Women reject 95% of potential partners on dating apps


May 19, 2013
Funny story. I had been talking to this childless, never married chick a year older than me for a couple weeks. She wants to be a "married mother." Great - 'cause I want to be a married father.

I sent her a text Monday afternoon and got no response when I went to sleep. No response Tuesday. Yesterday morning, she texted me good morning and then proceeded to say she likes to "see how long it takes for someone to reach out to me if I don't reach out to them." Needless to say, I called her out on that childishness and she then tried to make it about me.

Play games in your mid-30s 'cause Trevante is around the corner, brehettes :mjlol: :mjlol:

There's so many women like that. They need to be ignorned. They do that as a power game.


President, BYNKRadio.com (Retired)
Oct 4, 2015
Black Empowerment
Here's what guys like to skip

Focus on being the best man you can possibly be HOLISTICALLY. That means

- Physically (stay in the gym, eat properly, have a really solid hygiene routine [be clean, dress well, smell well]).
- Mentally (get a therapist, know and be working on your mentally issues [that could be discipline, addictions, etc.])
-Fiscally (anything short of 90k is not good enough if you're over 27, get your credit together, have some assets [both liquid and investments]).

If you wanna be average then dont complain about average results.

I promise you will become the big fish in the tank when you have your shxt together. Getting women is a finger snap for guys on their shxt even in COVID. They turn these dating apps on and are talking to 5+ women and on dates in a matter of 2 days. Im not talking about busted Target employees either im talking about business owners, lawyers, and professional women.

Why? Because that man has the confidence of knowing what he brings to the table and how he stacks up to the male competition.

If you have that confidence and understand there are literally 40 million eligible women in this country you don't care about rejection or "how come she aint choose me" or some bullshxt.

Romance and sex are an accessory to your purpose and solo goals, they are not your sole reason for existing.

Guys on their shxt dont get rejected much, basic average ass guys do.

And theirs nothing an average man can do about it.


Oct 9, 2012
Here's what guys like to skip

Focus on being the best man you can possibly be HOLISTICALLY. That means

- Physically (stay in the gym, eat properly, have a really solid hygiene routine [be clean, dress well, smell well]).
- Mentally (get a therapist, know and be working on your mentally issues [that could be discipline, addictions, etc.])
-Fiscally (anything short of 90k is not good enough if you're over 27, get your credit together, have some assets [both liquid and investments]).

If you wanna be average then dont complain about average results.

I promise you will become the big fish in the tank when you have your shxt together. Getting women is a finger snap for guys on their shxt even in COVID. They turn these dating apps on and are talking to 5+ women and on dates in a matter of 2 days. Im not talking about busted Target employees either im talking about business owners, lawyers, and professional women.

Why? Because that man has the confidence of knowing what he brings to the table and how he stacks up to the male competition.

If you have that confidence and understand there are literally 40 million eligible women in this country you don't care about rejection or "how come she aint choose me" or some bullshxt.

Romance and sex are an accessory to your purpose and solo goals, they are not your sole reason for existing.

Guys on their shxt dont get rejected much, basic average ass guys do.

And theirs nothing an average man can do about it.
That’s the thing breh these average women want the same men as the above average women. Vise versa


Jan 28, 2013
Did they have kids?

One didn’t. She was single and childless. The other one had a daughter but she was “out there”, so she ended up raising her grandson in result. Not sure why he didn’t check up on her. It’s fukked up what happened to both.

As far as whoever said men could end up in the same fate. Of course. That’s why I’d tell chronically single men to relax their standards if they can’t find someone as there’s always some woman out there that will want you but generally they’re not the ones thinking they deserve a perfect mate. It’s women.


All Star
Mar 10, 2017
yall are way too thirsty
Why you chose to respond to my post out of a 10 page thread is beyond me. I don’t even use dating sites. I live in NY and fukk hoes in real life. I’m just giving people an explanation as to why online dating probably won’t work for them.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
The unmarried, childless eighty year old black woman who lives across the street from my mom has no one to check in on her besides my mom. Apparently she hurt her back the other day and had to beat around the bush to ask my mom to pick up food for her.

Sounds like a great way to end up.

Nothing good about being alone in your later years.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Great post.

But what you don't seem to understand and no one else has mentioned is whether women actually know what their level is. Most do not.

Yea I was actually gone touch on that but didn’t want to come off like I was bashing women. I was gone mention how average women don’t consider themselves average. I think they know they are on some level especially when they fail to get chose by upper echelon guys but they still delude themselves into thinking they’re bad. And unattractive women tend to think they’re slightly above average at the very least. Ironically there are more actual fine chicks who don’t realize how fine they are than not fine ones who realize how average at best they are.

I think a big part of that comes from the attention average and below women get online. It’s like they initially know they aren’t fine but see the barrage of messages they get then delude themselves into thinking it’s because they look good. When the real reason is because men see these women and think to themselves “she must be desperate for dikk, just look at her, I know no one else trying to hit that :scust: so let me just scoop up this easy p*ssy since I have no better options at the moment.” What he doesn’t realize is there are thousands if not millions of men thinking the same exact shyt which leads to these women having flooded inboxes full of “options” and subsequently inflated egos thinking they look better than they actually do. :unimpressed:

If these women knew the real reason they had inboxes flooded with men they’d be :mjcry: :picard:
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™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Lot of second grade level readers in this thread.
@JQ Legend patiently repeating himself multiple times, very clearly (I woulda said fukk it and called y'all retards.)

Until they're 45 and ALL THAT STOPS. What don't y'all get.
EDIT: Earlier than that - that lifestyle stops for a lot of women in their mid-30s.

A lot of y'all in here are like women and think life ends at thirty-seven or something and everything you had before will just automatically cruise along some sort of linear path.

The reason women are so wrongly assured of that is because they truly lack analytical skills. That's why @Booksnrain ignored my post much earlier in this thread, 'cause it was very clear. What women can't wrap their heads around is... "This Frankenstein monster guy I thought I'd give a shot made a sexual comment three messages in. That must mean he ONLY wants sex," is just retarded female "logic." Like I said to the other female poster here, sex is THE prerequisite to a relationship for pretty much all men. Stop dismissing what men are telling you women... each and every one of the ugly guys that you bushed for making a sexual joke "too early" would have fallen in love* with you after y'all slept together. That's FACTS.

*Pointing out I'm exaggerating here, because I know you'll use this as a digression point.

I understand your logic but this is bad advice. If a man is looking for something serious, leading with the same style as someone just looking to smash is a bad move on his part.

That's like me telling you to keep entertaining a women who asks you for money before you ever go out because providing is a prerequisite for a relationship.


You can say women should humble themselves but that doesn’t mean we just accept any old thing.


President, BYNKRadio.com (Retired)
Oct 4, 2015
Black Empowerment
That’s the thing breh these average women want the same men as the above average women. Vise versa

Everybody wants the best thing tho.

People who shop at Wal-Mart want Hermes, but know they can't afford it. Average women have the chance to fuk HVM men, which deludes some of them into thinking they can marry one. Average men are usually pretty clear they can't smash 9+ caliber women.

HVM don't sit average women down and tell them they don't want them like that, they'll just keep smashing. Plus some female echo chambers will actually blame the man.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Men and women generally don't know what their level is, but let's be honest most men don't know their value. Especially the crop of dudes whove been coming up with no dad, uncle or granddads. Women know at the very least their attention is desired by dusty dudes and simps, but men don't have simps or dusty females who will be desperate for our attention.

For a lot of dudes they're not even a consideration. Getting his foot in the door aint even possible because its a "hell no" on sight. Online dating paralyzes women with choice, and destroys whatever little self esteem a regular or below average dude has. It's a toxic environment to meet people who want anything serious.

Hell even if youre not serious and you're just looking for sex, online dating will still be a challenge if you aren't looking your best as a man.
Online dating is a tool for dating. And many people use it because they don't want to put in effort in person. If dating online is your only way to date its an issue. Meeting in person is always better. Again, online dating is suppose to be supplemental.


catching pigeons
May 24, 2014
That is a MAJOR, MAJOR problem. No one wants to share valid life-changing game to men anymore. Just "get it on your own and stop complaining" :hhh: bootstraps rhetoric that even a lot of PUA like (early Mack Lessons) Tariq Nasheed had. Its like they are even more disgusted at "no game" having men striving to be better mates in the dating game. Which is why they never tell you the proper exact body language, the words to use, the delivery of those same odds, when to make a physical move, and so on

What's funny is, woman do tell you this but you gotta already be at that level with them :russ:

They keep all the secrets until they already go they hooks in you. Then they leave it for the men to interpret their success to brehs that can't even keep they ears and butt crack clean :mjlol::russ:


Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
What's funny is, woman do tell you this but you gotta already be at that level with them :russ:

They keep all the secrets until they already go they hooks in you. Then they leave it for the men to interpret their success to brehs that can't even keep they ears and butt crack clean :mjlol::russ:


Crazy and crabbish, its like they want to keep 80% of dudes permanently clueless.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
That is a MAJOR, MAJOR problem. No one wants to share valid life-changing game to men anymore. Just "get it on your own and stop complaining" :hhh: bootstraps rhetoric that even a lot of PUA like (early Mack Lessons) Tariq Nasheed had. Its like they are even more disgusted at "no game" having men striving to be better mates in the dating game. Which is why they never tell you the proper exact body language, the words to use, the delivery of those same odds, when to make a physical move, and so on

I agree with a lot of what u saying but some shyt has to be learned via experience. You can’t be taught body language, confidence, charisma etc.

Best advice is stop being afraid of rejection. It really is that simple. I honestly think that’s the main thing in brehs ways. Talk to women with the actual expectation of getting rejected and it won’t sting as much. There is no perfect one size fits all thing u can say to guarantee women will be receptive. Just say whatever is on your mind. After you get rejected a few times in real life you realize it is nowhere as bad as you imagined it to be and become more indifferent to it.

One night I looked around the whole dance floor and realized I got rejected by every single woman in the club who wasn’t my home girl or one of my man’s girl. I legit laughed out loud and said “fukk it let me go to the bar and regroup”. I still ended up smashing something, a decent looking chick at that.

I’m pretty sure most these “incels” aren’t truly incel. Involuntary celibacy implies you’re actually trying and failing. Most these dudes not even talking to women, they expect women to approach them and pretty much throw the p*ssy at them.

All this goes back to fear of rejection. Conquer that and you will naturally develop charisma, confidence, body language etc

Today’s dating market needs 90s RnB energy.:russ:

Yea we grew up on Joe “I wanna know” :obama:

They grew up on Mario “I don’t wanna know” :gucci: :scust:

On another note what u think bout my post bout why men don’t like paying for first dates? :jbhmm: