Women reject 95% of potential partners on dating apps


Feb 12, 2015
fukk yall want them to fukk all sutors:pachaha:

Then yall would make threads calling em hoes:deadmanny:

RIGHT! Like I was sitting here wondering WTF?!

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
That's honestly what needs to happen. If 90% of men left those apps (aint like they getting buns anyway :heh:), those apps would not only die from the lost ad revenue and be forced to make changes, the women would start crying about not getting any attention and that it would be clear there's not enough men on there for them to have a chance at a real relationship. I don't know why we pretend like there's a dearth of women out there. Its a 1-1 ratio but, you let social media and online dating tell it, there's 10 men for every woman :heh:

This is a line of thinking that needs to spread across the entire internet

I wouldn’t be surprised if majority of revenue these apps make is from the men who ain’t eating who think spending money will improve their odds only to still fail

All men not eating need to just completely delete their apps. Ironically these men are the main ones keeping these apps thriving for the women that don’t want them and making the owners of these apps rich. While the apps themselves just make the people who make them rich miserable.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
I was losing in the online dating app miserably. It was difficult for me to get a respond from a woman. I was getting cricket noises in my inbox. I accepted that Im not part of the handsome gang and I will never gain anything from dating apps. I left the dating apps alone and start approaching women in person. I have gotten better results. Women are pickier online but they are approachable and easier to converse with in person.
Some of y’all are really struggling out here :dwillhuh: I be rejecting women on apps because their elbows are too point and shyt @JLova


Feb 12, 2015
I doubt that most Men would have a problem if women consistently let nikkas know she's not interested in them especially if she's interested in his friend.
They do...by swiping left.:dahell:

If you talking about in real life, it’s a mixed bag because sometimes you can do that nicely and some dudes take that niceness as an in.:manny:


Feb 12, 2015
Can't really go outside in this political climate though.
Yeah it’s rough. Honestly I think dating apps are horrible. For men and women unless you just want to fukk, and even then it’s risky.

Personally there’s just no substitute for human interaction. I’d suggest joining clubs, travel groups, meet ups instead of apps. Apps just make everybody seem disposable.


Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life
Same here.

Women have been conditioned to believe that everyone online is either a troll or a bot. They don't see the other accounts as human.

So, they go for the best looking ones on some "if they're all serial killers and trolls, I might as well swipe on the best".

I've found that I have far more success on social media. I suspect it's because I'm humanized on there.
There are no filter system in social media. I have benefited from Facebook as well. You can send a woman a respectable message in FB and she will likely respond. Plus, she can get an idea what kind of person you are base on your opinion and image that are posted on your newsfeed.
Some of y’all are really struggling out here :dwillhuh: I be rejecting women on apps because their elbows are too point and shyt @JLova

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
It doesn’t make sense because he’s still unattractive! What is so hard to understand about a woman not wanting to add up Ls for herself in this situation.

If you not attractive to her it’s a L. If you not attractive to her AND you escalating to sex immediately, it’s a L. She already taking on a bunch of risks and inconveniences. Why would she do that for an ugly dude pressuring her?

I asked my question because you know good and well if an ugly chick you couldn’t get your dikk up for came to you, demanding shyt she desired like love, relationships, dates, you’d be :camby:

So why are we expecting chicks to take all these Ls for men they not feeling...only for some men to judge them if they do.

If it’s gonna be all that drama, they might as well only fukk men they actually want...which is what they are doing.:manny:

I don’t nor did I ever say I expect women to do anything. I pointed out the flaws in your logic. :unimpressed:

You were asking why would a woman get with a dude she doesn’t find attractive just for him to want only sex from her and have her back on the market. I pointed out men with few options doesn’t have any incentive to behave that way. The men more likely to hit and quit are the ones y’all find most attractive because he has more options. Feel free to point out the flaw in that logic. :feedme:

Not only does it logically make more sense than whatever you’re saying, but real life plays out this way as well.

If all a woman is looking for is casual sex, then it makes sense to go after the most attractive man that will sleep with her. But if she’s looking for long term, she has a much better chance at getting that with a man with fewer options as opposed to deluding herself into believing the man who can have a lot of women will choose her despite being able to have all the casual sex he wants and/or choosing one of his much better options for a relationship.

You said yourself 99% of men tried to escalate to sex immediately. So unless you were strictly matching with dudes u find unattractive, that means the ones you found attractive were the same way. You tried to gauge a man rushing to sex as some sort of indicator of whether or not he’s looking for something long term. But if 99% of men were all looking to escalate it to sex, that means pretty much all men want sex right away, and that in and of itself has nothing to do with if he’s looking for a relationship.

And I like how u moved the goal posts from a woman talking marriage on the first date to her wanting Love and commitment relatively early. Men want sex right away, no woman is trying to get married within a week of meeting a man. You tried to compare something that happens all the time to something that does not ever happen. :unimpressed:

Terrible analogy :hhh:
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Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
That’s why women tappin out. It’s a lose/lose for them if they play the game. :yeshrug:
If only yall could clone me:mjcry:

Every Black woman deserves a Chocolate nikka with curly hair, a thick beard and built like Atlas:wow:

With a personality that could charm a fly off horse shyt
That has faced war and death head on and not blink:wow:


Feb 12, 2015
I don’t nor did I ever say I expect women to do anything. I pointed out the flaws in your logic. :unimpressed:

You were asking why would a woman get with a dude she doesn’t find attractive just for him to want only sex from her and have her back on the market. I pointed out men with few options doesn’t have any incentive to behave that way. The men more likely to hit and quit are the ones y’all find most attractive because he has more options. Feel free to point out the flaw in that logic. :feedme:

Not only does it logically make more sense than whatever you’re saying, but real life plays out this way as well.

If all a woman is looking for is casual sex, then it makes sense to go after the most attractive man that will sleep with her. But if she’s looking for long term, she has a much better chance at getting that with a man with fewer options as opposed to deluding herself into believing the man who can have a lot of women will choose her despite being able to have all the casual sex he wants and/or choosing one of his much better options for a relationship.

You said yourself 99% of men tried to escalate to sex immediately. So unless you were strictly matching with dudes u find unattractive, that means the ones you found attractive were the same way. You tried to gauge a man rushing to sex as some sort of indicator of whether or not he’s looking for something long term. But if 99% of men were all looking to escalate it to sex, that means pretty much all men want sex right away, and that in and of itself has nothing to do with if he’s looking for a relationship.

And I like how u moved the goal posts from a woman talking marriage on the first date to her wanting Love and commitment relatively early. Men want sex right away, no woman is trying to get married within a week of meeting a man. You tried to compare something that happens all the time to something that does not ever happen. :unimpressed:

Terrible analogy :hhh:
You are making assumptions about women in hopes of making them give chances to dudes they don’t want. And you are romanticizing men these women consider unattractive.

Women don’t want just romantic partnerships. They want romantic partnerships with attractive mates. And there’s little incentive to even initially entertain dudes especially in an online setting if they are immediately escalating to sex, especially when they aren’t attractive.

In none of your posts have you presented any real reason or incentive for women to do this other than the lie that unattractive men will be more willing to entertain a long term relationship. Ugly dudes smash and dash whenever they can as well.

But that’s still irrelevant because they aren’t who the women want....sooooo once again, women have zero incentive to waste time, effort, on somebody they aren’t attracted to in the first place...especially when men traditionally hold these attempts against them.

You can’t get around this reality. State your solution. That they should entertain these guys KNOWING they aren’t going to have sex with them? Then men say women using them for dates. Should they force themselves? For what reason?

Walk me through what you think these chicks should do. And tell me what immediate demands you as a man would be willing to put up with from an unattractive female who was rudely bypassing any of your interests and jumping straight to her demands of you.

The analogy is somebody you don’t want who also is making immediate demands of you. Would you entertain her?
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Feb 12, 2015
If only yall could clone me:mjcry:

Every Black woman deserves a Chocolate nikka with curly hair, a thick beard and built like Atlas:wow:

With a personality that could charm a fly off horse shyt
That has faced war and death head on and not blink:wow:
Lol at least you understood the absurdity of the set up.

But yeah, online dating just makes people even more dismissive than they are in the normal dating game. The very set up makes it easier to dismiss people based primarily on looks. Major connections don’t translate well to virtual settings and texts.

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
Lol at least you understood the absurdity of the set up.

But yeah, online dating just makes people even more dismissive than they are in the normal dating game. The very set up makes it easier to dismiss people based primarily on looks. Major connections don’t translate well to virtual settings and texts.
Not to mention dating apps can have you out here thinking you are a monster.

You don't get any play irl then think you are going to have some luck online and when that's not the case it makes your self-esteem worse.

Men just delete that shyt period.


Great Value Man™
Nov 14, 2014
maybe we have too many surviving men in this era:skip: