Women reject 95% of potential partners on dating apps


Feb 16, 2017
I would be fine with one woman on my level actually. :unimpressed:

Far as the running thru them till I find one thing goes, yea it may be a double standard but there’s no getting away from the fact it’s different for a man to run thru women than women to be ran thru. Women don’t look at men with lack of sexual experience the way men look at women with lack of sexual experience. Unless they were childhood, maybe college sweethearts a woman will look at a man with few bodies as inexperienced and undesirable especially late in his 20s and up.

Y’all just keep repeating the same shyt I’ve said multiple times. I already said I understand a woman who just wants sex getting with the best looking man offering it in several posts. But these women don’t want just sex, they want to be chose. They need to either stay in their lane or stop crying bout just being good for sex with the men they want and not being chose.

You believe the Just cause fallacy. Women aren't "nice" people they have double standards too. When they say they want to be chose they do, but if the Fly nikka smutted them out then Ugly gang simp can pay the bills while fukking Fly nikka on the side. That's what women want.

Obviously It's not really like that but if you understand this you'll understand how women think. Look at the Derrick Jaxn situation. One of the chicks (the second one) went on a former "divested bedwench's channel and said that she'd gladly take Derrick Jaxn back. She said this after she put him on blast She low key admitted she did it because he blocked her. The first chick had a boyfriend.

There's a reason we call what women say Hoe Babble because that's exactly what it is. If you take what women say at face value you lost and @Booksandrain would be the first to tell you that.


Feb 16, 2017
Did you even read that post you quoted? :gucci:

In that scenario, especially in online dating, upper echelon men would have no reason to even smash chicks in the bottom 70%. These men aren’t even smashing chicks in the bottom 50% now. :unimpressed:

The reason dating app stats favor women is because of all the undesirable men on there. Remove them from the apps and they would only favor the top 10-20% of men and the top 20-30% of women. Maybe top 40. Dating apps would be like 95% women if all average and below men deleted them. And a serious majority of them wouldn’t get any matches at all.
If you're thinking that logic works or women......

You're right but it totally doesn't matter. If you're going on an app looking for love....

In the third world you'd bush a chick if she's on an app because it's only to meet a foreign dude.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
Breh I literally said that in the same post you quoted :gucci:

If all they want is dikk then by all means do them, just stop the delusion that they will ever get more than that from these men. :unimpressed:

When a woman is fukking with a man they find attractive, do they really want “just dikk” or do they want to be wife’d up?

When they find out he smashing other chicks or dismisses her for better options, do they just go “fukk it, I knew there was no way he’d be faithful to me anyway :yeshrug:

Or do they get mad/bitter as fukk? What world do u live in where a woman is wild attracted to a dude and is cool with finding out she was just an easy piece of ass to him? If anything she’d be even more pissed to find out he don’t want to be with her than the average and below men.

Y’all not saying things that actually correlate with real life :unimpressed:
You couldn’t be more clearer if you tried, these nikkas just don’t wanna hear it:mjlol:

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
If you're thinking that logic works or women......

You're right but it totally doesn't matter. If you're going on an app looking for love....

In the third world you'd bush a chick if she's on an app because it's only to meet a foreign dude.

I get what u saying but their logic wouldn’t matter if men who aren’t eating just left dating apps altogether

The reason the stats favor women is because of these undesirable men. The stats are literally saying that. A low percentage of men are getting matches while a high percentage of women are. Remove all undesirable men and the percentage of men getting matches will be 100 or damn near. And they would only be matching with the best chicks there which would leave a cool 60-70% of the women on these apps with 0 matches at all.

@Booksnrain even said herself she and other women match with men they don’t find attractive only to barely respond to him soon as he say the wrong thing. Remove these men from the app and their matches diminish drastically if not completely. :unimpressed:


Jan 28, 2013
It’s true.

and you missed her point. Why should a woman stay in their lane when they can at least get dikk from an attractive dude :heh:

Some women just want sex or will settle for it. :manny:

So why not do it with a dude that’s attractive, even if they’re punching above their weight.

She’s missing his though. They can fukk above average men but, it’s just fukking. That nikka don’t want to be seen in public with her. He not taking her on no vacations. He not taking her out to eat. He not taking her around his family, his friends or putting her on social media. He not paying her bills. She’s pure bust down status. God forbid she gets pregnant because you bringing in a kid to a man that doesn’t want them. Its sad they think that’s preferable to having a man on their level treating them like a wife. Think about it. How many of us busted nuts to ugly porn stars like Sara Jay or Crystal Clear for my BBW bruhs. A lot right? Now how many of us marrying broads like that though? Likewise...average broads are playing themselves long term and if they actually want marriage one day, they’ll have to drop back down to their league and face reality. God made roughly 1 woman for every man for a reason. Nothing has changed. There’s not a shortage of women or men. Those HV men they chasing will pair up with their equally yoked other half and these deluded broads will be what? The mistress? At 40, 50, 60? Nah son. They can play that game because they’re beautiful right now and can leverage that beauty but if they waste it on men who don’t value them and won’t commit, they will quickly be 40, 50, and single, and they’ll be looking silly when the HV man stops returning her phone calls. This isn’t some revenge fantasy either. Just pure facts. Look at most older single women you know and tell me I’m lying.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
6's & 7's on SM & OD

"If all men are dogs anyway, I might as well deal with the top nikkas" :queen:

*** dolls herself up to try to be a stretch 8 ***

Top nikka IRL on their first date

You being generous even saying 6s and 7s who could be a stretch 8 after dolled up. More like 4s and 5s who can maybe be a stretch 6 :unimpressed:


Feb 12, 2015
The crux of my entire argument is people should stay in their lanes. Average women should stick with average dudes, unattractive women should stick with unattractive dudes if they want a long term relationship.
We aren’t talking about what people should do. We are talking about what they are doing. What you are describing is feel good romantic socialism.:mjlol:And human mate selection doesn’t work like that. And for women, the main reason they don’t stay in their lane is because that advice rarely plays out in reality no matter how many times it’s pandered. Get an average guy. Get a nice guy. Get a hard worker. Get a....U think women haven’t heard that shyt from birth? You also think they haven’t seen chicks play that game, get the most mediocre thing in the room and have him try to boss up on her? :mjlol:
Im sure there are average and below average dudes who play games and just wanna hit and quit etc. And yes if you’re just going to get hit and quit you might as well do it with the most attractive. I don’t nor have I ever argued against that.

What I’m saying is an above average man has the option of being with above average women, so he will fukk a woman below his s but rarely will he ever take it beyond that with her.
So?! :mjlol:You think they don’t know that? But they still gotta at least TRY. Because to them that’s better, even if it doesn’t work out than laying up with somebody they not feeling.

Even tho men want the baddest chicks, men tend to be more realistic about where they stand.
NOPE! Instead a man will try to level up to get resources to attain women out of his league.:francis:

A man will admit to himself he isn’t attractive enough to get the baddest chicks so he will adjust his standards accordingly. WRONG. Hell even homeless dudes will holler at a New York judge if she a dyme. The average man is not expecting to be chosen by a bad chick the way average women expect to actually be chose by a top 10% man.
:laff:You ain’t gotta lie to kick it! Lol! The exact opposite is actually well documented in men. Men overestimate their attractiveness more than women do to ensure all reproduction opportunities are taken. Women don’t want all reproductive opportunities, so they don’t do this as much. I have a study on this of you are interested. So pls stop with the most men are realistic and women are delusional trope.

Crazy shyt is the less attractive men actually would have a chance with bad chicks if they didn’t count themselves out.
An unattractive or average looking man has a much better chance at having an actual relationship with an attractive woman than the other way around. She’ll overlook his looks if he has confidence or is funny, among other qualities. A man who attracts bad chicks don’t give 2 fukks how confident or funny that unattractive chick is. :unimpressed:
But I thought the issue was all these hoes ain’t giving average men in their lane a chance? But you just admitted that chicks are more likely to settle and look at other stuff than dudes are...so whose the real problem...:mjlol:

If average women are cool with just being used for sex by men above their weight class that’s fine by me. :hubie:

This sounds petulant. “Well if you wanna have a bad life because you didn’t listen to me...”:deadmanny: It’s not up to you to determine what will happen to them. In most cases, they get those men and then get dudes in their lanes later on.

But they don’t seem to be. They’re complaining ain’t no good men and all they do is get used for sex. While the average man is rarely getting laid. So who exactly are the ones smashing and kicking these women to the curb? :jbhmm:
Yeah we veering off the rails now.
:francis: Women aren’t complaining just about being smashed and dashed. They also complaining about regular degular ugly dudes like Jay-Z cheating on Beyoncé. They also complaining about average broke dudes wanting to get treated like kings while still not looking good, having wack dikk, wanting to go Dutch like roommates, but still playing same games as dudes ahead of them. They complaining about “nice guys”, “bad guys” and all in-between. But what are they DOING? In spite of all that yapping...bytches outchea marrying they
pets, waiting until they got dusty ovaries to settle down, marrying themselves, doing all kinds of shyt to avoid the same relationships they claim they want. That’s b/c they don’t want relationships with just anybody.

All I been saying all along is a woman has a better chance at a relationship with a man on her level attractiveness wise. There is a much higher percentage of average men who will wife an average woman than there are above average men who will. There is no debating that.
Yes and as I’ve been telling you, they don’t care. They want what they want because average outchea acting like he above average anyway. Women not listening to dudes no more because their own experiences haven’t corroborated what you’ve claimed, and in a world where they can do for themselves—they’ll do that instead of dealing with the alternative.

Doesn’t mean they aren’t going to complain about it. Doesn’t mean they might not regret it. But for whatever reason these chicks woke up and decided they’d rather die alone than put up with shyt from a man they can’t even get wet for. And that makes sense.

But this is to a much lesser degree offline IMO. I think virtual reality just heightens fukkery is all. It dehumanizes people.
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Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Breh I literally said that in the same post you quoted :gucci:

If all they want is dikk then by all means do them, just stop the delusion that they will ever get more than that from these men. :unimpressed:

When a woman is fukking with a man they find attractive, do they really want “just dikk” or do they want to be wife’d up?

When they find out he smashing other chicks or dismisses her for better options, do they just go “fukk it, I knew there was no way he’d be faithful to me anyway :yeshrug:

Or do they get mad/bitter as fukk? What world do u live in where a woman is wild attracted to a dude and is cool with finding out she was just an easy piece of ass to him? If anything she’d be even more pissed to find out he don’t want to be with her than the average and below men.

Y’all not saying things that actually correlate with real life :unimpressed:

Some are cool and know the deal, some aren’t :manny:

A lot of women I run across now, are legit gmb as well. So if they want dikk then they want it from a non clingy attractive dude
Oct 25, 2014
This isn't surprising women are on dating apps for two things , the first is to get male attention to boost their ego, and 2, to find the right guy. So obviously, women will be more meticulous at choosing a mate and not just talk to every guy. Men on dating apps will fukk anything and will like/ message about 95% of the women they come across. Don't hate the player hate the game.

No source cited but it sounds believable.
Females are biologically wired to be pickier than men.

Facts. This.
Most men interested immediately just want sex. Women gotta be selective with the men that are potentially marriage material.

Some men on here don't understand that though, peek at any thread regarding consent/rape, there is a deep rooted jealousy by these incels. Pathetic.
Dec 19, 2017
Note to all brehs:

If you are pulling women easily online, that means you're probably top-shelf.....which also means you're probably feasting on broads a couple of notches below your level. Either looks or money/education etc.

You probably need to be approaching models and doctors in person as you might be selling yourself short.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
You believe the Just cause fallacy. Women aren't "nice" people they have double standards too. When they say they want to be chose they do, but if the Fly nikka smutted them out then Ugly gang simp can pay the bills while fukking Fly nikka on the side. That's what women want.

Obviously It's not really like that but if you understand this you'll understand how women think. Look at the Derrick Jaxn situation. One of the chicks (the second one) went on a former "divested bedwench's channel and said that she'd gladly take Derrick Jaxn back. She said this after she put him on blast She low key admitted she did it because he blocked her. The first chick had a boyfriend.

There's a reason we call what women say Hoe Babble because that's exactly what it is. If you take what women say at face value you lost and @Booksandrain would be the first to tell you that.
Dudes in here are in so much denial. I’ve legit heard this women themselves. That they’re perfectly fine with having one fly dude for sex, another dude for her emotional needs, another nikka to pay her bills and another waiting in prospects.
Oct 25, 2014
They can play that game because they’re beautiful right now and can leverage that beauty but if they waste it on men who don’t value them and won’t commit,

I agree with this. I notice that whether a guy will commit is simply on the guy alone. you can't change how someone inevitably feels about you. I have fat friends who are in relationships that are steady and some really gorgeous friends that have been used by guys. I think being picky is necessary to weed out the men who just want sex.