Women punches 4 year old child during fight


May 2, 2012
No, those are your words. You're saying that whites care, don't try and make it seem like that is something that I've said. The nerve of you accusing anyone else of being dishonest. You don't even have the integrity to acknowledge that you've been caught in a lie. I catch you in a lie and you just keep it moving like it didn't happen.

here we go with your jumbo responses where you'll never concede to being dead wrong. these are YOUR words, once again:

Every week there's a new story of some unarmed black person being killed by law enforcement but do you think that whites are worried that this gives blacks "ammunition" to call them out for being racist? Hell no. Whites look blacks right in the eye and say that these incidents aren't about race

you contradict yourself and dont even realize it. if whites dont care about giving blacks ammunition, they wouldn't lie about their motives. simple as that.

This is dumb as fukk and I would never agree with it. Whites don't give a flying fukk what black people think. They oppress us then lie about doing it because they know that we aren't going to do shyt about it. We can't even publicly call whites out because our comminity is infiltrated with c00ns who whites can always prop up to deflect right back on to black people just like you and that other poster are doing in this thread. You two are the exactly the type of blacks that whites love putting in front of cameras because you'll always find a way to blame blacks for white racism. "Wees got to stop giving them ammunition".

you did it again :pachaha: if they didn't care, they wouldn't LIE, fukking idiot. they would just say "yeah, we're oppressing blacks because fukk em"

now since you want to cape for the wshh culture and nikkas recording themselves doing dumb shyt. name one benefit to recording yourself assaulting someone minding their business and their kid, just 1 benefit, i'll wait. cus i can name several disadvantages off top.

The poster that you swooped in to cosign directly said it, and I proved that. You're indirectly saying it with your bytchmade comments. You're basically saying that you don't blame whites for being racist. Rationalizing/justifying white racism is the same as advocating.

its not about blame, you fukking idiot. its in their BEST interest to be racist. what, do you think they're going to stop practicing their supremacy over blacks out of the kindness of their hearts? they'll use any and everything they can against us, which is why it makes no sense for us to willingly provide them with propaganda.

if this chick didn't get filmed fighting, how would they use it against the black community? cgi? actors? they COULDNT, we gave them the ammunition.

Again, understanding and anticipating white racism is not the same as cosigning it. I understand white supremacy and can anticipate the strategies that whites will use to maintain it. I'll never go along with it or cosign it tho. Instead of speaking out against the bullshyt that whites run, you're justifying it.

cosigning white supremacy would require agreeing with white supremacist disenfranchising your race. advising blacks to stop recording themselves doing fukk shyt is the exact opposite as it'll hinder whites ability to paint us as savages. its common sense but you want to play dumb dipshyt just to argue.

Stop saying that dumb shyt about us giving them perfect ammo. An individual black person doing something wrong/ignorant is not "perfect ammo" or justification for whites to uphold a system that oppresses blacks as a whole. That's white supremacy you dumb fukk. You're literally defending white supremacy. Just because whites try to use stories like this to justify their wickedness doesn't mean that you have to go along with it. It's your job as a conscious proud black person to reject their bullshyt rhetoric and call them out on it as much as you can. The fukk is wrong with you?

stop it, stop trying to be an unaccountable bytch. "as an individual" fukk outta here, THIS IS A CULTURAL PROBLEM. black folks love filming eachother doing stupid shyt and putting it online just for entertainment. whites wouldn't have these stories to use if we stopped giving it to them on a silver platter.

You're in here acting embarrassed by this girl's behavior because you're scared of how it looks to whites not realizing that white supremacy is at the root of the issue there as well. I guarantee you that his girl comes from dysfunctional violent environment that has been shaped by systematic white supremacy. The girl obviously is a product of her environment. Or do you think that she and other blacks are just born this way?

i am embarrassed by her behavior, it reflects poorly on blacks. how did white supremacy force ole girl to get recorded fighting some innocent bystander? how did white supremacy force her to slam the kid down? you claim you want to hold women accountable but its clear you'd rather pretend black folks are too dumb to know right from wrong.

let that have been ya wife and kid and i bet ya ho ass wouldnt be saying "oh, oh its okay. shes just a product of her environment, i dont want to press charges, officer"

Everything in your post indicates fear fakkit. You're not at war, you're cowering with your head down and tail between your legs like a bytch. How many times have you said "bu bu wees got to stop giving whites ammunition"? Your whole position here is that black people need to stop making ourselves look bad to white people because that will just make them treat us worse. fukk that bytchmade ass mentality. I'll say it again. Our brown complexioned skin color is all the ammunition that whites need. Whites are going to be racist regardless of what we do. If you don't understand that then you don't understand what's going on.

how is our complexion all they need? how would they have recreated incidents like this independent of blacks? like i said, are they going to cgi some shyt? :hire some crisis actors? what? how are they going to use propaganda against us that they dont have? you new nikkas are unaccountable bytches, just straight hos. "oh, white supremacy made me do it" fukk outta here.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
it's true, and we're exceeding at our self hate to our own detriment, Black people who do shyt like this might as well strap a suicide bomb to themselves and press the button in the middle of the project, because all they're doing is screaming "we deserve to be killed"

I'm hoping from site to site reading comments and it's just unbelievable some of the things white people are saying out of anger over this, but one thing I've noticed, they're organized, they're contacting media outlets, literally threatening journalists and coercing them to run this story, getting all of the girls information, address etc, and Black people are looking like hypocrites. We were all up in arms about some cacs singing a song a few days ago, but we see one of our own beating the shyt out of two white children and the #Blacklivesmatter gang is silent, the same gang who cries to white people that "we matter too" when one of ours is killed by a white person.

tough decisions will be made in the future regarding shyt like this, Black people might wanna take a few moments out of their busy schedules to ponder the potential implications.

My nikka you and that "nikka" @Medicate need a 1st class seat on the gatdamn c00n train for sayin/dappin bulllshyt like this. :mindblown:

Yall nikkaz are saying that white people are "justified" in killing, mistreating black folks for the actions of few. You are basically saying that those are the reasons why white people hate us and kill us.

Newsflash!!!!! Where the hell have you been? Under a gatdam rock? :what: White folks hate, wana kill and mistreat your black ass regardless.

They have hated us from day one for no reason at all. What the fukk did Trayvon, Eric garner, Obama, mlk, Oscar grant and lets take it back further- the millions of black people that were lynched in the 1800s for no gatdam reason at all other than being black :stopitslime:

You sound lost my nikka.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
My nikka you and that "nikka" @Medicate need a 1st class seat on the gatdamn c00n train for sayin/dappin bulllshyt like this. :mindblown:

Yall nikkaz are saying that white people are "justified" in killing, mistreating black folks for the actions of few. You are basically saying that those are the reasons why white people hate us and kill us.

Newsflash!!!!! Where the hell have you been? Under a gatdam rock? :what: White folks hate, wana kill and mistreat your black ass regardless.

They have hated us from day one for no reason at all. What the fukk did Trayvon, Eric garner, Obama, mlk, Oscar grant and lets take it back further- the millions of black people that were lynched in the 1800s for no gatdam reason at all other than being black :stopitslime:

You sound lost my nikka.

yet another person to come along and completely misinterpret what I'm saying.

I'm NOT saying that these are the reasons they hate and kill us, what I AM saying is that this and other incidents like this is what they will use as an excuse as to why they hate and kill us.

me saying that white people will use this as justification doesn't mean I personally think they are justified in killing Black people because of incidents like these, what I have said is that it's in white people's interest to do so, white people who want to maintain the system they inherited should do what ever is necessary to maintain it, that does NOT mean I am advocating for white supremacy.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
yet another person to come along and completely misinterpret what I'm saying.

I'm NOT saying that these are the reasons they hate and kill us, what I AM saying is that this and other incidents like this is what they will use as an excuse as to why they hate and kill us.

me saying that white people will use this as justification doesn't mean I personally think they are justified in killing Black people because of incidents like these, what I have said is that it's in white people's interest to do so, white people who want to maintain the system they inherited should do what ever is necessary to maintain it, that does NOT mean I am advocating for white supremacy.

They don't need an excuse to kill us. They do the shyt for no reason anyways.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
They don't need an excuse to kill us. They do the shyt for no reason anyways.

they do need an excuse, which is why stereotypes are crucially important, "because they are animals, savages, subhuman", these aren't mean words they're throwing around for no reason, they attach these words to us to devalue our lives, that doesn't necessarily mean that they truly believe we are subhuman, although many of them do.
When we have a video like the one in the OP where a Black child is brutalizing not one but TWO white children, the only children of value in America in their opinion, it CONFIRMS the stereotypes in their eyes.

I've said time and time again, you can do what the fukk you want, act how you want, many feel like, "they'll kill me anyway so I'll just not give a fukk".. that's cool, but my point is that Black people who feel that way should understand that they are not acting in the interests of other Black people, when you get on camera and beat white people, they aren't going to sit on their hands or march through the streets and protest, they inflict direct VIOLENCE and they have a system that will back them every step of the way. Black people will say, "white people aint the only ones with guns", true, but you're the one who will go to jail or end up very dead, and not just you, because when Black people kill ONE white person, at least 6-7 people of color will have to be killed so they can remind you that 1 White life is worth 7 Black lives. This is a war, maybe y'all need to look at some of the race wars we've had so you can reach a better understanding of the people you're dealing with instead of talking reckless without the power to back any of that shyt up on the battlefield.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
they do need an excuse, which is why stereotypes are crucially important, "because they are animals, savages, subhuman", these aren't mean words they're throwing around for no reason, they attach these words to us to devalue our lives, that doesn't necessarily mean that they truly believe we are subhuman, although many of them do.
When we have a video like the one in the OP where a Black child is brutalizing not one but TWO white children, the only children of value in America in their opinion, it CONFIRMS the stereotypes in their eyes.

I've said time and time again, you can do what the fukk you want, act how you want, many feel like, "they'll kill me anyway so I'll just not give a fukk".. that's cool, but my point is that Black people who feel that way should understand that they are not acting in the interests of other Black people, when you get on camera and beat white people, they aren't going to sit on their hands or march through the streets and protest, they inflict direct VIOLENCE and they have a system that will back them every step of the way. Black people will say, "white people aint the only ones with guns", true, but you're the one who will go to jail or end up very dead, and not just you, because when Black people kill ONE white person, at least 6-7 people of color will have to be killed so they can remind you that 1 White life is worth 7 Black lives. This is a war, maybe y'all need to look at some of the race wars we've had so you can reach a better understanding of the people you're dealing with instead of talking reckless without the power to back any of that shyt up on the battlefield.

Why do you only hear black people talkin like you are right now? Why don't white folks have the same argument? :patrice:

Why do you never hear white people say, "hey Chip, let's not shoot and kill unarmed black people who aren't resisting arrest, we don't want the blacks retaliating on us" :skip:

"hey chad, let's not hang black people from trees because they were looking at a white woman too hard, we don't want to give them a reason to hate us" :skip:

"Hey Conner, let's not do racist chants calling black students "******s" for no reason at all, "we don't want to give Blacks a reason to hate us" :ld:

"Hey Biff, let's not racially profile blacks, convict, arrest and jail them at 10X's the rate of white people for the exact same crime" "we dont wana upset them" :whoa:

Man :camby:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
No, those are your words. You're saying that whites care, don't try and make it seem like that is something that I've said. The nerve of you accusing anyone else of being dishonest. You don't even have the integrity to acknowledge that you've been caught in a lie. I catch you in a lie and you just keep it moving like it didn't happen.

This is dumb as fukk and I would never agree with it. Whites don't give a flying fukk what black people think. They oppress us then lie about doing it because they know that we aren't going to do shyt about it. We can't even publicly call whites out because our comminity is infiltrated with c00ns who whites can always prop up to deflect right back on to black people just like you and that other poster are doing in this thread. You two are the exactly the type of blacks that whites love putting in front of cameras because you'll always find a way to blame blacks for white racism. "Wees got to stop giving them ammunition".

The poster that you swooped in to cosign directly said it, and I proved that. You're indirectly saying it with your bytchmade comments. You're basically saying that you don't blame whites for being racist. Rationalizing/justifying white racism is the same as advocating.

Again, understanding and anticipating white racism is not the same as cosigning it. I understand white supremacy and can anticipate the strategies that whites will use to maintain it. I'll never go along with it or cosign it tho. Instead of speaking out against the bullshyt that whites run, you're justifying it.

Stop saying that dumb shyt about us giving them perfect ammo. An individual black person doing something wrong/ignorant is not "perfect ammo" or justification for whites to uphold a system that oppresses blacks as a whole. That's white supremacy you dumb fukk. You're literally defending white supremacy. Just because whites try to use stories like this to justify their wickedness doesn't mean that you have to go along with it. It's your job as a conscious proud black person to reject their bullshyt rhetoric and call them out on it as much as you can. The fukk is wrong with you?

You're in here acting embarrassed by this girl's behavior because you're scared of how it looks to whites not realizing that white supremacy is at the root of the issue there as well. I guarantee you that his girl comes from dysfunctional violent environment that has been shaped by systematic white supremacy. The girl obviously is a product of her environment. Or do you think that she and other blacks are just born this way?

Everything in your post indicates fear fakkit. You're not at war, you're cowering with your head down and tail between your legs like a bytch. How many times have you said "bu bu wees got to stop giving whites ammunition"? Your whole position here is that black people need to stop making ourselves look bad to white people because that will just make them treat us worse. fukk that bytchmade ass mentality. I'll say it again. Our brown complexioned skin color is all the ammunition that whites need. Whites are going to be racist regardless of what we do. If you don't understand that then you don't understand what's going on.Nah, go read the comments of any story about Tamir Rice and tell me how many whites are talking down on their own race:pacspit:

Theres no time to put ourselves in this girls shoes,we gotta put ourselves in the shoes of racist white people and wonder what they are thinking:whoa: Even though we already know what they thinking,and would've been thinking with or without this video:dahell:

nikkas quik to be ready to kill off a whole demographic of "hood rats" and "thugs"...but with white folks its "Lets put ourselves in their shoes" time:troll:


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Theres no time to put ourselves in this girls shoes,we gotta put ourselves in the shoes of racist white people and wonder what they are thinking:whoa: Even though we already know what they thinking,and would've been thinking with or without this video:dahell:

nikkas quik to be ready to kill off a whole demographic of "hood rats" and "thugs"...but with white folks its "Lets put ourselves in their shoes" time:troll:

put yourself in her shoes and give us an idea of why she might be behaving this way, I've given it a bit of thought and I can even empathize with her a bit, she's starved for attention, and probably doesn't have a father in her life. in spite of all that, her actions put lives in immediate danger, not only hers and the people who live in her household as allllll of her information has been posted on the internet, but for other crazy people who will use this as an excuse to take out their anger on innocent Black people. I don't have to put myself in the shoes of white people, I go to multiple forums and see what they're thinking in their own words, which is what I base my opinions on as opposed to what I think they might be thinking.


you mad..you big mad..I’m happy..leave me alone
Dec 8, 2014
I just can't get with that "This why I'm a shame to be black" and "kill all hood rats" vibe. Yall generalize your own self this has nothing to do with being black it's just a young lady being immature we don't what happen to trigger that reaction between them two young ladies. Yeah, she was wrong for hitting the child she made a mistake let's not denigrate black people and wish death upon someone when it's white kids drinking and driving killed multiple people and got probation. We don't see white people getting generalize when one white person messes up. So, why we do we feel the need to make it a us problem instead of you problem. Let's get out of that mindset of shame to be black and kill all black degenerates when you see a damn fight video that doesn't define blacks as a whole.