Women reject 95% of potential partners on dating apps


Feb 12, 2015
Chick told me she got played something serious by an ugly dude, but now she just wants @Serious for casual fun. :hubie:
At least you being honest. I’m trying to be real. I don’t even think women are acting necessarily in the best way, but I’m not gonna act like water ain’t wet. As a human being with a vagina I understand exactly why she feel that way. Ovaries be talkin mad shyt to us.



Feb 12, 2015
I get what u saying but their logic wouldn’t matter if men who aren’t eating just left dating apps altogether

The reason the stats favor women is because of these undesirable men. The stats are literally saying that. A low percentage of men are getting matches while a high percentage of women are. Remove all undesirable men and the percentage of men getting matches will be 100 or damn near. And they would only be matching with the best chicks there which would leave a cool 60-70% of the women on these apps with 0 matches at all.

@Booksnrain even said herself she and other women match with men they don’t find attractive only to barely respond to him soon as he say the wrong thing. Remove these men from the app and their matches diminish drastically if not completely. :unimpressed:
I agree but then women would just stop using the apps altogether. They already barely take them seriously as is. I told you we sometimes forget that we even have profiles on dating sites. Sometimes you on there just for shyts and giggles.

Men underestimate how comfortable chicks can get being by themselves. Even with many sexual options, we can go long droughts without sex if there isn’t anybody we want. Doesn’t mean they won’t complain or give lip service.
Aug 22, 2014
“Many” is probably anecdotal and not a sizable movement. If you have something that points to this been a measureable seismic trend then happy to hear it.

In terms of communities I don’t think that is based on men leaving and taking resources with them. Systematic racism and it’s spider-webs sure. 6 cert brehs leaving.............not so much.

No offense this so far fetched or down the horizon I don’t see the point.

If women find 95% of men unattractive, that's cool.
Those men should stop wasting their time and money. Focus on their own finances, health, and purpose.

The thing for those men to keep in mind is that there are entire countries of markets for them to explore.


Old Master
May 11, 2012
If women find 95% of men unattractive, that's cool.
Those men should stop wasting their time and money. Focus on their own finances, health, and purpose.

The thing for those men to keep in mind is that there are entire countries of markets for them to explore.
I think that’s an overreach on a metric from a dating app. Brehs to some degree are letting the macro control the micro.

In terms of focus areas, shouldn’t all brehs not be doing that anyway?

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Now you are contradicting countless men who have claimed that women have endless opportunities to get smutted out by hot men who don’t want them. Which is it?:patrice:
It’s pretty simple.

Chicks would rather procreate with the men they want or not at all unless there are dire social/existential circumstances at play or they get romanced/woo’ed into wanting another type of guy. In the past, social norms were designed in part to restrict female access to opportunities to keep them helpless enough to ensure that they all but HAD to choose up on dudes they weren’t necessarily feeling. After all, like the men in my family jokingly say...”what the hell else was she gon do”.:pachaha:Get back in the kitchen and shut up unless you wanna deal with this shyt or stay in your daddy’s house. Well that p*ssy insurance for average men is gone to some extent. A lotta average women will still give average dudes a chance irl. But it’s gotta be something real and worth her time.

Keep in mind. While I’m telling you this...I don’t necessarily think any of this is for the best. :pachaha:I mean not every chick is getting piped down by Idris every night. Sure. But others are just complaining online but still keep the p*ssy gates closed. Some chicks are willing to take this shyt to the grave if they can’t get what they want. This is the first time in the history of man that the average age of motherhood is pushing early 30s and chicks divorcing in their retirement.:mjlol:

I’m honestly thinking we are going to lose entire generations over this shyt if men and women don’t get their shyt together.:yeshrug:Then again some
chicks getting artificially inseminated or adopting so I dunno.

Back in the day tho, boys and girls used to get together in early years from what I understand. I could be wrong and maybe watched too many old tv shows but it seemed like boys and girls would have a crush on each other from young then get together and spend their lives together. Most women were already married with children by the time they were in their early 20s to their childhood/hs crush so I’m not getting the argument they had to settle.

I don’t think women before they got rights was walking around single in their 20s and definitely not 30s having to settle for some dude they didn’t like.

I could be wrong tho :hubie:

And I definitely didn’t say average and unattractive women had endless opportunities to get smutted out by hot men. I said those are the men they want and go after. An average looking woman may occasionally be able to get fukked by one of them but even then it’s either a one off thing or some late night booty call type shyt. Like the other breh said, these dudes don’t even want to be seen in public with them. :picard:

How women even feel ok sharing their bodies with men so disgusted by them he hopes nobody finds out is even more :picard:

To your last point, that’s actually more so what I was saying all along. People need to have realistic standards and/or expectations.

If men who aren’t eating on dating apps get off them completely, that would lead to majority of women getting little to no matches at all which would eventually result in them leaving too. Then they’d all (men and women) have to go back to meeting in real life and go about dating in a more natural way which both sides would find more fulfilling.

That’s the only solution I see for this.


Oct 9, 2012
Here is the rub ... let's expand this to a societal scope.

Men tend to earn the most money in their life between 45 and 60.
Men pay most of the taxes.
Men build communities.

Women use public services more than men.
Women do almost 80% of the consumer spending in the States.

If those men aren't getting the women they want, there is no reason to stick around. They take their assets, money, tax receipts, and skills with them upon leaving elsewhere.


Oct 9, 2012
They don’t but they like being pumped and dumped by dudes they consider unattractive even less. Women tend to take calculated risks. Commitment is ultimate desired from a biological standpoint. So yeah we like the idea of nesting and playing house and raising kids.

...but not if forced to do it with mates they don’t like. And if there aren’t any other forces at work to coerce them into those unions, they’ll procreate with the ones they want, raise the kids, then kick it casually with attractive males in their circle for their sexual needs or urges.
Is it true the same women use the unattractive dudes to be a clean up/provider when they’re past their sexual prime


Feb 12, 2015
Back in the day tho, boys and girls used to get together in early years from what I understand. I could be wrong and maybe watched too many old tv shows but it seemed like boys and girls would have a crush on each other from young then get together and spend their lives together. Most women were already married with children by the time they were in their early 20s to their childhood/hs crush so I’m not getting the argument they had to settle.

I don’t think women before they got rights was walking around single in their 20s and definitely not 30s having to settle for some dude they didn’t like.

I could be wrong tho :hubie:
According to elders I speak to who are hilariously honest, they say oh yeah...she was DEFINITELY settling. Because the dynamics were similar. The guys they actually wanted didn’t necessarily want them. They were chasing loose women who didn’t want them. Lol!
But when these women saw they couldn’t build anything they settled down and had families. Primarily because social pressure pushed them and lack of other opportunities cemented this.

Not saying nobody fell in love back in the day but women could not afford to be as picky as they can today. Think about it. No birth control so it’s a huge deal if you get pregnant. Most weren’t attending college or making enough to do okay by themselves if they didn’t get a man. Marriage was very much like a business. As soon as opportunities increased for women, they showed exactly how they felt. Divorces from older women of that generation even increased. Lmao! Hell women from that generation are the main ones who told their daughters to stop worrying about a man, get an education, be able to stand on your own too feet, don’t let no nikka get you somewhere barefoot and pregnant, even if they wanted grandkids.:wow:
And I definitely didn’t say average and unattractive women had endless opportunities to get smutted out by hot men. I said those are the men they want and go after. An average looking woman may occasionally be able to get fukked by one of them but even then it’s either a one off thing or some late night booty call type shyt. Like the other breh said, these dudes don’t even want to be seen in public with them. :picard:

How women even feel ok sharing their bodies with men so disgusted by them he hopes nobody finds out is even more :picard:
LOL! These women could care less about your hot takes. They’d still say that was better than having somebody they don’t want up in them.:russ:
To your last point, that’s actually more so what I was saying all along. People need to have realistic standards and/or expectations.

If men who aren’t eating on dating apps get off them completely, that would lead to majority of women getting little to no matches at all which would eventually result in them leaving too. Then they’d all (men and women) have to go back to meeting in real life and go about dating in a more natural way which both sides would find more fulfilling.

That’s the only solution I see for this.
Only problem we failed to address is what is going to incentivize women to return to that status quo? Are average guys gonna stop pretending like a lot of them ain’t dogs either? Are we going back to no sex before marriage or are these women still going to be expected to give up the drawers to a Coli guy complaining about paying for a dinner date while a chick gotta take most of the risk on the chance that he gon do right, only to be bytched at about body count if she plays by these rules and average dudes wanna boss up too.

Because this was how this whole conversation actually started. Remember? What incentive do women have to go through all of that and take those risks for dudes she not even feeling like that, who can put her through the same stress as the dude she is feeling?

:russ: So that’s the original issue...but online dating makes it even worse.
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Feb 12, 2015
Is it true the same women use the unattractive dudes to be a clean up/provider when they’re past their sexual prime
I think some do. I mean in some ways it’s the same with guys. Think about how many guys did dirt in their youth and then want a good girl to come behind all of that?

But in other cases, some just grow up and that’s a natural progression. As you grow and figure out whose best for you, you might have some pitfalls and you learn to do better and grow in what you want and need.


Jan 28, 2013
It seems like you and @paperbag 's viewpoints on this is that men will be men regardless which is true to an extent but again I think y'all are giving most men too much credit:manny:

We really don't get attention like that and the majority of dudes I know just take what we can get, just speaking for myself personally I don't even go out or socialize like that and I'm a huge introvert, where I would find the opportunity to cheat is a mystery to me, I'd be pretty gassed if a girl accused me of cheating on her because clearly she must pretty damn highly of me to think I'm in large demand like that :mjgrin:

Her logic is she got played by a regular nikka (don't know how he's "regular" but, she's not) so she might as well date guys out of her league to at least be attracted but, since she's average and regular herself, why would the guy out of her league be attracted to her long-term? Questions, questions.

On the flip side, you know their feelings would be hurt if a guy said this average broad played me, only dimes and models going forward :troll: This fat girl played me, no fat girls going forward :troll: This single mom played me, no single moms going forward :troll: This black girl played me.......you know the rest :troll:

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
A lot of yall got wack ass profiles tbr tho. Some of female friends have shown me what it's like on there and a lot of yall aint shyt :mjlol:

y’all ain’t shyt ether “ here for a good time not a long time” with your stupid IG screen name in your bio to get followers. Match with you guys you don’t even respond and if you do you want to “ let’s talk on here more” to get more attention from men with absolutely no intention of meeting up. Men pay more than women and there are more men then women.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
I mean women wait decades for marriage and commitment and many never get it. But you don’t see them shooting up a school like an incel. Those feelings of resentment come from entitlement.

So the better question here is why do men feel they are entitled to sex? Across nature, it’s typically only the alpha that gets to breed. Other males are regulated to worker status and they get no buns. In fact, they gotta fight the alpha to even try and get a wiff of the p*ssy.

Why do human males feel there should be some type of p*ssy socialism, and every dikk is entitled to get wet?

because women are making up rules for these incels and breaking the rules for the alphas. Women ghosting these men that take them out and take the left overs they got from the dates to the alphas that didn’t have to do anything at all. This is valid anger that these men have. Also women are showing one side to men and another side to women. This piss more men off cause it’s being disingenuous.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
All men want sex, even the lame beta ones do. If you're expecting 95 percent of men to shut up and stop complaining about getting no buns that not happening. That's why I was joking where the sex robots at, but women dont even want lame dudes to have sex with that..

cause that means they will not get the attention they think they are entitled too.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015

They can smell desperation a mile away. shyt is a huge turnoff for women. It also doesn't help that most dudes are hollering at women who they don't have anything in common with.

If you dude that goes to the gym and reads comic books and loves to watch sports, why the hell are you reaching out to a woman who spends most of her free time eating at restaurants, going to clubs, and traveling. Those aren't your interests so wtf you gon talk about with that woman

and those women are going after men that own companies, work 72hr a week and make lots of money What the hell to those women have in common with those type of men?

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
I doubt that most Men would have a problem if women consistently let nikkas know she's not interested in them especially if she's interested in his friend.

that’s fine. Women shouldn’t be jealous of their friends for getting the guy their friend didn’t want ether. We know women hate seeing men that they see beneath them going after their friends instead of “staying in their place” to give them attention/time and money.