Women reject 95% of potential partners on dating apps

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
You are making assumptions about women in hopes of making them give chances to dudes they don’t want. And you are romanticizing men these women consider unattractive.

Women don’t want just romantic partnerships. They want romantic partnerships with attractive mates. And there’s little incentive to even initially entertain dudes especially in an online setting if they are immediately escalating to sex, especially when they aren’t attractive.

In none of your posts have you presented any real reason or incentive for women to do this other than the lie that unattractive men will be more willing to entertain a long term relationship. Ugly dudes smash and dash whenever they can as well.

But that’s still irrelevant because they aren’t who the women want....sooooo once again, women have zero incentive to waste time, effort, on somebody they aren’t attracted to in the first place...especially when men traditionally hold these attempts against them.

You can’t get around this reality. State your solution. That they should entertain these guys KNOWING they aren’t going to have sex with them? Then men say women using them for dates. Should they force themselves? For what reason?

Walk me through what you think these chicks should do. And tell me what immediate demands you as a man would be willing to put up with from an unattractive female who was rudely bypassing any of your interests and jumping straight to her demands of you.

The analogy is somebody you don’t want who also is making immediate demands of you. Would you entertain her?

Like I said before, I did not ever suggest women just go around sleeping with every man who wants to sleep with them.

And my argument was more so for the average looking person. High quality men will rarely smash a straight up unattractive woman in the first place. It’s about average looking women who can get sex but not commitment from above average looking men who see her average looking male counterpart as beneath her. An average looking woman will not have a problem getting an average guy to see her as relationship material. Average looking means she’s still attractive just not the baddest chick which most men are perfectly fine with.

My solution is live in reality. If a woman is average looking and want something beyond sex, she would have a much easier time realizing her place as an average looking woman by being more receptive to average looking men instead of trying to compete with women out of her league.

We all want jobs/careers that pay what careers that require a PHD does. But if you have an Associates degree, you know you would be playing yourself applying for this job in the first place, let alone placing yourself in direct competition with people with actual PHDs who want the same job. The only difference is the job that require a PHD will not let the person with an Associates work temporarily for half the pay until someone with a PHD comes along. :francis:

And you can defend that terrible analogy all you want but fact remains you tried to compare something that happens all the time with something that does not ever happen. :unimpressed:
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Feb 16, 2017
Yeah it’s rough. Honestly I think dating apps are horrible. For men and women unless you just want to fukk, and even then it’s risky.

Personally there’s just no substitute for human interaction. I’d suggest joining clubs, travel groups, meet ups instead of apps. Apps just make everybody seem disposable.

Thank God it's not like that in other countries. But stateside yes joining clubs and classes works way better and the "warm approach" is the way to go.

That and self improving to the point that you can start "posin' to be chosen" works too.

That will be the way forward in the post #metoo era.


Feb 16, 2017
They do...by swiping left.:dahell:

If you talking about in real life, it’s a mixed bag because sometimes you can do that nicely and some dudes take that niceness as an in.:manny:

Yes I think chicks should say when a lame or some one she doesn't like attempts to holla swipe left. You might actually want to make the hand movement if a nikka doesn't get it.


Feb 16, 2017
Like I said before, I did not ever suggest women just go around sleeping with every man who wants to sleep with them.

And my argument was more so for the average looking person. High quality men will rarely smash a straight up unattractive woman in the first place. It’s about average looking women who can get sex but not commitment from above average looking men who see her average looking male counterpart as beneath her. An average looking woman will not have a problem getting an average guy to see her as relationship material. Average looking means she’s still attractive just not the baddest chick which most men are perfectly fine with.

My solution is live in reality. If a woman is average looking and want something beyond sex, she would have a much easier time realizing her place as an average looking woman by being more receptive to average looking men instead of trying to compete with women out of her league.

We all want jobs/careers that pay what careers that require a PHD does. But if you have an Associates degree, you know you would be playing yourself applying for this job in the first place, let alone placing yourself in completion with people with actual PHDs who want the same job. The only difference is the job that require a PHD will not let the person with the Associates work temporarily for half the pay until someone with a PHD comes along. :francis:

You're missing the point. Women like Fly nikkas, Yes the nikka might play them but if they're gonna get played they'd rather it be with a Fly nikka.

Dudes are the same way, They rather get played by the Fly IG thot than the chick next door.

It is what it is.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
You're missing the point. Women like Fly nikkas, Yes the nikka might play them but if they're gonna get played they'd rather it be with a Fly nikka.

Dudes are the same way, They rather get played by the Fly IG thot than the chick next door.

It is what it is.

Rep if you can quote where I ever said anything otherwise


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
I don’t nor did I ever say I expect women to do anything. I pointed out the flaws in your logic. :unimpressed:

You were asking why would a woman get with a dude she doesn’t find attractive just for him to want only sex from her and have her back on the market. I pointed out men with few options doesn’t have any incentive to behave that way. The men more likely to hit and quit are the ones y’all find most attractive because he has more options. Feel free to point out the flaw in that logic. :feedme:

Not only does it logically make more sense than whatever you’re saying, but real life plays out this way as well.

If all a woman is looking for is casual sex, then it makes sense to go after the most attractive man that will sleep with her. But if she’s looking for long term, she has a much better chance at getting that with a man with fewer options as opposed to deluding herself into believing the man who can have a lot of women will choose her despite being able to have all the casual sex he wants and/or choosing one of his much better options for a relationship.

You said yourself 99% of men tried to escalate to sex immediately. So unless you were strictly matching with dudes u find unattractive, that means the ones you found attractive were the same way. You tried to gauge a man rushing to sex as some sort of indicator of whether or not he’s looking for something long term. But if 99% of men were all looking to escalate it to sex, that means pretty much all men want sex right away, and that in and of itself has nothing to do with if he’s looking for a relationship.

And I like how u moved the goal posts from a woman talking marriage on the first date to her wanting Love and commitment relatively early. Men want sex right away, no woman is trying to get married within a week of meeting a man. You tried to compare something that happens all the time to something that does not ever happen. :unimpressed:

Terrible analogy :hhh:
Picked apart her logic with ease :wow:


Sep 6, 2016
FBA hairline
Your success rate would go up exponentially if you're a good looking dude with charisma in real life

This online shyt allows 6s to be chose like 8s are in real life

When you're face to face its way easier, you don't even have to do all that creative shyt people do online, if you're confident

All it takes is your presence and basic conversation, if she interested you'll know
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The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
Lol at least you understood the absurdity of the set up.

But yeah, online dating just makes people even more dismissive than they are in the normal dating game. The very set up makes it easier to dismiss people based primarily on looks. Major connections don’t translate well to virtual settings and texts.

Funny that you say that because I’ve often been told that I look like a young Ginuwine especially when I grow my hair out :pachaha:

I’ve matched with some bad women, but so far have met none of them. Online dating in general is just weird, I’ve always preferred real life.


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
Like I said before, I did not ever suggest women just go around sleeping with every man who wants to sleep with them.

And my argument was more so for the average looking person. High quality men will rarely smash a straight up unattractive woman in the first place. It’s about average looking women who can get sex but not commitment from above average looking men who see her average looking male counterpart as beneath her. An average looking woman will not have a problem getting an average guy to see her as relationship material. Average looking means she’s still attractive just not the baddest chick which most men are perfectly fine with.

My solution is live in reality. If a woman is average looking and want something beyond sex, she would have a much easier time realizing her place as an average looking woman by being more receptive to average looking men instead of trying to compete with women out of her league.

We all want jobs/careers that pay what careers that require a PHD does. But if you have an Associates degree, you know you would be playing yourself applying for this job in the first place, let alone placing yourself in direct competition with people with actual PHDs who want the same job. The only difference is the job that require a PHD will not let the person with an Associates work temporarily for half the pay until someone with a PHD comes along. :francis:

And you can defend that terrible analogy all you want but fact remains you tried to compare something that happens all the time with something that does not ever happen. :unimpressed:

the online vs real life thing is being overstated in here. It’s no just because women online are 10X’s more dismissive, women in general are very picky and like you and KS keeps saying these ho’s all want the same 4 guys that have it all. They see flaws in regular guys and they are magnified but these women also have these same flaws, but they expect them dudes to ignore them because they are “loyal” or “have a great personality “.

Women be overweight and lazy talking about I’m trying to lose weight but I want my HVM to take me as I am now. These hoes was there Russell Wilson but don’t look like it have the talent of Ciara.

The game is fukked up cause women actually believe their bs and are turning men down because they think a better option is around the corner. But what they don’t realize is that dude done already came and went. That’s how you get so many 40+ years old women still single talking about not needing no man.


Old Master
May 11, 2012
Doesn’t sound surprising really. It’s a dating app so of course looks will eventually rule the day. All in the game especially for younger brehs and brehettes but I imagine the funnel opens as you get to older groups. That’s my experience during a chunk of the pandemic anyway. I’m not even handsome gang and I did alright :manny:
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Aug 3, 2013
Like I said before, I did not ever suggest women just go around sleeping with every man who wants to sleep with them.

And my argument was more so for the average looking person. High quality men will rarely smash a straight up unattractive woman in the first place. It’s about average looking women who can get sex but not commitment from above average looking men who see her average looking male counterpart as beneath her. An average looking woman will not have a problem getting an average guy to see her as relationship material. Average looking means she’s still attractive just not the baddest chick which most men are perfectly fine with.

My solution is live in reality. If a woman is average looking and want something beyond sex, she would have a much easier time realizing her place as an average looking woman by being more receptive to average looking men instead of trying to compete with women out of her league.

We all want jobs/careers that pay what careers that require a PHD does. But if you have an Associates degree, you know you would be playing yourself applying for this job in the first place, let alone placing yourself in direct competition with people with actual PHDs who want the same job. The only difference is the job that require a PHD will not let the person with an Associates work temporarily for half the pay until someone with a PHD comes along. :francis:

And you can defend that terrible analogy all you want but fact remains you tried to compare something that happens all the time with something that does not ever happen. :unimpressed:
Fatality :wow:
Dec 19, 2017
A man wanting sex right away doesn’t mean he not down for a relationship tho. Every relationship I’ve ever been in was with a woman I smashed less than a week after meeting. I’ve known dudes who married women they smashed right away, sometimes first night.

Most dudes want sex right away, you even said yourself 99% of them wanted to smash right away, including some of if not all of the ones you found attractive. The ones you found most attractive would’ve been a lot more likely to keep it moving after smashing than the ones with less options.

A man not trying to escalate it to sex right away doesn’t mean he wants to wife you up. It usually means he isn’t that attracted to you, shy, scared to run you off, or is already busy smashing whoever he already been smashing so he has no problem playing the long game with you. :francis:


In my single days, I usually had one or two women that were pretty much FWB. They wanted more but were in no hurry....they were happy eating Chinese food plus Netflix & Chill on Friday nights.

Having a couple of options for sex on the side makes you approach dating with a clear head. Women that I'd normally be a little more aggressive with? I was more laid back and "charming." Did enough to let them know how I felt but never got pushy or anything like that.

Most women will have SOMEONE they can call up for dikk. That's why they can take a much more nuanced and detached view when trying to date. They are in no rush to give up the draws because they have someone handling that. Desperate men want puzzy, relationships....just anything they can get.


Feb 12, 2015
Not to mention dating apps can have you out here thinking you are a monster.

You don't get any play irl then think you are going to have some luck online and when that's not the case it makes your self-esteem worse.

Men just delete that shyt period.
Yep! It’s a set up. It’s hard to build a connection that way.


Feb 12, 2015
Like I said before, I did not ever suggest women just go around sleeping with every man who wants to sleep with them.

And my argument was more so for the average looking person. High quality men will rarely smash a straight up unattractive woman in the first place. It’s about average looking women who can get sex but not commitment from above average looking men who see her average looking male counterpart as beneath her. An average looking woman will not have a problem getting an average guy to see her as relationship material. Average looking means she’s still attractive just not the baddest chick which most men are perfectly fine with.

My solution is live in reality. If a woman is average looking and want something beyond sex, she would have a much easier time realizing her place as an average looking woman by being more receptive to average looking men instead of trying to compete with women out of her league.

We all want jobs/careers that pay what careers that require a PHD does. But if you have an Associates degree, you know you would be playing yourself applying for this job in the first place, let alone placing yourself in direct competition with people with actual PHDs who want the same job. The only difference is the job that require a PHD will not let the person with an Associates work temporarily for half the pay until someone with a PHD comes along. :francis:

And you can defend that terrible analogy all you want but fact remains you tried to compare something that happens all the time with something that does not ever happen. :unimpressed:
So because you can’t answer the analogy, presumably because even YOU know how silly it looks, you try to dismiss it.:mjlol:

NOPE won’t work. But even if you were goofy enough to entertain ugly chicks making demands of you, then that’s you. :yeshrug:Women in this society have been deincentivized to do so. Especially when even these dudes got chips on their shoulders too. We got dudes even disgusted at paying for a meal for a woman on a date in another thread and online but here, you want women to live in “reality” but men to have the benefits of delusion. Stop.

You can talk all around the truth but that won’t make it go away. You can cry about delusion. But that won’t make it go away either. The point is there’s zero incentive for women to choose up on some stranger online that she finds unattractive. Who also is hyperescalating to sex. The very nature of online dating isn’t conducive to the types of connections you are trying to get to if you are unattractive because it’s based primarily off looks.

Average people or those who are considered unattractive in photos need to stop being resentful that they don’t have the same privileges as others in the game. Get offline and cultivate personality traits that translate better to in person interactions. Learn to simp compatible women who may be receptive. Meet more people. Might not work 100% but trying to convince women to compound biological Ls by accepting unattractive dudes online in your inbox escalating to sex on the carrot of commitment from same dudes they don’t even want is ridiculous.

:laff::laff::laff:I didn’t even put in the added issue of if she does it, she lives in a society where she will get judged for it.

So now, she taking bodies of dudes she don’t even like...for what...the potential of a committed relationship with somebody she didn’t want in the first place?!:laff::laff::laff: