ADOS chick who lives on the other side of town who comes here to kick it with the fellas. nikkas be looking at chicks saying Damn she has a fat ass, or don't fukk with that one she's a hoe. And even saluting ratchet hoes that manage to fool a unknowing tourist into wining and dining a hoe with a million bodies on her.

In that environment this ADOS chick expat is non judgemental and is one of the fellas. If you ever come to Santo Domingo I suggest strongly that you check in with the Fellas at Paco's and get put up on game so that you don't fukk with a girl that you think is a "good girl" who might be a hoe with 20 nikkas sending her Western Union money every month.


All Star
May 8, 2015
She sounds unwell mentally.

Her response wasn't out of pocket or anything, just really unaware of her predicament. It's like Kevin Samuels says... high income, successful career woman who wants to be married and have kids, but has been lied to by white women, older black women and society and doesn't realize how dire her situation is becoming. I more so feel sorry for black women like her.


Feb 16, 2017
If Tinder is an app for hook ups, why do majority of women put “no hook ups” on their profiles? :jbhmm:

Even @Booksnrain said in this very thread she had that on her profile too

Because bytches be capping. That and depending on the guy she might not be looking for hook ups but if the right guy was in front of her she'd give up the drawls.

That No hook up shyt is a shyt test to filter out "lames" who believe Hoe babble.


Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
If Tinder is an app for hook ups, why do majority of women put “no hook ups” on their profiles? :jbhmm:

Even @Booksnrain said in this very thread she had that on her profile too
Mental gymnastics. Women seem to want to appear a certain way to without actually being that. Once this is understood you can work around it.


May 19, 2013
:mjlol: some chick kinda did that to me

I went out with some chick I met on Hinge a month or so ago. We was already hitting it off on FT and on the date. Seemed like a good probability I could have brought her home but it was a Saturday night and my homeboys wanted to go out and I wasn’t in a rush anyway.

We supposed to meet that Monday at my crib. I told her before we even met I’m not a chaser. Also told her I think internet dating is lame and unnatural. Monday came and she didn’t hit me up at all so I didn’t hit her up :yeshrug:

Tuesday and Wednesday pass still no contact. She randomly texts me Thursday “you were right about internet dating” then blocks my number :mjlol:

She was also in her mid 30s :unimpressed:

mid 30s women are the worst to deal with...34-43, I would avoid if I was trying to be serious
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Feb 12, 2015
I agree with a lot of what u saying but some shyt has to be learned via experience. You can’t be taught body language, confidence, charisma etc.

Best advice is stop being afraid of rejection. It really is that simple. I honestly think that’s the main thing in brehs ways. Talk to women with the actual expectation of getting rejected and it won’t sting as much. There is no perfect one size fits all thing u can say to guarantee women will be receptive. Just say whatever is on your mind. After you get rejected a few times in real life you realize it is nowhere as bad as you imagined it to be and become more indifferent to it.

One night I looked around the whole dance floor and realized I got rejected by every single woman in the club who wasn’t my home girl or one of my man’s girl. I legit laughed out loud and said “fukk it let me go to the bar and regroup”. I still ended up smashing something, a decent looking chick at that.

I’m pretty sure most these “incels” aren’t truly incel. Involuntary celibacy implies you’re actually trying and failing. Most these dudes not even talking to women, they expect women to approach them and pretty much throw the p*ssy at them.

All this goes back to fear of rejection. Conquer that and you will naturally develop charisma, confidence, body language etc

Yea we grew up on Joe “I wanna know” :obama:

They grew up on Mario “I don’t wanna know” :gucci: :scust:

On another note what u think bout my post bout why men don’t like paying for first dates? :jbhmm:
My notifications got flooded. I didn’t even know this thread was still going. :deadmanny:Lemme backtrack and find it.


Feb 12, 2015
Women dress up primarily to stunt on other women and to get beta's to simp out. Beyonce' wrote a whole song about it.

Having a baby is normalized all over the world and older chicks will pay big money to get impregnated through IVF so called stigma be damned.

In reality the issue is women want fly Men for social status and good genes. All that other shyt is justification for the real issue.
Bold is the primary reason along with attracting male attention that you desire. Even female competition is driven by this to large extent.

It’s not justification. It’s a real pain in the ass to inconvenience yourself for somebody you really not even into. That’s why women ain’t trying to go through all that shyt unless the dude is worth it to her.:yeshrug:

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Far as the paying for dates thing you keep bringing up, a big reason men hate paying for first dates especially with online dating is because there’s no incentive paying for a meal for a woman he will most likely not even see again. There are a lot of women using men for free meals on these apps.

And it’s wild hypocritical to do all this “I got my own money, I don’t need a man for that” then complain bout paying for your own meal. That is strictly an American woman thing. I’ve lived in 2 European countries and the women there pride themselves on being independent, taking the good and bad with a smile on their faces. Only in America do women want modern rights while holding onto traditional expectations when equality becomes inconvenient for her. :unimpressed:
