Women reject 95% of potential partners on dating apps

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
According to elders I speak to who are hilariously honest, they say oh yeah...she was DEFINITELY settling. Because the dynamics were similar. The guys they actually wanted didn’t necessarily want them. They were chasing loose women who didn’t want them. Lol!
But when these women saw they couldn’t build anything they settled down and had families. Primarily because social pressure pushed them and lack of other opportunities cemented this.

Not saying nobody fell in love back in the day but women could not afford to be as picky as they can today. Think about it. No birth control so it’s a huge deal if you get pregnant. Most weren’t attending college or making enough to do okay by themselves if they didn’t get a man. Marriage was very much like a business. As soon as opportunities increased for women, they showed exactly how they felt. Divorces from older women of that generation even increased. Lmao! Hell women from that generation are the main ones who told their daughters to stop worrying about a man, get an education, be able to stand on your own too feet, don’t let no nikka get you somewhere barefoot and pregnant, even if they wanted grandkids.:wow:

LOL! These women could care less about your hot takes. They’d still say that was better than having somebody they don’t want up in them.:russ:
To your last point, that’s actually more so what I was saying all along. People need to have realistic standards and/or expectations.

Only problem we failed to address is what is going to incentivize women to return to that status quo? Are average guys gonna stop pretending like a lot of them ain’t dogs either? Are we going back to no sex before marriage or are these women still going to be expected to give up the drawers to a Coli guy complaining about paying for a dinner date while a chick gotta take most of the risk on the chance that he gon do right, only to be bytched at about body count if she plays by these rules and average dudes wanna boss up too.

Because this was how this whole conversation actually started. Remember? What incentive do women have to go through all of that and take those risks for dudes she not even feeling like that, who can put her through the same stress as the dude she is feeling?

:russ: So that’s the original issue...but online dating makes it even worse.

Hot take? I spoke facts :gucci:

How can a woman say she respects herself while willingly and knowingly being some drought p*ssy for a dude so disgusted by her appearance he’s ashamed to even be seen in public with her? :picard:

And did you really just say it’s better to be smutted out by a dude who sees you as unattractive and beneath him than one that will actually be attracted to you and see you as his equal? :heh:

Far as what is going to incentivize average women to mess with average men? :rudy:

Women should not need to be “incentivized” to mess with men on their level. It’s really like asking what would incentivize people with associate degrees to not overlook jobs they’re qualified for and stop applying for jobs that require higher degrees. :gucci:

They either get in where they fit in or struggle. If they choose to struggle don’t complain bout being unemployed when you passed over numerous jobs you were qualified for. And don’t cry when you get tired of being rejected by those jobs then try to come crawling back to the jobs that wanted you and find out they’re no longer interested. :unimpressed:

If women need an “incentive” to mess with men in their league, they can just continue to aim for upper echelon and stay used, bitter and single. Just stop complaining bout it.
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Oct 9, 2012
I think some do. I mean in some ways it’s the same with guys. Think about how many guys did dirt in their youth and then want a good girl to come behind all of that?

But in other cases, some just grow up and that’s a natural progression. As you grow and figure out whose best for you, you might have some pitfalls and you learn to do better and grow in what you want and need.
You keep bringing it back to men, but women do the same
You basically admitting that women want to hang on to the attractive guy during their prime, but jump to an unattractive guy when their sexual prime is done.
To be fair since you are female obviously you’ll be more emphatic towards females.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
You keep bringing it back to men, but women do the same
You basically admitting that women want to hang on to the attractive guy during their prime, but jump to an unattractive guy when their sexual prime is done.
To be fair since you are female obviously you’ll be more emphatic towards females.
Woman’s sexual prime is 30+ breh

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013

Really tried to finesse on some
ugly men won't cheat

And I didn’t ever say anything bout cheating. I didn’t even bring up the word cheat till this post.

I will say this tho, an attractive man is a lot less likely to cheat on an average or unattractive woman. Because he won’t ever call her his girl to cheat on her in the first place. :unimpressed:


Feb 12, 2015
Hot take? I spoke facts :gucci:

How can a woman say she respects herself while willingly and knowingly being some drought p*ssy for a dude so disgusted by her appearance he’s ashamed to even be seen in public with her? :picard:

And did you really just say it’s better to be smutted out by a dude who sees you as unattractive and beneath him than one that will actually be attracted to you and see you as his equal? :heh:

Far as what is going to incentivize average women to mess with average men? :rudy:

Women should not need to be “incentivized” to mess with men on their level. It’s really like asking what would incentivize people with associate degrees to not overlook jobs they’re qualified for and stop applying for jobs that require higher degrees. :gucci:

They either get in where they fit in or struggle. If they choose to struggle don’t complain bout being unemployed when you passed over numerous jobs you were qualified for. And don’t cry when you get tired of being rejected by those jobs then try to come crawling back to the jobs that wanted you and find out they’re no longer interested. :unimpressed:

If women need an “incentive” to mess with men in their league, they can just continue to aim for upper echelon and stay used, bitter and single. Just stop complaining bout it.
You spoke your opinion on matters of what other women do with their lives. Which they obviously don’t care about. That’s not facts. That’s your own value judgement, which they weigh as less valuable than their own experiences. Lol!
As for incentive, that’s not true. The reason women need to be incentivized these days are due to factors you keep overlooking. In dealing with average men, it’s not an equitable situation. Because they are taking on most of the risk, most of the shame if something goes wrong, most of the hassle, and dealing with dudes she doesn’t feel, who also can be just as disrespectful, inconsistent, entitled, as guys she attracted to. Then, when you add in the fact that some attractive dudes legitimately are nice, but a basic dude is over there making demands and dogging chicks out, it’s even worse.:yeshrug:That’s the mentality behind the dating game these days in many women’s heads. So I repeat. What’s the answer to this? Women had a specific set of social requirements back in the day, as well as shaming mechanisms in place and restricted economic opportunities. So majority just dealt with whatever in their own ways. Also divorce was discouraged too. People in my family had a litmus test for women complaining about marriage back in the day. It was “is he beating yo ass?” “Is he paying the bills?” “Then what u complaining about?!”:russ: So what if the sex wasn’t good? So what if he had a family across town? So what if he belittled you? So what if you ain’t even attracted to him like that? Is he providing and is he relatively non-violent?

But now it’s not like that. Women paying their own bills. Social norms are becoming more relaxed. They are moving, traveling, participating in different fields, bossing up....and now that they have more autonomy, they have the right to request more equitable incentives from the dating market. Now they want sexual satisfaction, equal respect, and they won’t tolerate that “men will be men” stuff anymore, especially from somebody they not even feeling like that...because they don’t have to in order to survive. So until these women see the benefit of taking Ls they mulling over in their heads with average dudes on their levels, this ain’t gon change.:francis: The crazy part is entire generations of women from THAT era prepped us to be that way because of what they went through themselves and as soon as them kids got grown or that dude retired and was gonna be around 24/7, even the traditional ones chucked deuces and bounced. Silver divorce is hilarious to me because it says that a woman...at her most vulnerable age...has been so fukking irritated in her 25+ year marriage that she is willing to face dying alone and view that as liberating rather than stay on a job she’d never retire from in marriage. As social stigmas become ever more relaxed, we will see even more of this.

I think that we need to be honest about the nature of relationships and their value and how they can be improved to be more attractive to the average person in today’s society where they can elect to chill rather than be stressed for a regular person.

I know this has made some dudes mad. But we’ve talked about women needing to be incentivized to get into relationships. But i actually feel the same way for men too. Men are withdrawing from relationships as well. And I can’t blame them either...
Which would you choose? Chilling at home non-stressed with some anime and stacking money...or baby mama drama, working to the bone to give it away to some entitled bytch that you get sick of looking at who also plays touch me not with the p*ssy, has you doing a bunch of shyt you don’t feel like doing on your time off and never reciprocates?

I mean you say women shouldn’t need to be incentivized but they do because times have changed. However men need to be incentivized too. The answer is right there in our faces but I don’t want to give it away just yet.:francis:


Feb 12, 2015
You keep bringing it back to men, but women do the same
You basically admitting that women want to hang on to the attractive guy during their prime, but jump to an unattractive guy when their sexual prime is done.
To be fair since you are female obviously you’ll be more emphatic towards females.
I only bring men up because sometimes men make statements about women as if women are the only ones who do certain things. It’s irritating when perfectly normal human behaviors are attributed solely to one side of humanity and they demonized for doing...normal shyt. (I.e. women shytting, women having sex, body hair, emotions)

As for mating patterns, I’m saying it’s normal for people to grow up and make mistakes. Sometimes it’s with attractive dudes. But more often than not...which is ironic as hell given the lies society pushes...the mistakes are actually with the average dudes and sometimes below average dudes. Most people get people on their level in life. And that’s where majority of mistakes and regrets are made. So it’s hilarious to see dudes claiming that chicks got a better shot with those dudes, when dealing with them is what developed this mindset in the first place for a lot of women. Women of yesteryear were dealing with basic dudes. And still got their shyt pushed in. Most chicks with boyfriends got normal ass dudes. So after negative experiences they lock up shop unless somebody worth it comes by.
And it’s easier to do today because she has economic options if it doesn’t work out.:yeshrug:


Oct 9, 2012
I only bring men up because sometimes men make statements about women as if women are the only ones who do certain things. It’s irritating when perfectly normal human behaviors are attributed solely to one side of humanity and they demonized for doing...normal shyt. (I.e. women shytting, women having sex, body hair, emotions)

As for mating patterns, I’m saying it’s normal for people to grow up and make mistakes. Sometimes it’s with attractive dudes. But more often than not...which is ironic as hell given the lies society pushes...the mistakes are actually with the average dudes and sometimes below average dudes. Most people get people on their level in life. And that’s where majority of mistakes and regrets are made. So it’s hilarious to see dudes claiming that chicks got a better shot with those dudes, when dealing with them is what developed this mindset in the first place for a lot of women. Women of yesteryear were dealing with basic dudes. And still got their shyt pushed in. Most chicks with boyfriends got normal ass dudes. So after negative experiences they lock up shop unless somebody worth it comes by.
And it’s easier to do today because she has economic options if it doesn’t work out.:yeshrug:
Agree to disagree
I believe men are way more demonized for their past actions compared to a female.