Women are programmed to never give men the advantage in the dating game

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I feel like women believe most dudes will f**k anything walking so they don't think that advice on getting laid is necessary.

Casual sex is a given in their book, and they focus on the long term game.

My mom saw the 5's and 6's that were throwing it at me in middle/high school, and thought me getting P was a foregone conclusion. That's where the "get you a nice girl and take her to Red Lobster" advice came from. Not knowing that I wanted no parts of them basic brauds, and wanted to know how to get at the brauds that were throwing it at the high status brehs.

Imo, I really think the older Gen has had their way of socialization and dating phased out from the trick baby/divorce Gen/eic vampire. That essentially preyed on to take from good man game and then champion clown game in an even more elaborate ruse to just take.

So, I feel the older gen is pretty much caught up in disconnect and earlier were actually incapable of giving dating advice.

The crack/divorce/great recession era parents or generation x based parents and people. We are/were in a weird flux coming up dating as far as guidance. Simply because the babybomer based Gen that came under the Keynesian theories that created the house/white picket fence narrative of America family model had been raided by the change in divorce laws and then oreyed upon by greed.
So, the older guard I feel is caught up in an idle mode pattern trying to nav the issues and never had solutions. Nor any framework/foundation on where to start.

I will say, I learned game is created from divorce law. So if you want the advantage in the dating world.

Learn divorce law as a single man and now your lense will switch to bring able to safe crack this so called code to dating in this era.

Over the decade or so since I got the insight on divorce law.
from being the former Illinois divorce certification exam manager and the study guide and material furnished to the exam cert takers present.
So if you want game.
Go learn divorce law and where game that females use comes from.

Art Barr

Larry Lambo

Sep 5, 2015
Imo, I really think the older Gen has had their way of socialization and dating phased out from the trick baby/divorce Gen/eic vampire. That essentially preyed on to take from good man game and then champion clown game in an even more elaborate ruse to just take.

So, I feel the older gen is pretty much caught up in disconnect and earlier were actually incapable of giving dating advice.

The crack/divorce/great recession era parents or generation x based parents and people. We are/were in a weird flux coming up dating as far as guidance. Simply because the babybomer based Gen that came under the Keynesian theories that created the house/white picket fence narrative of America family model had been raided by the change in divorce laws and then oreyed upon by greed.
So, the older guard I feel is caught up in an idle mode pattern trying to nav the issues and never had solutions. Nor any framework/foundation on where to start.

I will say, I learned game is created from divorce law. So if you want the advantage in the dating world.

Learn divorce law as a single man and now your lense will switch to bring able to safe crack this so called code to dating in this era.

Over the decade or so since I got the insight on divorce law.
from being the former Illinois divorce certification exam manager and the study guide and material furnished to the exam cert takers present.
So if you want game.
Go learn divorce law and where game that females use comes from.

Art Barr

Breh, it's not just divorce law.

Widespread use of birth control, abortions being normalized, child support legislation, and changes in the welfare system all have caused a dynamic shift in male/female relations, especially in urban communities.

For the 30+ brehs, most of our parents grew up in the 60's and 70's, before the impact of these changes were widespread, so they are kicking game from a different dimension than the one we are living in right now. The system that we live in now really didn't come into fruition until the late 80's with the rise of 2LiveCrew and Too Short, who were indicative of the new reality.


Oct 10, 2014
The 🏝️ Of Relevancy
Their are no "rules" in dating game. Sure you have preferences, standards, morals, set boundaries so on and so forth. But at the end of the day, for some men its easy some is difficult.. all is fair.. Hard buts its fair. Your objective if you to choose to accept it is be the best while you got her and show her im the right partner for you. Without finessing, scam, deceiving, cheating and lying. Not saying you gotta take here to 5* restaurant, buy flowers write poems and kiss her butt. But the art of being romantic and seduction is something you develop thru trial and error. So your results may vary.

Also, sometimes the game you're playing and the game she's playing can and will be entirely different.

(Cause when its my turn...:wow: sorry op getting flash backs.. )

Lastly, Having said all that. It depends on the "game" you're playing
Casual sex
One night stands

So on and so forth.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Breh, it's not just divorce law.

Widespread use of birth control, abortions being normalized, child support legislation, and changes in the welfare system all have caused a dynamic shift in male/female relations, especially in urban communities.

For the 30+ brehs, most of our parents grew up in the 60's and 70's, before the impact of these changes were widespread, so they are kicking game from a different dimension than the one we are living in right now. The system that we live in now really didn't come into fruition until the late 80's with the rise of 2LiveCrew and Too Short, who were indicative of the new reality.

Trust me ....

Divorce law carries and is the foundation for this era'codified game.

I know so and started to win when i found where the matrix of game for this Gen comes exactly from.

Abortion, cs, birth control, eic etc are all components of marriage and divorce law and where game comes from.

If you want I can give you the beginning components and let you make the connection with simple logic. It really is simple logic when you understand where the logic of game is derived from.
The reason why men fail is they make up bullshyt. When that is the trap. To cancel out game go about dating as if you know marriage law and you will benefit.


Art Barr
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EBK String

Better Ring String
Nov 8, 2017
I think women want an "Alpha" to commit to them & be the provider...... But alphas see no benefit in this because they can get "wifey" benefits from women without all that extra bullshyt lol

So... Women settle for the provider.

But alphas get married too.... Not every married man is a Beta Male Simp provider thats gonna get taken to the cleaners.

Its alot of true Alpha men with wives & kids.

Not many.... But they're out there.

That's because there arent many alpha males period. Most alpha males get married at some point.

EBK String

Better Ring String
Nov 8, 2017
Women are not programmed to not help you in the game, it's just that they don’t understand the game the same way you do and that’s due to privilege. Since Men are hunters we have to deal with all sorts of shenanigans such as: mixed signals, low interest level, rejection, gives number never answer, friend zone and etc; let’s label all of the above “disenfranchisement”. Seeing that women are not hunters in modern US dating culture they are never disenfranchised. They do not even perceive the issues that we have as Men because disenfranchisement does not exist in THEIR reality and there lies their privilege.

Expecting a woman to understand this privilege and then communicate strategies to subvert it is like expecting the average White person to understand White privilege and then be able to communicate said privilege to a Black person to help them get ahead. This is very rare in society because it takes an exceptional person to step outside of their own reality to see someone else’s point of view. So to sum it up, Women are not trying to hide the game or make you suffer...they just kick the game to you based on their privileged reality. Their perspective is so jarring to us as Men because it does not take into account any of OUR realities.

This thread is doing something that the White establishment does to Black people all day every day. It takes something all humans suffer from and attributes it to a particular subset of humanity to shyt on em. Humans historically have been blind to their privileges, I’m sure you’re blind to many of your own privileges like male privilege, hetero privilege, able bodied privilege, and so on.

get the fukk out of her kicking these juelzing feminist bullshyt


Apr 5, 2015
This is the best illustration of this thread sentiments :mjlol:

:ohhh: "So that's how it's gon be, got it"



Jun 28, 2012
It's the nature of humans. No different than a man who has a daughter and wants to train her to be tough and independent. Men want women to be more like them, and women want men to be more like they are. It won't happen though. The differences are in the DNA. It's a natural programming that nobody can succesfully fight, and if you try you're going to get all types of weird results....


May 19, 2013
Now that i think about it breh.... I think a lot of the bullshyt happening now has to do with overcrowding. I promise I'm not high lol. Think about it...

There were never supposed to be this many people on Earth. The industrial revolution made it so that even the poorest people could reproduce, rather than just dying off which would've ended up happening. Tyrone who lives in the projects who has no opportunities or ambition can sit around and make 5 babies with 5 different women when really he would've died off if not for projects which are designated for people in poverty. Overcrowding means it's much harder to be an alpha and that the standard of alpha has gotten higher and higher. You either a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond. Most are the latter.

If you work at a job and it's only 10 males and 40 females, you gonna eat even if you're not alpha. But if it's 40 males and 40 females now that standard changes and you gotta step your game up amongst the rest. It's a challenge that ends up being overwhelming over time because naturally we shouldn't have had to go through all that.

u make no sense


Jun 26, 2015
If you've ever been in the friend zone, or been around sisters, female cousins, aunt's etc... Notice how they never gave you the 1 up in the dating world. You had to just pick up on shyt.

The things alpha male strategies talks about and preaches is stuff that women already know. But you'll rarely ever meet a woman in your life that will put you on game. Even your own momma.

Perfect example, every female wants a husband (beta male provider) and a nikka on the side (alpha) who she really wants to be with but can't cuz of how he is. But 98% of women will deny this and tell you you're crazy and that it's not true. This is just another reason why you can't take women's words seriously and why you should never talk about women with women.
maybe it's becase you let them make the decision of what role you will play in her life. as a hunter and as a black man. you suppose to plant your flag and tell her where this will go. stop asking permission. take charge= this is what women like