Women reject 95% of potential partners on dating apps


Old Master
May 11, 2012
Maybe I’m looking into the use of the term unattractive/attractive a little too much in here but it’s a odd thing to me.

I get people have their upper tier of what they deem attractive but at the same time I don’t think either side is (or should be expected) to date someone unattractive. To some degree it’s relative so asking someone to seek someone on their same level of “attractiveness” isn’t going to resonate. I guess there are specific trait like weight but like purely facial and body type? Let’s be honest if it is weight related that’s a smaller subset than the general conversation. You are asking someone to change a pattern that only really they understand.

Again maybe I’m reading it wrong


All Star
Jul 6, 2018
cause that means they will not get the attention they think they are entitled too.
Women never say lets teach these corny men how to become more like the guys I want sex with.

If a fat homely girl was complaining she cant get dikk we would all tell her to lose weight, get some nice clothes, flirt etc.

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
Women never say lets teach these corny men how to become more like the guys I want sex with.

If a fat homely girl was complaining she cant get dikk we would all tell her to lose weight, get some nice clothes, flirt etc.
Whether they admit or not, women like the idea of men they aren't attracted to hitting on them for the confidence boost alone.

They would rather have those men they aren't attracted to hit on them and reject them instead of allowing those men to have those options that don't involve them (I.E. masturbation, sex dolls, etc).

They will call those men weirdos and lames but the hypocrisy is they aren't interested in them and like you said, they won't give them advice on what to do to actually get women.


Feb 12, 2015
Agree to disagree
I believe men are way more demonized for their past actions compared to a female.
Maybe...I dunno. Maybe it depends on the action. Being gay in the past. Yes. :damn:Being a hoe. Maybe less so.
What game they playing? They don’t even approach men. Men are playing on hard mode while women play on easy.

But they take the brunt of the risk on everything beyond that initial male approach if we being real.
On average, who is judged more for looks in this society? Women pay upwards of thousands to look good, smell good, walk good. Millions in surgery. The cute little dresses and outfits. Doing hair, make-up. That’s a lot of time invested. And I’m not talking about that clown makeup men hate. But even that subtle classy beauty regimen.
Beyond the work they putting into their appearance, there’s the safety issue. We know that women are more physically vulnerable. We’ve seen chicks getting assaulted for turning down dudes and they don’t even have to be disrespectful about it to get their eyes bitten.
Then there’s a whole world of shyt we have to do on our end for reproductive health. Am I putting artificial hormones in my body everyday at the same time to ensure I won’t get pregnant? Condoms. Bc. And if she does get pregnant, the stigma, stress and responsibility falls primarily on her.
Then there’s the risk of going through all of that...and still not even getting sexually satisfied.
But wait, there’s more!:whoa:

Then if she does fukk, she lives in a society that slut shames her for the very thing she getting pressured to do!
ALLADAT for a regular dude, who don’t even like her that much either, and is :angry: about paying for a free meal.:wtf:

So she has to carry all of that on her shoulders for somebody who thinks they should just be able to use her for a nut whether she gets hers or not...and leave.
This is what is running through a lot of women’s heads.

Choose between that or a simple dikk appointment/vibrator session with bubble bath and Netflix marathon while on the phone with friends. For better or worse, many chicks choosing the latter option.:manny:

None of this means stuff is a breeze for dudes because I know ya’ll go through fukkery too. (Cold approaching in the #metoo era alone seems like a set up...:huhldup:) but I’m just telling you what some chicks are thinking about.

Hell just body hair removal can be a beast...lmao!:francis::mjlol:
Then chicks get stood up too...so she went through that shyt just to get a text from dude asking “yo you wanna just skip dinner and kick it?”
:mjgrin:shyt is kinda funny when I think about it.:laff:
Dec 19, 2017
No one is shaming women in here , it's more of discerning the truth from these statistics:

- Women are more selective than men - Fact

- Women are hypergamous daters - Fact

- Due to the more selective nature of women does this naturally create a shortfall of men who receive a disproportionate share of attention from the majority of women - Fact

- Do these men take advantage of this and have way less of an incentive to settle - Fact

So due to all of the facts that I mentioned, women should go into this understanding if casual sex is your desire then by all means you'll have endless opportunities for that but understand that these men that are getting all the attention are way more likely to play you and use you for sex because they have the options. For average or regular dudes it's a numbers game and you have to cast your net far and wide to catch what you can catch :yeshrug:

This 100%.

I never begrudge an "average" breh for doing what he can. The deck is stacked against you so if you are a breh that's a "5" and you feast on "4's".....there's no shame. Brehs that are 9s are feasting on 6s and 7s with online dating.

Men date down for casual sex but date on-level or up for long term relationships.


Feb 12, 2015
Women never say lets teach these corny men how to become more like the guys I want sex with.

If a fat homely girl was complaining she cant get dikk we would all tell her to lose weight, get some nice clothes, flirt etc.
:patrice:Hmmm do you think men would be receptive to this from women? Because...in my experiences they get down right pissed and start bitterly saying “OH SO ITS ALL MEN’S FAULT?!”

In the simplest terms I think average men and average women need to be more willing to invest fully in each other. They gotta be willing to romance and court one another. I think that basic kindness towards people that look like one another is missing so average people say “if imma put up with this from you, I might as well hold out for better”. I also think average men and women need to spend more time together away from online platforms so they don’t judge each other based off skewed standards. And lastly I think average people need to level up, but not to get better looking people because those people still aren’t compatible with them. Instead they need to elevate their own sphere. Be king and queen of the island you got and be proud of it. Stop trying to conquer new territory. But this is gonna take a lotta counseling, introspection, social skills training and humility on both sides.:yeshrug:We not there yet.


Feb 12, 2015
without getting into the semantics...the young lady @Booksnrain making valid pts
both sides play too much

thats why im getting arranged marriage

Yeah what I’m not telling the men in here while I’m giving them a window into what chicks are thinking about in the dating process but it’s not ideal either. ...
They don’t care right now about what these dudes are spitting but trying to buss out a baby at 40 looking like a failed transmutation and having a teen in your 50s ain’t the move either.:huhldup:
So some are having the kids young and just avoiding relationships. But IMO, that just seems like a lotta hassle.

Also a lot of the excessive pickiness is a smokescreen online so dudes need to stop internalizing it like they are undesirable b/c these chicks flexing. It’s easy to swipe left on somebody online when dudes swiping left on you IRL.:bryan:


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
Yeah what I’m not telling the men in here while I’m giving them a window into what chicks are thinking about in the dating process but it’s not ideal either. ...
They don’t care right now about what these dudes are spitting but trying to buss out a baby at 40 looking like a failed transmutation and having a teen in your 50s ain’t the move either.:huhldup:
So some are having the kids young and just avoiding relationships. But IMO, that just seems like a lotta hassle.

Also a lot of the excessive pickiness is a smokescreen online so dudes need to stop internalizing it like they are undesirable b/c these chicks flexing. It’s easy to swipe left on somebody online when dudes swiping left on you IRL.:bryan:

props on the insight..

its both sides...i been on many dates where i simply lied to chicks just to sleep with them
both sides are toxic.. no one dates with purpose anymore ,and no one is honest up front.most people dont want to get played so everyone swiping to the next option :manny:


Oct 9, 2012
props on the insight..

its both sides...i been on many dates where i simply lied to chicks just to sleep with them
both sides are toxic.. no one dates with purpose anymore ,and no one is honest up front.most people dont want to get played so everyone swiping to the next option :manny:
Why did you have to lie to the chick?
Why not be honest up front?

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
:patrice:Hmmm do you think men would be receptive to this from women? Because...in my experiences they get down right pissed and start bitterly saying “OH SO ITS ALL MEN’S FAULT?!”

In the simplest terms I think average men and average women need to be more willing to invest fully in each other. They gotta be willing to romance and court one another. I think that basic kindness towards people that look like one another is missing so average people say “if imma put up with this from you, I might as well hold out for better”. I also think average men and women need to spend more time together away from online platforms so they don’t judge each other based off skewed standards. And lastly I think average people need to level up, but not to get better looking people because those people still aren’t compatible with them. Instead they need to elevate their own sphere. Be king and queen of the island you got and be proud of it. Stop trying to conquer new territory. But this is gonna take a lotta counseling, introspection, social skills training and humility on both sides.:yeshrug:We not there yet.

You just provided the same solution I provided earlier. Average men need to get off online dating and the average women will follow. Then they will have no choice but meet in real life where they can get a better feel for each other with more natural interactions.

Far as the paying for dates thing you keep bringing up, a big reason men hate paying for first dates especially with online dating is because there’s no incentive paying for a meal for a woman he will most likely not even see again. There are a lot of women using men for free meals on these apps.

And it’s wild hypocritical to do all this “I got my own money, I don’t need a man for that” then complain bout paying for your own meal. That is strictly an American woman thing. I’ve lived in 2 European countries and the women there pride themselves on being independent, taking the good and bad with a smile on their faces. Only in America do women want modern rights while holding onto traditional expectations when equality becomes inconvenient for her. :unimpressed:
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