I've volunteered in the community and some people cannot advocate for themselves. Some people are so beat down and demolished they feel powerless. Not everyone is going to be bold enough to step forward. I stepped forward for things because I HAD to. But I'm not going to shame/shun these women. Anyone can be assaulted or attacked. Look at how many cacs on this board hate me because I shared about my background: girl from the hood who tried to use my intellect. I never get called a bytch ANYWHERE but the Coli. And I know FOR SURE that NOT ONE of these cacs calling me a bytch would do it to my face on 124th and Madison Ave. NOT ONE EVER. I can move freely throughout different environments because I'm a genuine person, I'm not flashy or stuck up. I'm not better than ANYONE. All I try to do is spread hope and knowledge. I'll fight for a worthy cause and I will protect the vulnerable. I will place myself in the line of fire for the ones I love and even sometimes for the vulnerable who have no one. These women were taken advantage of and if these posters cannot see the inhumanity of it and want to make it about how easy Black women are then the hell with them. OBVIOUSLY, they didn't want to do it BECAUSE they're coming forward. But I know of people RIGHT NOW who are afraid to speak up. Remember cac males treat Black women different than men. Like that rapist cop in Oklahoma, many men think they control Black women's bodies. Some of those women are disabled... Disabled women are far more likely to be assaulted and sexually abused. Some of the women could be divorced or widows. Even if they're baby mothers, how many people reading this were raised by single moms? Is she less of a woman? I have outstanding men in my life that I've known since childhood who were raised by single moms (one was a widow) and who are exemplary fathers, husbands and community leaders. Ben Carson was raised by a single mom who couldn't even read and he became a top neurosurgeon. Even with my background, I do not take the cops lightly: if I didn't have the money for attorneys to help me beat speeding tickets or know cops who'd get me out of a ticket OR know cops who'd make sure I could report a crime and be taken seriously, I'd have been ass out many times. Imagine me trying to report a rape in a Klan town to a Klan cop???? They don't GAF. It would NEVER get prosecuted. When I lived in Klannish parts of the country it was a BLACK MAN that got justice for me, when a cac tried to rip me off. I helped that brother beat a bullshyt setup charge and when he found out I got ripped off, he handled it no questions asked. I never even ASKED for his help and he came through.
NOBODY makes it without help.
You can say you did it all and I can walk you through ALL the ways someone looked out for you.
I haven't had ACCESS to opportunities just because I'm smart. WE BLACK PEOPLE ARE ALL SMART, WE ARE ALL INTELLIGENT.
I got opportunities because I was smart AND someone gave me a chance.
Each and everyone of us is one major accident or injury away from a lifetime of poverty.
People should be grateful for what they have and stop being so damn judgmental and hateful when they don't have all the facts.