Women reject 95% of potential partners on dating apps


Oct 9, 2012
Bold is the primary reason along with attracting male attention that you desire. Even female competition is driven by this to large extent.

It’s not justification. It’s a real pain in the ass to inconvenience yourself for somebody you really not even into. That’s why women ain’t trying to go through all that shyt unless the dude is worth it to her.:yeshrug:
Listen men she’s putting you on to some game


Feb 16, 2017
Bold is the primary reason along with attracting male attention that you desire. Even female competition is driven by this to large extent.

It’s not justification. It’s a real pain in the ass to inconvenience yourself for somebody you really not even into. That’s why women ain’t trying to go through all that shyt unless the dude is worth it to her.:yeshrug:

True but male simping is beneficial to women in a lot of ways and right now is the sweet spot, a dude can simp but if he's too aggressive or can't take a rejection he'll catch a rape charge.


Feb 16, 2017
lotta ugly broke dudes out here so ....

Chicks like High status men. There can't be that many of them so even if everyone looked the same chicks who find an arbitrary reason to classify Men and choose the "high status" Man.

30 years ago you take a dude with an S-curl a Button up and some Wallabees and in Brooklyn no one would look twice at him. put that same cat in Brooklyn Alabama and bytches would be all over in in the local Juke joint. Just because he's " not like all the boys around here".


Feb 12, 2015
You not making sense @Booksnrain

If you not a high value woman, you're not going to get and keep a high value man. You are playing yourself long term. You are doing your kids a disservice creating a broken family.

Yes, some basic average men are shytty people but, because most women are basic and average themselves, they have a much better shot at securing happiness with an average man than going after a HVM who will not want them.

I'm also not buying your comments about not caring about having anyone. No one willingly wants to be alone.

My mom had two single friends that died this year. One was 40ish and the other 60ish. No one found them for days because they lived alone. You not going to tell me they didn't wish they had a family and a husband around them. That's what's awaiting alot of these women. Dying alone. And those HVM that were playing with you will be LONG GONE.
You are conflating being average with bad behavior. I don’t know where this high value nonsense is coming from but it’s wrong on lots of different levels.
But let’s clear some major misunderstandings that you guys keep overlooking.

First off, as I said I’ve indicated before, many women today don’t attach the same need and value to men and marriage as women did in previous generations. So already, even if he is a high value man, his value to women in today’s society isn’t as potent as it was in previous generations. That goes doubly for the average man today as well.

Why? Because in the past, decreased economic opportunities for women resulted in a social push for women to get married and taken care of. Moreover, stringent conservative moral values resulted in a culture of shame that all but pushed women into these relationships because you were shunned if as loose or strange if you didn’t conform to the housewife/mother role even if you did contribute financially. Also having babies illegitimately was a big no no as well.

So those powerful social mechanisms: lack of economic opportunity and protection if you don’t marry, shamed if you remain single, shame restricting children without marriage—all of these provided sufficient incentives for women to marry the average man whether they truly loved them or not. It also provided incentive for these women to STAY in these marriages even if you aren’t sexually satisfied, even if he is cheating, even if you doing all the housework, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids AND working small jobs to bring in money as well. You stayed because your small jobs could not support yourself and your children on your own. And even if they could, you didn’t want to be a social pariah or risk being unprotected.

Skip 75 years later.
Women are making their own money and participating at high rates in the job market. So that’s one issue out of the way. She might still have a biological desire to get a man’s resources in addition to her own, but now she knows, no matter what, if it goes to shyt she can still just chill on her own and be alright financially. Automatically that’s one less incentive for her to be with or stay with a guy if she doesn’t want to.

Next, is the easing of the social stigma attached to being single. Some of its still there but it’s completely different than it was in the past. Back in the day, people who lived by themselves past a certain age were considered insane, loose women, were ostracized, attacked. Now a days that’s very, very different. Plenty of people live alone or with roommates on some Golden Girls status. In fact, a large portion of older women who got divorced that were married in those eras actually prefer NOT to get married again.
:mjlol: Why do you think that is? Why wouldn’t a frail old woman that ya’ll claim is so unhappy being single, want to divorce after retirement or not want to get married again or even live with their older boyfriends just for companionship?:francis: Whether you think an average woman can get a high value man or not is irrelevant. The major issue here is a lot of women at all ages have looked at the shyt a lot of men bring to the table, and they are opting out. And the only thing that they opting in for is a man that can do enough for her to offset the aggravation and shyt she’ll have to go through in dealing with him.:yeshrug: The real question we should be asking is what is so bad about these set ups for women that make them say “unless Idris comes through my door, I’m straight on 99.9% of the rest of men”?

I have the answers because I know what we as women go through in relationships. Just the idea a lot of men have that if they taking care of shyt, they should be able to cheat is absurd, especially now that women probably gon contribute just as much financially as the man is today.

Seriously, can you give me any reason why a woman would put up with the same shyt from men as women did in the past, when in today’s world they have opportunities to bypass dealing with it altogether? If a woman’s basic biological needs are to procreate and find provision and protection for her and her offspring, she can do that by getting an okay career, and raising her kid on her own. Without the heartache, the abuse, the cheating, the emotional work, the having yo fukk when you don’t want to, then not even getting off when you do, the humiliation and potential for the man to walk out ANYWAY.

What ya’ll keep calling delusion in women is actually reality outside of your ego. In today’s world a woman can live a good life even if she is single. Unless a man is offering her a better life, she’s saying her peace isn’t worth the risk.


Feb 12, 2015
We all know that on the surface, women like certain things. Who do the Kardashian's date? Who does Brittany Renner date? Ig models flew out and got naked for Klay Thompson. Incels had it right ages ago. Looks, money, status (clout). Money is most important. You're not locking down a Brittany Renner with just looks. Looks and clout can get you the average woman.

However, game/personality, whatever you want to call it does work, but it takes time. On more than one occasion, i've been able to slowly build an attraction with women I've met. The question is, how do you do that outside of a social circle? That's why social circle game is real.
All of this is very real


Feb 16, 2017
Lol! I dunno if it is tho. People do need to compete but even that has to be moderated by common sense.

It never was before, I mean if you wanted common sense you could either turn the clock back on women's choice or take a trip to the third world were women are more pragmatic

Goat poster

May 13, 2012
You are conflating being average with bad behavior. I don’t know where this high value nonsense is coming from but it’s wrong on lots of different levels.
But let’s clear some major misunderstandings that you guys keep overlooking.

First off, as I said I’ve indicated before, many women today don’t attach the same need and value to men and marriage as women did in previous generations. So already, even if he is a high value man, his value to women in today’s society isn’t as potent as it was in previous generations. That goes doubly for the average man today as well.

Why? Because in the past, decreased economic opportunities for women resulted in a social push for women to get married and taken care of. Moreover, stringent conservative moral values resulted in a culture of shame that all but pushed women into these relationships because you were shunned if as loose or strange if you didn’t conform to the housewife/mother role even if you did contribute financially. Also having babies illegitimately was a big no no as well.

So those powerful social mechanisms: lack of economic opportunity and protection if you don’t marry, shamed if you remain single, shame restricting children without marriage—all of these provided sufficient incentives for women to marry the average man whether they truly loved them or not. It also provided incentive for these women to STAY in these marriages even if you aren’t sexually satisfied, even if he is cheating, even if you doing all the housework, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids AND working small jobs to bring in money as well. You stayed because your small jobs could not support yourself and your children on your own. And even if they could, you didn’t want to be a social pariah or risk being unprotected.

Skip 75 years later.
Women are making their own money and participating at high rates in the job market. So that’s one issue out of the way. She might still have a biological desire to get a man’s resources in addition to her own, but now she knows, no matter what, if it goes to shyt she can still just chill on her own and be alright financially. Automatically that’s one less incentive for her to be with or stay with a guy if she doesn’t want to.

Next, is the easing of the social stigma attached to being single. Some of its still there but it’s completely different than it was in the past. Back in the day, people who lived by themselves past a certain age were considered insane, loose women, were ostracized, attacked. Now a days that’s very, very different. Plenty of people live alone or with roommates on some Golden Girls status. In fact, a large portion of older women who got divorced that were married in those eras actually prefer NOT to get married again.
:mjlol: Why do you think that is? Why wouldn’t a frail old woman that ya’ll claim is so unhappy being single, want to divorce after retirement or not want to get married again or even live with their older boyfriends just for companionship?:francis: Whether you think an average woman can get a high value man or not is irrelevant. The major issue here is a lot of women at all ages have looked at the shyt a lot of men bring to the table, and they are opting out. And the only thing that they opting in for is a man that can do enough for her to offset the aggravation and shyt she’ll have to go through in dealing with him.:yeshrug: The real question we should be asking is what is so bad about these set ups for women that make them say “unless Idris comes through my door, I’m straight on 99.9% of the rest of men”?

I have the answers because I know what we as women go through in relationships. Just the idea a lot of men have that if they taking care of shyt, they should be able to cheat is absurd, especially now that women probably gon contribute just as much financially as the man is today.

Seriously, can you give me any reason why a woman would put up with the same shyt from men as women did in the past, when in today’s world they have opportunities to bypass dealing with it altogether? If a woman’s basic biological needs are to procreate and find provision and protection for her and her offspring, she can do that by getting an okay career, and raising her kid on her own. Without the heartache, the abuse, the cheating, the emotional work, the having yo fukk when you don’t want to, then not even getting off when you do, the humiliation and potential for the man to walk out ANYWAY.

What ya’ll keep calling delusion in women is actually reality outside of your ego. In today’s world a woman can live a good life even if she is single. Unless a man is offering her a better life, she’s saying her peace isn’t worth the risk.
As a man this is truth

which is why I no longer think marriage is or will be a staple in society going foward

it outdated imo


Feb 16, 2017
You are conflating being average with bad behavior. I don’t know where this high value nonsense is coming from but it’s wrong on lots of different levels.
But let’s clear some major misunderstandings that you guys keep overlooking.

First off, as I said I’ve indicated before, many women today don’t attach the same need and value to men and marriage as women did in previous generations. So already, even if he is a high value man, his value to women in today’s society isn’t as potent as it was in previous generations. That goes doubly for the average man today as well.

Why? Because in the past, decreased economic opportunities for women resulted in a social push for women to get married and taken care of. Moreover, stringent conservative moral values resulted in a culture of shame that all but pushed women into these relationships because you were shunned if as loose or strange if you didn’t conform to the housewife/mother role even if you did contribute financially. Also having babies illegitimately was a big no no as well.

So those powerful social mechanisms: lack of economic opportunity and protection if you don’t marry, shamed if you remain single, shame restricting children without marriage—all of these provided sufficient incentives for women to marry the average man whether they truly loved them or not. It also provided incentive for these women to STAY in these marriages even if you aren’t sexually satisfied, even if he is cheating, even if you doing all the housework, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids AND working small jobs to bring in money as well. You stayed because your small jobs could not support yourself and your children on your own. And even if they could, you didn’t want to be a social pariah or risk being unprotected.

Skip 75 years later.
Women are making their own money and participating at high rates in the job market. So that’s one issue out of the way. She might still have a biological desire to get a man’s resources in addition to her own, but now she knows, no matter what, if it goes to shyt she can still just chill on her own and be alright financially. Automatically that’s one less incentive for her to be with or stay with a guy if she doesn’t want to.

Next, is the easing of the social stigma attached to being single. Some of its still there but it’s completely different than it was in the past. Back in the day, people who lived by themselves past a certain age were considered insane, loose women, were ostracized, attacked. Now a days that’s very, very different. Plenty of people live alone or with roommates on some Golden Girls status. In fact, a large portion of older women who got divorced that were married in those eras actually prefer NOT to get married again.
:mjlol: Why do you think that is? Why wouldn’t a frail old woman that ya’ll claim is so unhappy being single, want to divorce after retirement or not want to get married again or even live with their older boyfriends just for companionship?:francis: Whether you think an average woman can get a high value man or not is irrelevant. The major issue here is a lot of women at all ages have looked at the shyt a lot of men bring to the table, and they are opting out. And the only thing that they opting in for is a man that can do enough for her to offset the aggravation and shyt she’ll have to go through in dealing with him.:yeshrug: The real question we should be asking is what is so bad about these set ups for women that make them say “unless Idris comes through my door, I’m straight on 99.9% of the rest of men”?

I have the answers because I know what we as women go through in relationships. Just the idea a lot of men have that if they taking care of shyt, they should be able to cheat is absurd, especially now that women probably gon contribute just as much financially as the man is today.

Seriously, can you give me any reason why a woman would put up with the same shyt from men as women did in the past, when in today’s world they have opportunities to bypass dealing with it altogether? If a woman’s basic biological needs are to procreate and find provision and protection for her and her offspring, she can do that by getting an okay career, and raising her kid on her own. Without the heartache, the abuse, the cheating, the emotional work, the having yo fukk when you don’t want to, then not even getting off when you do, the humiliation and potential for the man to walk out ANYWAY.

What ya’ll keep calling delusion in women is actually reality outside of your ego. In today’s world a woman can live a good life even if she is single. Unless a man is offering her a better life, she’s saying her peace isn’t worth the risk.
You're wrong even back in the day women had a dual mating strategy. Women in Santo Domingo have the same mating strategies now. They deal with the Men they like and the Men they need AT THE SAME TIME. They also bush both Men AT THE SAME TIME or near the same time.

The stigma of singlehood isn't there but the financial, emotional and companionship needs are still there.

Western society promotes MGTOW for women and Humans especially in the west will become more "Free range Humans" with free associations based on mutual benefit.
It's the reason why most of these Youtubers have women in their videos yet aren't wifed up. I can explain this in detail if you like.


Feb 16, 2017
As a man this is truth

which is why I no longer think marriage is or will be a staple in society going foward

it outdated imo
I call it Free Range Humans People associating with people for short term or long term based on mutual benefit, But that "Love you for Life" bullshyt is over. Kill Alimony to save the concept of marriage.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
You are conflating being average with bad behavior. I don’t know where this high value nonsense is coming from but it’s wrong on lots of different levels.
But let’s clear some major misunderstandings that you guys keep overlooking.

First off, as I said I’ve indicated before, many women today don’t attach the same need and value to men and marriage as women did in previous generations. So already, even if he is a high value man, his value to women in today’s society isn’t as potent as it was in previous generations. That goes doubly for the average man today as well.

Why? Because in the past, decreased economic opportunities for women resulted in a social push for women to get married and taken care of. Moreover, stringent conservative moral values resulted in a culture of shame that all but pushed women into these relationships because you were shunned if as loose or strange if you didn’t conform to the housewife/mother role even if you did contribute financially. Also having babies illegitimately was a big no no as well.

So those powerful social mechanisms: lack of economic opportunity and protection if you don’t marry, shamed if you remain single, shame restricting children without marriage—all of these provided sufficient incentives for women to marry the average man whether they truly loved them or not. It also provided incentive for these women to STAY in these marriages even if you aren’t sexually satisfied, even if he is cheating, even if you doing all the housework, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids AND working small jobs to bring in money as well. You stayed because your small jobs could not support yourself and your children on your own. And even if they could, you didn’t want to be a social pariah or risk being unprotected.

Skip 75 years later.
Women are making their own money and participating at high rates in the job market. So that’s one issue out of the way. She might still have a biological desire to get a man’s resources in addition to her own, but now she knows, no matter what, if it goes to shyt she can still just chill on her own and be alright financially. Automatically that’s one less incentive for her to be with or stay with a guy if she doesn’t want to.

Next, is the easing of the social stigma attached to being single. Some of its still there but it’s completely different than it was in the past. Back in the day, people who lived by themselves past a certain age were considered insane, loose women, were ostracized, attacked. Now a days that’s very, very different. Plenty of people live alone or with roommates on some Golden Girls status. In fact, a large portion of older women who got divorced that were married in those eras actually prefer NOT to get married again.
:mjlol: Why do you think that is? Why wouldn’t a frail old woman that ya’ll claim is so unhappy being single, want to divorce after retirement or not want to get married again or even live with their older boyfriends just for companionship?:francis: Whether you think an average woman can get a high value man or not is irrelevant. The major issue here is a lot of women at all ages have looked at the shyt a lot of men bring to the table, and they are opting out. And the only thing that they opting in for is a man that can do enough for her to offset the aggravation and shyt she’ll have to go through in dealing with him.:yeshrug: The real question we should be asking is what is so bad about these set ups for women that make them say “unless Idris comes through my door, I’m straight on 99.9% of the rest of men”?

I have the answers because I know what we as women go through in relationships. Just the idea a lot of men have that if they taking care of shyt, they should be able to cheat is absurd, especially now that women probably gon contribute just as much financially as the man is today.

Seriously, can you give me any reason why a woman would put up with the same shyt from men as women did in the past, when in today’s world they have opportunities to bypass dealing with it altogether? If a woman’s basic biological needs are to procreate and find provision and protection for her and her offspring, she can do that by getting an okay career, and raising her kid on her own. Without the heartache, the abuse, the cheating, the emotional work, the having yo fukk when you don’t want to, then not even getting off when you do, the humiliation and potential for the man to walk out ANYWAY.

What ya’ll keep calling delusion in women is actually reality outside of your ego. In today’s world a woman can live a good life even if she is single. Unless a man is offering her a better life, she’s saying her peace isn’t worth the risk.

You really tried to excuse women with their own money who still want a man’s resources as a “biological desire” :mjlol:

If it’s biological, why is that not widespread across the world with actual independent women? :jbhmm:


Jan 28, 2013
You are conflating being average with bad behavior. I don’t know where this high value nonsense is coming from but it’s wrong on lots of different levels.
But let’s clear some major misunderstandings that you guys keep overlooking.

First off, as I said I’ve indicated before, many women today don’t attach the same need and value to men and marriage as women did in previous generations. So already, even if he is a high value man, his value to women in today’s society isn’t as potent as it was in previous generations. That goes doubly for the average man today as well.

Why? Because in the past, decreased economic opportunities for women resulted in a social push for women to get married and taken care of. Moreover, stringent conservative moral values resulted in a culture of shame that all but pushed women into these relationships because you were shunned if as loose or strange if you didn’t conform to the housewife/mother role even if you did contribute financially. Also having babies illegitimately was a big no no as well.

So those powerful social mechanisms: lack of economic opportunity and protection if you don’t marry, shamed if you remain single, shame restricting children without marriage—all of these provided sufficient incentives for women to marry the average man whether they truly loved them or not. It also provided incentive for these women to STAY in these marriages even if you aren’t sexually satisfied, even if he is cheating, even if you doing all the housework, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids AND working small jobs to bring in money as well. You stayed because your small jobs could not support yourself and your children on your own. And even if they could, you didn’t want to be a social pariah or risk being unprotected.

Skip 75 years later.
Women are making their own money and participating at high rates in the job market. So that’s one issue out of the way. She might still have a biological desire to get a man’s resources in addition to her own, but now she knows, no matter what, if it goes to shyt she can still just chill on her own and be alright financially. Automatically that’s one less incentive for her to be with or stay with a guy if she doesn’t want to.

Next, is the easing of the social stigma attached to being single. Some of its still there but it’s completely different than it was in the past. Back in the day, people who lived by themselves past a certain age were considered insane, loose women, were ostracized, attacked. Now a days that’s very, very different. Plenty of people live alone or with roommates on some Golden Girls status. In fact, a large portion of older women who got divorced that were married in those eras actually prefer NOT to get married again.
:mjlol: Why do you think that is? Why wouldn’t a frail old woman that ya’ll claim is so unhappy being single, want to divorce after retirement or not want to get married again or even live with their older boyfriends just for companionship?:francis: Whether you think an average woman can get a high value man or not is irrelevant. The major issue here is a lot of women at all ages have looked at the shyt a lot of men bring to the table, and they are opting out. And the only thing that they opting in for is a man that can do enough for her to offset the aggravation and shyt she’ll have to go through in dealing with him.:yeshrug: The real question we should be asking is what is so bad about these set ups for women that make them say “unless Idris comes through my door, I’m straight on 99.9% of the rest of men”?

I have the answers because I know what we as women go through in relationships. Just the idea a lot of men have that if they taking care of shyt, they should be able to cheat is absurd, especially now that women probably gon contribute just as much financially as the man is today.

Seriously, can you give me any reason why a woman would put up with the same shyt from men as women did in the past, when in today’s world they have opportunities to bypass dealing with it altogether? If a woman’s basic biological needs are to procreate and find provision and protection for her and her offspring, she can do that by getting an okay career, and raising her kid on her own. Without the heartache, the abuse, the cheating, the emotional work, the having yo fukk when you don’t want to, then not even getting off when you do, the humiliation and potential for the man to walk out ANYWAY.

What ya’ll keep calling delusion in women is actually reality outside of your ego. In today’s world a woman can live a good life even if she is single. Unless a man is offering her a better life, she’s saying her peace isn’t worth the risk.

You wrote 5,000 words to say it’s okay to knowingly bring a kid into this world without a full-time father and a nuclear family so you and other silly women can thot around with nikkas out of your pay grade?

So when your son/daughter asks why their HV father doesn’t spend time with him/her and doesn’t claim them like he does his real wife and kids, what you gonna say :comeon:

Nothing I’ve said is irrelevant. You’re obviously bitter about someone who hurt you so your coping mechanism is to self sabotage and make destructive choices or to shut down and say you’re waiting for a fantasy you know is never going to happen so you can avoid dealing with it. Im not shaming you. I don’t care either way. It’s your life. I’m just giving you reality. You sound silly/jaded saying you rather give up the possibility of something real with someone on your level because they don’t meet your fantastical standards so you can be a cum rag for someone who views you as an option. Just listen to yourself. And, we are more than our biological imperative. My biology tells me to spread my seed as far as possible yet, here I am talking to you about family, commitment and marriage. That’s more important than some reptilian instinct. And I don’t care what you say, nobody wants to be alone :comeon:I’ve seen enough older women to know all the tough talk you’re writing will evaporate as the years go on. Get yourself together. For your sake.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
I call it Free Range Humans People associating with people for short term or long term based on mutual benefit, But that "Love you for Life" bullshyt is over. Kill Alimony to save the concept of marriage.

I’d say kill divorce altogether to save the concept of marriage :unimpressed: