Women punches 4 year old child during fight


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
I just can't get with that "This why I'm a shame to be black" and "kill all hood rats" vibe. Yall generalize your own self this has nothing to do with being black it's just a young lady being immature we don't what happen to trigger that reaction between them two young ladies. Yeah, she was wrong for hitting the child she made a mistake let's not denigrate black people and wish death upon someone when it's white kids drinking and driving killed multiple people and got probation. We don't see white people getting generalize when one white person messes up. So, why we do we feel the need to make it a us problem instead of you problem. Let's get out of that mindset of shame to be black and kill all black degenerates when you see a damn fight video that doesn't define blacks as a whole.

in America, white people are viewed as individuals.

in America, black people are viewed as a group, meaning, if one black Black person does something, it's indicative of Black behavior instead of just an "immature person who made a mistake".

in America the only group that's allowed to make mistakes without being demonized is white people.

is it fair? NO

is it reality? YES


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
here we go with your jumbo responses where you'll never concede to being dead wrong. these are YOUR words, once again:

you contradict yourself and dont even realize it. if whites dont care about giving blacks ammunition, they wouldn't lie about their motives. simple as that.

you did it again :pachaha: if they didn't care, they wouldn't LIE, fukking idiot. they would just say "yeah, we're oppressing blacks because fukk em"

now since you want to cape for the wshh culture and nikkas recording themselves doing dumb shyt. name one benefit to recording yourself assaulting someone minding their business and their kid, just 1 benefit, i'll wait. cus i can name several disadvantages off top.

its not about blame, you fukking idiot. its in their BEST interest to be racist. what, do you think they're going to stop practicing their supremacy over blacks out of the kindness of their hearts? they'll use any and everything they can against us, which is why it makes no sense for us to willingly provide them with propaganda.

if this chick didn't get filmed fighting, how would they use it against the black community? cgi? actors? they COULDNT, we gave them the ammunition.

cosigning white supremacy would require agreeing with white supremacist disenfranchising your race. advising blacks to stop recording themselves doing fukk shyt is the exact opposite as it'll hinder whites ability to paint us as savages. its common sense but you want to play dumb dipshyt just to argue.

stop it, stop trying to be an unaccountable bytch. "as an individual" fukk outta here, THIS IS A CULTURAL PROBLEM. black folks love filming eachother doing stupid shyt and putting it online just for entertainment. whites wouldn't have these stories to use if we stopped giving it to them on a silver platter.

i am embarrassed by her behavior, it reflects poorly on blacks. how did white supremacy force ole girl to get recorded fighting some innocent bystander? how did white supremacy force her to slam the kid down? you claim you want to hold women accountable but its clear you'd rather pretend black folks are too dumb to know right from wrong.

let that have been ya wife and kid and i bet ya ho ass wouldnt be saying "oh, oh its okay. shes just a product of her environment, i dont want to press charges, officer"

how is our complexion all they need? how would they have recreated incidents like this independent of blacks? like i said, are they going to cgi some shyt? :hire some crisis actors? what? how are they going to use propaganda against us that they dont have? you new nikkas are unaccountable bytches, just straight hos. "oh, white supremacy made me do it" fukk outta here.

just seeing this post and I'd rep you 10 times in a row if I could, how is it that you get it and understand as clear as day and it seems to fly over everyone elses heads.


Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
put yourself in her shoes and give us an idea of why she might be behaving this way, I've given it a bit of thought and I can even empathize with her a bit, she's starved for attention, and probably doesn't have a father in her life. in spite of all that, her actions put lives in immediate danger, not only hers and the people who live in her household as allllll of her information has been posted on the internet, but for other crazy people who will use this as an excuse to take out their anger on innocent Black people. I don't have to put myself in the shoes of white people, I go to multiple forums and see what they're thinking in their own words, which is what I base my opinions on as opposed to what I think they might be thinking.

Maybe shes "crazy" as those white people who would take out their anger on innocent black people:sas1:


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Maybe shes "crazy" as those white people who would take out their anger on innocent black people:sas1:

maybe she is, but an extension of white supremacy (the media) gives white people a pass for being "crazy", they are defective, not representative of all white people, they have a mental illness, they require help and rehabilitation so they can return to normal, they are "lone wolves".

when a black person is crazy, it's to be expected, "business as usual for those kinds", "chicago", "detroit", "just look at the stats for Black on Black crime and you'll see that her behavior is not out of the ordinary"

we are not white and as much as y'all claim we're thinking like white people, the guilty parties are the people who think they can do the same shyt white people do and get away with it or get similar treatment. that's just pure insanity.


May 2, 2012
just seeing this post and I'd rep you 10 times in a row if I could, how is it that you get it and understand as clear as day and it seems to fly over everyone elses heads.


i hate to admit it but its because nikkas exist in such a state of powerlessness, they cant understand the mentality of a group that's fighting for finite resources (and their dominance on this planet)

once again, im not saying they should play it this way. personally, i think they'd be better off if they propped the poor up and helped them thrive. but i understand why cacs are playing the game they're playing. that aint "cosigning white supremacy" or all that silly shyt @Gravity tried to imply.

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
I'll say this....naw....

Did the Lil caca do anything to deserve that beating like call her a ******? If so...The beating was excessive and she a savage for steamrolling the baby caclet but I'll reluctantly back her to a point.

If those baby caclets did nothing then :pacspit: at that female barbarian and the beasts can have her...long as they don't go overboard.


Retired troll
Jun 16, 2014
baby, that was the old me
So white people can go out of they way to say evil shyt about us out of anger,and even when they have no reason to be angry:patrice:? Yet if we say nothing we still wrong and hypocrites:wtb:

And if you go to the chicks instagram its plenty of black people going in on this girl,not to mention the people like you and other coli memebers who want to see her strung up and "hoodrats" all shot in the head and exterminated....Theres never a shortage of black people ready to become the white mans pitbull on command,im sure she will have plenty of support:sas1:

This chick is disgust me slightly more than you overdramatic nikkas:scust:

her instagram?


May 2, 2012
We don't have the luxury of being individual :what: we never have.. Condeming this or speaking the truth doesn't make you a c00n. Be real y'all...These kids are giving them fuel for the fire while being taught nothing. Somebody needs to get her...
this is something that was instilled in me at an early age. i represent not only my parents, but every other black person in the streets. i dont have the luxury of acting like a shythead because i know other blacks will be damaged because of it.


May 2, 2012
I'll say this....naw....

Did the Lil caca do anything to deserve that beating like call her a ******? If so...The beating was excessive and she a savage for steamrolling the baby caclet but I'll reluctantly back her to a point.

If those baby caclets did nothing then :pacspit: at that female barbarian and the beasts can have her...long as they don't go overboard.

she did it because white supremacy made her do it :sas2:


May 1, 2012
here we go with your jumbo responses where you'll never concede to being dead wrong. these are YOUR words, once again:

you contradict yourself and dont even realize it. if whites dont care about giving blacks ammunition, they wouldn't lie about their motives. simple as that.
I haven't contradicted myself at all. You don't know what a contradiction is. I don't agree with the dumb shyt that you're saying. Whites don't care about giving blacks any "ammunition". That's your opinion. Whites lie because they can. Whites have given blacks over 500 years worth of "ammunition" that proves our claims that they're racist. If whites gave a fukk about the "ammo" they would've stopped being racist a long time ago. Again, If whites gave a fukk about giving us ammunition to call them racist they'd simply stop being racist.
you did it again :pachaha: if they didn't care, they wouldn't LIE, fukking idiot. they would just say "yeah, we're oppressing blacks because fukk em"
This is just your opinion. I obviously don't agree. The reason that whites don't come out and say "yea we're racist fukk black people" is because they maintain their system of supremacy/oppression through denial. White supremacy has evolved. It's covert, not overt. You can't keep up a false pretense while being honest now can you? You're really trying to convince me that whites oppress us then lie about it because they care what we think?

now since you want to cape for the wshh culture and nikkas recording themselves doing dumb shyt. name one benefit to recording yourself assaulting someone minding their business and their kid, just 1 benefit, i'll wait. cus i can name several disadvantages off top.
:snoop:These questions shows that you don't even get it. This isn't about caping for the girl or ignorant destructive behavior. It's about calling c00ns like you and that other poster out for caping for white racists. Nobody is defending what that girl and the behavior in that video. We're not going along with whites using that to justify their racism like you too c00ns. Whites who try to use individual isolated incidents like this to justify/rationalize their inherent hatred of blacks and systematic oppression are wrong. Period. There's no rationalizing that.

its not about blame, you fukking idiot. its in their BEST interest to be racist. what, do you think they're going to stop practicing their supremacy over blacks out of the kindness of their hearts? they'll use any and everything they can against us, which is why it makes no sense for us to willingly provide them with propaganda.
It is about blame because you're in here rationalizing whites blaming all blacks for the actions of an individual. You just said it yourself. Whites are going to be racist regardless. Anything that we do is propaganda because the system of white supremacy is corrupt based on the opposite of fairness. Blacks don't even have to do anything other than be black. Get off of your knees and challenge the corrupt system and those who perpetuate it instead of cowering to it. fakkit.

if this chick didn't get filmed fighting, how would they use it against the black community? cgi? actors? they COULDNT, we gave them the ammunition.
White supremacy has been in full swing for the last 500 years. Stop acting like this video is making shyt worse. You're more mad at this young girl than you are at grown ass racists who are actually responsible for oppressing you. You truly are stupid and a coward to boot.

cosigning white supremacy would require agreeing with white supremacist disenfranchising your race. advising blacks to stop recording themselves doing fukk shyt is the exact opposite as it'll hinder whites ability to paint us as savages. its common sense but you want to play dumb dipshyt just to argue.
This isn't about you advising blacks not to do dumb shyt. This is about you rationalizing/justifying whites using incidents like this to perpetuate their hatred/racism of blacks. Whites painted us as savages from the gate. Our skin color is all the ammo that they've ever needed. You truly are a stupid motherfukker.

stop it, stop trying to be an unaccountable bytch. "as an individual" fukk outta here, THIS IS A CULTURAL PROBLEM. black folks love filming eachother doing stupid shyt and putting it online just for entertainment. whites wouldn't have these stories to use if we stopped giving it to them on a silver platter.
If it's a culture problem/issue then it's an Amerikkkan culture issue because I can damn sure can do a quick search and find a countless amount of videos of whites fighting and acting a damn fool. You try paint this as just a black culture issue because you're a fukking c00n/cracker:scusthov: I'm just here to help you expose yourself. White racism isn't our fault fakkit.

i am embarrassed by her behavior, it reflects poorly on blacks. how did white supremacy force ole girl to get recorded fighting some innocent bystander? how did white supremacy force her to slam the kid down? you claim you want to hold women accountable but its clear you'd rather pretend black folks are too dumb to know right from wrong.
You're embarrassed because you're a house ****** who's scared of what whites think. I'm not embarrassed in the least because her behavior doesn't reflect on me.

I didn't say that white supremacy forced her to do anything or that she isn't responsibke for her own behavior. I will say that systematic white supremacy has created environments that fosters behavior in people like this. The fact that she's on video doing this to a white girl guaranteed that she would be held accountable for this so that's why I didn't understand the need for blacks to bend over to throw not only her but our entire community/culture under the bus. Whites never do that. Even when one or even a whole group of theres' is caught on tape doing some evil shyt they defend their people tooth and nail.

let that have been ya wife and kid and i bet ya ho ass wouldnt be saying "oh, oh its okay. shes just a product of her environment, i dont want to press charges, officer"
I haven't said anything about this story being ok of that charges shouldnt be filed. Here you go with the feminine shyt again.

how is our complexion all they need? how would they have recreated incidents like this independent of blacks? like i said, are they going to cgi some shyt? :hire some crisis actors? what? how are they going to use propaganda against us that they dont have? you new nikkas are unaccountable bytches, just straight hos. "oh, white supremacy made me do it" fukk outta here.
:heh: at this c00n asking me "how is our complexion all they need?". :russ: At this fakkit talking about accountability while he gives whites a pass for being racist. "bu bu bu it's in their best interest.....every single solitary black person just has to be perfect so we don't give em no ammo". Ole bytchmade punk.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
maybe she is, but an extension of white supremacy (the media) gives white people a pass for being "crazy", they are defective, not representative of all white people, they have a mental illness, they require help and rehabilitation so they can return to normal, they are "lone wolves".

when a black person is crazy, it's to be expected, "business as usual for those kinds", "chicago", "detroit", "just look at the stats for Black on Black crime and you'll see that her behavior is not out of the ordinary"

we are not white and as much as y'all claim we're thinking like white people, the guilty parties are the people who think they can do the same shyt white people do and get away with it or get similar treatment. that's just pure insanity.

You were the one who used the word crazy to describe people killing innocent black people ,so you gave the pass,not the media this time:sas1:....This is why you have to be careful of what you say,we talkin bout this video is "perfect ammo" but not some of these post in this thread with black people condemning entire demographics of black people doing racist white peoples job for them:dahell:?

Its one thing to be realistic,telling black people to not commit crimes on video because you don't want to go into a judicial system that has been and continues to be extra ruthless when it comes to black people:snoop:....Or dont fight cops unless you willing to die about it,because they obviously got "kill a nikka passes".....that's being realistic and warning individuals who would do these things.

What your doing is making a call to ALL black people to stop committing ALL crimes, in an attempt to appease or make honest white people out of people who you have already acknowledged cant be appeased and cant be honest, because they will be racist and lie regardless because they are racist liars:dahell:...Im not sure how you don't see the difference.

First of all your requesting the impossible if your asking for no black person to do anything that can be considered "perfect ammo":wtb:....And the fact you already admitted that it would be pointless anyway,for the life of me I cant figure out why the hell you even asking or bringing that up as a strategy?

You either somehow must still think theres hope for white people who are racist or could be convinced to be racist in 2015:scust:,or at least you think it will force them to have to keep their racism to themselves:patrice:

Im here to tell you there is no hope so stop tryna save em:cape:...And no,they will find some other random video that features a black man with a white woman on a date,rapping,or an athlete dancing in the endzone,or videos from 5 years ago to spew they racist bullshyt and find excuses for they racism.

You went on one of these forums full of racist and saw them saying bullshyt like "If only black folk would stop doing things like this,good ol white people like me would love em:skip:",,...For you to come back and tell us we all need to chill,I gotta say maybe you been over there spying a lil to damn much:mjpls:.......now you like Omar Epps on In Too Deep:pachaha:.
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The Guru

May 2, 2012
Don't understand why Sotomayor doesn't get knocked out/slapped up/checked every time he steps out the struggle mansion.