Women reject 95% of potential partners on dating apps

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Great so if that’s the case, why are we even talking about women giving chances to unattractive dudes online who escalate to sex quickly? Knowing that, this is why I said we have unreasonable expectations of women especially in online settings.:yeshrug:

Because you making assumption that swiping right means they find you attractive. Some women swipe right not because you are attractive to her in a real way, but because you the most normal thing out of thousands of weirdos so she figures she’ll at least try.:mjlol:Women filtering through racists, white guys (if you were me), dudes with no pics, dudes with pictures of dogs/cats/possums (true story), dudes with girlfriends, dudes with nothing but body shots, dudes with profile pics that look like serial killers, too old, too young. Then there’s dudes with Fukk boi comments in their profiles, dudes who off grip telling you they only there to hook up, dudes with bitter diatribes, bisexual dudes, dudes trying to finesse threesomes, dudes telling women they can’t stand them...ect.

So in a lotta cases, if she swiped on you, it’s not because she finds you attractive. You just at least in the pool of normal.
That’s the first issue. Second issue is even those basic normal dudes who she matched with will STILL be just as rude, obnoxious, sex-driven, as anybody else when they DO make it to the comments.:deadmanny:

Which is still wrong. The crux of your entire position is the assumption that less attractive men are more amenable to relationships and behave better than high value, attractive men. This is a common social lie, so I understand why you believe it. You giving your own gender too much credit in spite of never having dealt with them romantically. We gotta stop lying like being unattractive in today’s world of fantasy makes people more amenable to relationships. It doesn’t. In fact, some of these men are just as bitter and angry that they don’t have the SAME ability as their attractive peers to smut women out and they are looking for that opportunity AND that is compounded in an online setting where they can be particularly bold. I know just as many attractive people who are true romantics as I know ugly ones who got two different side chicks. Divorce court alone is evidence of this. Dudes that look like whole thumbs be cheating on their queens.:mjlol: (And vice versa because I know women got issues too)

But this reality in spite of the lie you’ve been fed about men is exactly WHY women view the dating game the way they do. You touching the core of the issue without acknowledging it.
Women have observed that ain’t no difference between dealing with an ugly dude or an attractive dude. A Christian one or an atheist. A rich one or a poor one. Because guys from all walks of life are playing these games and there’s no longer any incentive to put up with it. Soooo they might as well at least get it in with the fine ones.

If you dispute what women themselves have caught onto...that they can get screwed over by a regular degular just as easily as they can get screwed over by a guy who makes them wet, and thus are only dealing with the latter because in today’s society there’s no incentive for them to do otherwise —then there is no debate. The sky is blue but you saying it’s green.:hubie:

Society would have to be reset to a period of utter revocation of female civil rights to get to the “reality” you want. When Armageddon hits, then chicks will choose up on ANY dude, take on all the risks and hassles of pregnancy, stress, sexual shame, for a dude she can’t get wet for and she’ll put up with him doing the same shyt attractive men do. Ya know why? Because that’s the only thing she can do just to make it. But until then, chicks will complain online about being single, but still only consider men they genuinely want because many think the juice ain’t worth the squeeze when she can chill, make money, get dikk whenever and be at peace.

The crux of my entire argument is people should stay in their lanes. Average women should stick with average dudes, unattractive women should stick with unattractive dudes if they want a long term relationship.

Im sure there are average and below average dudes who play games and just wanna hit and quit etc. And yes if you’re just going to get hit and quit you might as well do it with the most attractive. I don’t nor have I ever argued against that.

What I’m saying is an above average man has the option of being with above average women, so he will fukk a woman below his weight class but rarely will he ever take it beyond that with her. Despite how shallow women are on these dating apps, men still value looks a lot more than women do. Y’all will think a man is fine till he says some incredibly corny shyt then lose all attraction to him. That doesn’t happen with us. Y’all also will bypass physical attraction for things like confidence, humor, popularity etc. We care next to nothing bout that shyt. We go for looks first. It’s a lot easier for a fine man to lose a woman’s attraction than for a fine woman to lose a man’s attraction. So a man who can get the baddest chicks will go for just that when he decides to choose one.

Even tho men want the baddest chicks, men tend to be more realistic about where they stand. A man will admit to himself he isn’t attractive enough to get the baddest chicks so he will adjust his standards accordingly. The average man is not expecting to be chosen by a bad chick the way average women expect to actually be chose by a top 10% man.

Crazy shyt is the less attractive men actually would have a chance with bad chicks if they didn’t count themselves out. An unattractive or average looking man has a much better chance at having an actual relationship with an attractive woman than the other way around. She’ll overlook his looks if he has confidence or is funny, among other qualities. A man who attracts bad chicks don’t give 2 fukks how confident or funny that unattractive chick is. :unimpressed:

If average women are cool with just being used for sex by men above their weight class that’s fine by me. :hubie:

But they don’t seem to be. They’re complaining ain’t no good men and all they do is get used for sex. While the average man is rarely getting laid. So who exactly are the ones smashing and kicking these women to the curb? :jbhmm:

Men above her weight class she deluded herself into thinking she can get a commitment out of. :francis:

All I been saying all along is a woman has a better chance at a relationship with a man on her level attractiveness wise. There is a much higher percentage of average men who will wife an average woman than there are above average men who will. There is no debating that.
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Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
You're missing the point. Women like Fly nikkas, Yes the nikka might play them but if they're gonna get played they'd rather it be with a Fly nikka.

Dudes are the same way, They rather get played by the Fly IG thot than the chick next door.

It is what it is.
It’s true.
The crux of my entire argument is people should stay in their lanes. Average women should stick with average dudes, unattractive women should stick with unattractive dudes if they want a long term relationship.

Im sure there are average and below average dudes who play games and just wanna hit and quit etc. And yes if you’re just going to get hit and quit you might as well do it with the most attractive. I don’t nor have I ever argued against that.

What I’m saying is an above average man has the option of being with above average women, so he will fukk a woman below his weight class but rarely will he ever take it beyond that with her. Despite how shallow women are on these dating apps, men still value looks a lot more than women do. Y’all will think a man is fine till he says some incredibly corny shyt then lose all attraction to him. That doesn’t happen with us. Y’all also will bypass physical attraction for things like confidence, humor, popularity etc. We care next to nothing bout that shyt. We go for looks first. It’s a lot easier for a fine man to lose a woman’s attraction than for a fine woman to lose a man’s attraction. So a man who can get the baddest chicks will go for just that when he decides to choose one.

Even tho men want the baddest chicks, men tend to be more realistic about where they stand. A man will admit to himself he isn’t attractive enough to get the baddest chicks so he will adjust his standards accordingly. The average man is not expecting to be chosen by a bad chick the way average women expect to actually be chose by a top 10% man.

Crazy shyt is the less attractive men actually would have a chance with bad chicks if they didn’t count themselves out. An unattractive or average looking man has a much better chance at having an actual relationship with an attractive woman than the other way around. She’ll overlook his looks if he has confidence or is funny, among other qualities. A man who attracts bad chicks don’t give 2 fukks how confident or funny that unattractive chick is. :unimpressed:

If average women are cool with just being used for sex by men above their weight class that’s fine by me. :hubie:

But they don’t seem to be. They’re complaining ain’t no good men and all they do is get used for sex. While the average man is rarely getting laid. So who exactly are the ones smashing and kicking these women to the curb? :jbhmm:

Men above her weight class she deluded herself into thinking she can get a commitment out of. :francis:

All I been saying all along is a woman has a better chance at a relationship with a man on her level attractiveness wise. There is a much higher percentage of average men who will wife an average woman than there are above average men who will. There is no debating that.
and you missed her point. Why should a woman stay in their lane when they can at least get dikk from an attractive dude :heh:

Some women just want sex or will settle for it. :manny:

So why not do it with a dude that’s attractive, even if they’re punching above their weight.

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
The funnel will widen, but less men will play is my prediction ...

And as age increases the phrase "The odds are good, but the goods are odd" comes into play ....
Never heard this :wow:
It’s true.

and you missed her point. Why should a woman stay in their lane when they can at least get dikk from an attractive dude :heh:

Some women just want sex or will settle for it. :manny:

So why not do it with a dude that’s attractive, even if they’re punching above their weight.
He didn't miss anything. These women clearly don't think just being used as a nut dump is enough or else we wouldn't have to hear about it.


Old Master
May 11, 2012
The funnel will widen, but less men will play is my prediction ...

And as age increases the phrase "The odds are good, but the goods are odd" comes into play ....
Maybe but if those guys aren’t interested in dating it doesn’t matter too much. It actually makes it easier for both sides. None of it is easy but if people are serious they generally will have opportunities. Every chick that’s older isn’t damaged goods as every dude that’s older isn’t damaged goods.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
It’s true.

and you missed her point. Why should a woman stay in their lane when they can at least get dikk from an attractive dude :heh:

Some women just want sex or will settle for it. :manny:

So why not do it with a dude that’s attractive, even if they’re punching above their weight.

Breh I literally said that in the same post you quoted :gucci:

If all they want is dikk then by all means do them, just stop the delusion that they will ever get more than that from these men. :unimpressed:

When a woman is fukking with a man they find attractive, do they really want “just dikk” or do they want to be wife’d up?

When they find out he smashing other chicks or dismisses her for better options, do they just go “fukk it, I knew there was no way he’d be faithful to me anyway :yeshrug:

Or do they get mad/bitter as fukk? What world do u live in where a woman is wild attracted to a dude and is cool with finding out she was just an easy piece of ass to him? If anything she’d be even more pissed to find out he don’t want to be with her than the average and below men.

Y’all not saying things that actually correlate with real life :unimpressed:

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Maybe but if those guys aren’t interested in dating it doesn’t matter too much. It actually makes it easier for both sides. None of it is easy but if people are serious they generally will have opportunities. Every chick that’s older isn’t damaged goods as every dude that’s older isn’t damaged goods.

If the bottom 90% of men decided to check out of dating altogether, that will give the top 10% even more options. At that point they would have no reason to even have casual sex with any woman who isn’t in the top 20-30% :francis:

You really think the bottom 70-80% of women will be cool with that?


Feb 16, 2017
Great so if that’s the case, why are we even talking about women giving chances to unattractive dudes online who escalate to sex quickly? Knowing that, this is why I said we have unreasonable expectations of women especially in online settings.:yeshrug:

Because you making assumption that swiping right means they find you attractive. Some women swipe right not because you are attractive to her in a real way, but because you the most normal thing out of thousands of weirdos so she figures she’ll at least try.:mjlol:Women filtering through racists, white guys (if you were me), dudes with no pics, dudes with pictures of dogs/cats/possums (true story), dudes with girlfriends, dudes with nothing but body shots, dudes with profile pics that look like serial killers, too old, too young. Then there’s dudes with Fukk boi comments in their profiles, dudes who off grip telling you they only there to hook up, dudes with bitter diatribes, bisexual dudes, dudes trying to finesse threesomes, dudes telling women they can’t stand them...ect.

So in a lotta cases, if she swiped on you, it’s not because she finds you attractive. You just at least in the pool of normal.
That’s the first issue. Second issue is even those basic normal dudes who she matched with will STILL be just as rude, obnoxious, sex-driven, as anybody else when they DO make it to the comments.:deadmanny:

Which is still wrong. The crux of your entire position is the assumption that less attractive men are more amenable to relationships and behave better than high value, attractive men. This is a common social lie, so I understand why you believe it. You giving your own gender too much credit in spite of never having dealt with them romantically. We gotta stop lying like being unattractive in today’s world of fantasy makes people more amenable to relationships. It doesn’t. In fact, some of these men are just as bitter and angry that they don’t have the SAME ability as their attractive peers to smut women out and they are looking for that opportunity AND that is compounded in an online setting where they can be particularly bold. I know just as many attractive people who are true romantics as I know ugly ones who got two different side chicks. Divorce court alone is evidence of this. Dudes that look like whole thumbs be cheating on their queens.:mjlol: (And vice versa because I know women got issues too)

But this reality in spite of the lie you’ve been fed about men is exactly WHY women view the dating game the way they do. You touching the core of the issue without acknowledging it.
Women have observed that ain’t no difference between dealing with an ugly dude or an attractive dude. A Christian one or an atheist. A rich one or a poor one. Because guys from all walks of life are playing these games and there’s no longer any incentive to put up with it. Soooo they might as well at least get it in with the fine ones.

If you dispute what women themselves have caught onto...that they can get screwed over by a regular degular just as easily as they can get screwed over by a guy who makes them wet, and thus are only dealing with the latter because in today’s society there’s no incentive for them to do otherwise —then there is no debate. The sky is blue but you saying it’s green.:hubie:

Society would have to be reset to a period of utter revocation of female civil rights to get to the “reality” you want. When Armageddon hits, then chicks will choose up on ANY dude, take on all the risks and hassles of pregnancy, stress, sexual shame, for a dude she can’t get wet for and she’ll put up with him doing the same shyt attractive men do. Ya know why? Because that’s the only thing she can do just to make it. But until then, chicks will complain online about being single, but still only consider men they genuinely want because many think the juice ain’t worth the squeeze when she can chill, make money, get dikk whenever and be at peace.

This is answer here and I wish nikkas knew it. If you could convince ugly nikkas to do the same (which is slowly happening) shyt will be fine.


Feb 16, 2017
I agree they can be a tool, but a lotta people don’t know how to transition smoothly like you just described. And some get too fatigued or bored so by the time they do make a match, they might not even want to be bothered.
I think people being tired is an even more alarming factor. Many are completely withdrawing from society altogether.
This is a good thing


Old Master
May 11, 2012
If the bottom 90% of men decided to check out of dating altogether, that will give the top 10% even more options. At that point they would have no reason to even have casual sex with any woman who isn’t in the top 20-30% :francis:

You really think the bottom 70-80% of women will be cool with that?
Yeah but you are literally talking about astronomical percentages that simply aren’t going to happen.


Feb 16, 2017
The crux of my entire argument is people should stay in their lanes. Average women should stick with average dudes, unattractive women should stick with unattractive dudes if they want a long term relationship.

Im sure there are average and below average dudes who play games and just wanna hit and quit etc. And yes if you’re just going to get hit and quit you might as well do it with the most attractive. I don’t nor have I ever argued against that.

What I’m saying is an above average man has the option of being with above average women, so he will fukk a woman below his weight class but rarely will he ever take it beyond that with her. Despite how shallow women are on these dating apps, men still value looks a lot more than women do. Y’all will think a man is fine till he says some incredibly corny shyt then lose all attraction to him. That doesn’t happen with us. Y’all also will bypass physical attraction for things like confidence, humor, popularity etc. We care next to nothing bout that shyt. We go for looks first. It’s a lot easier for a fine man to lose a woman’s attraction than for a fine woman to lose a man’s attraction. So a man who can get the baddest chicks will go for just that when he decides to choose one.

Even tho men want the baddest chicks, men tend to be more realistic about where they stand. A man will admit to himself he isn’t attractive enough to get the baddest chicks so he will adjust his standards accordingly. The average man is not expecting to be chosen by a bad chick the way average women expect to actually be chose by a top 10% man.

Crazy shyt is the less attractive men actually would have a chance with bad chicks if they didn’t count themselves out. An unattractive or average looking man has a much better chance at having an actual relationship with an attractive woman than the other way around. She’ll overlook his looks if he has confidence or is funny, among other qualities. A man who attracts bad chicks don’t give 2 fukks how confident or funny that unattractive chick is. :unimpressed:

If average women are cool with just being used for sex by men above their weight class that’s fine by me. :hubie:

But they don’t seem to be. They’re complaining ain’t no good men and all they do is get used for sex. While the average man is rarely getting laid. So who exactly are the ones smashing and kicking these women to the curb? :jbhmm:

Men above her weight class she deluded herself into thinking she can get a commitment out of. :francis:

All I been saying all along is a woman has a better chance at a relationship with a man on her level attractiveness wise. There is a much higher percentage of average men who will wife an average woman than there are above average men who will. There is no debating that.

What you don't understand is bytches don't care about "lanes" they'd rather be piped out by the flyest nikka that ever smiled at them than to get someone "on their level"

You do know that mongamy isn't really a thing practiced in human societies right? I mean it does make the most sense for society but as long as women have a choice they will choose. So either we go back to fathers picking the husbands for their daughters or allow nature to take it's course.

Would you be fine with One Woman who's "on your level?" Or do you want to holla at all girls and pick the best one for you ( after you ran through a bunch of them)?


Feb 16, 2017
If the bottom 90% of men decided to check out of dating altogether, that will give the top 10% even more options. At that point they would have no reason to even have casual sex with any woman who isn’t in the top 20-30% :francis:

You really think the bottom 70-80% of women will be cool with that?
Of course they would if they could have sex once with a 10%er.

I guess you don't believe that IG thots want to be Thots they would throw it all away to get with the right nikka huh?

I can't find it but on the Whoreble decisions podcast they talked about going to Hedoism with a dude they knew the dude was gonna fukk she just gave him the keys so he could fukk her when he was ready for her.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
What you don't understand is bytches don't care about "lanes" they'd rather be piped out by the flyest nikka that ever smiled at them than to get someone "on their level"

You do know that mongamy isn't really a thing practiced in human societies right? I mean it does make the most sense for society but as long as women have a choice they will choose. So either we go back to fathers picking the husbands for their daughters or allow nature to take it's course.

Would you be fine with One Woman who's "on your level?" Or do you want to holla at all girls and pick the best one for you ( after you ran through a bunch of them)?

I would be fine with one woman on my level actually. :unimpressed:

Far as the running thru them till I find one thing goes, yea it may be a double standard but there’s no getting away from the fact it’s different for a man to run thru women than women to be ran thru. Women don’t look at men with lack of sexual experience the way men look at women with lack of sexual experience. Unless they were childhood, maybe college sweethearts a woman will look at a man with few bodies as inexperienced and undesirable especially late in his 20s and up.

Y’all just keep repeating the same shyt I’ve said multiple times. I already said I understand a woman who just wants sex getting with the best looking man offering it in several posts. But these women don’t want just sex, they want to be chose. They need to either stay in their lane or stop crying bout just being good for sex with the men they want and not being chose.


JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Of course they would if they could have sex once with a 10%er.

I guess you don't believe that IG thots want to be Thots they would throw it all away to get with the right nikka huh?

I can't find it but on the Whoreble decisions podcast they talked about going to Hedoism with a dude they knew the dude was gonna fukk she just gave him the keys so he could fukk her when he was ready for her.

Did you even read that post you quoted? :gucci:

In that scenario, especially in online dating, upper echelon men would have no reason to even smash chicks in the bottom 70%. These men aren’t even smashing chicks in the bottom 50% now. :unimpressed:

The reason dating app stats favor women is because of all the undesirable men on there. Remove them from the apps and they would only favor the top 10-20% of men and the top 20-30% of women. Maybe top 40. Dating apps would be like 95% women if all average and below men deleted them. And a serious majority of them wouldn’t get any matches at all.