Woman slammed to ground after getting mouthy with Jasper Police


May 1, 2012
im not a back and forth type of guy...but im black.

Look at ChampisHere's post where he quoted what I wrote & changed the words.
Its a play about a post I made on the old site about some guys that jumped me and tried to rob me (the running joke is they took my iPod, but they never got it).
This happened in the heart of the southside...aint no white folks where that happened.

Bruh, I peeped your post history because I honestly thought I may have had you confused with someone else but I didn't. You constantly defend racism and make up excuses to why the black person was wrong or too sensitive or what if they were gay blah blah. I will not believe a black man has the views you do and the fact that the person defending you is a woman who is very biased towards favoring white people. I just refuse to believe a brotha would have the believes you do. I refuse.


May 17, 2012
the internet
Bruh, I peeped your post history because I honestly thought I may have had you confused with someone else but I didn't. You constantly defend racism and make up excuses to why the black person was wrong or too sensitive or what if they were gay blah blah. I will not believe a black man has the views you do and the fact that the person defending you is a woman who is very biased towards favoring white people. I just refuse to believe a brotha would have the believes you do. I refuse.
you got it wrong...im not defending racism, my point is always that we (black people) need to focus on us, and stop worrying about white people.
I only worry about what I can control, worrying about what I cannot control is a waste.

Black people think way too much about white people, and too little about how to improve themselves. When I see a problem my first thought is how to solve it, not to complain about it.

I can wake up early to read everyday, I can plan a business, I can save my money, I can work extra hard, I try my best everyday.
I cannot control how others view men, I cannot control what others think, I cannot control the actions of others. So why be mad about others?

Im saying this stuff from experience, and being around successful black people my whole life. They all have the same outlook on life. Its a poor mans attitude to blame society, and blame others...You create your reality, only you!

Its the same for poor white people. They sit on the computer and blame Obama, mexicans, black people etc... for their problems, and do nothing to change their reality other than be mad at other people and hate.
Let them have that, the black man needs to be better than that.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
you got it wrong...im not defending racism, my point is always that we (black people) need to focus on us, and stop worrying about white people.
I only worry about what I can control, worrying about what I cannot control is a waste.

Black people think way too much about white people, and too little about how to improve themselves. When I see a problem my first thought is how to solve it, not to complain about it.

I can wake up early to read everyday, I can plan a business, I can save my money, I can work extra hard, I try my best everyday.
I cannot control how others view men, I cannot control what others think, I cannot control the actions of others. So why be mad about others?

Im saying this stuff from experience, and being around successful black people my whole life. They all have the same outlook on life. Its a poor mans attitude to blame society, and blame others...You create your reality, only you!

Its the same for poor white people. They sit on the computer and blame Obama, mexicans, black people etc... for their problems, and do nothing to change their reality other than be mad at other people and hate.
Let them have that, the black man needs to be better than that.

My nikka, that Cosby lecture is good and all and I'm going to let you finish; but what does that have to do with a black woman having her head bashed in and dragged around by two white police officers sworn to serve and protect?


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
man...im objective with mine...thats the difference between people like me, and people like you.

This isnt some team where one side is always right, and one side is always wrong.
Its simple, you talk back to cops, they will give you a hard time.

Look at what you wrote "she didnt cop out like you would"...the fukk does that even mean? What point is she trying to prove? What does she gain from it?
Ive been pulled over by cops in all types of areas, and in all types of cars...ive never had an issue because I know how to deal w/ folks.
You deal w/ the issues in the COURT ROOM, not on the road.


What the fck are you babbling about? Are you even trying to make a coherent point?

What the cops did was illegal, vicious, brutal and highly immoral. The woman didnt do anything wrong, in the eyes of the law, and any rational sane person. Not to mention that she was jailed over the most frivolous of infractions, and she states that her combativeness was owed to the fact that the cops wouldnt allow her to make a phone call so she could pay the fine and leave.

You running off at the mouth about how you're a good lil slave who knows how to bow to whites, is just you promoting your own insecurities at this point. Fck does that have to do with this story? Instead of standing up for whats clearly right, you are desperately trying to blame the victim in this situation, in order to quiet the cognitive dissonance that is raging thru your mind. Those are your own crosses to bear. Sht the fck up.


May 17, 2012
the internet
My nikka, that Cosby lecture is good and all and I'm going to let you finish; but what does that have to do with a black woman having her head bashed in and dragged around by two white police officers sworn to serve and protect?
bruh I wasnt talking about that anymore at that point.

but about the video...of course they were doing too much.
But like that Chris Rock video was saying, have some damn sense when dealing w/ the police. Lets stop acting like we dont see people mouth off to the cops and then act surprised when they put hands on you. This aint the first time this has happened, and it wont be the last. Take the ticket, and argue it in court.
Its that simple.

Some people w/ authority take it too far when folks mouth off....like that security guard in Chicago that put hands on that little girl.


May 1, 2012
you got it wrong...im not defending racism, my point is always that we (black people) need to focus on us, and stop worrying about white people.
I only worry about what I can control, worrying about what I cannot control is a waste.

Black people think way too much about white people, and too little about how to improve themselves. When I see a problem my first thought is how to solve it, not to complain about it.

I can wake up early to read everyday, I can plan a business, I can save my money, I can work extra hard, I try my best everyday.
I cannot control how others view men, I cannot control what others think, I cannot control the actions of others. So why be mad about others?

Im saying this stuff from experience, and being around successful black people my whole life. They all have the same outlook on life. Its a poor mans attitude to blame society, and blame others...You create your reality, only you!

Its the same for poor white people. They sit on the computer and blame Obama, mexicans, black people etc... for their problems, and do nothing to change their reality other than be mad at other people and hate.
Let them have that, the black man needs to be better than that.

Who the fukk do you think you are telling this to? I have a degree from a great school, make good money and have a great job. I deal with racism still everyday and no it isn't an excuse but I'll be damned if I ever stop calling the shyt out until the day I die. This board is full of other successful african american's who call out the bullshyt as well. Obama will tell you himself that their is racism in this country but that doesn't mean he gave up on life and caved in to this society. Save this shyt for people who really need to hear it that you may know because on here, you are coming off as a either a trolling white dude or an insecure black man who is tryna justify having too many white friends.


RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012
you're in THEIR domain..not yours. anyone with sense knows you shut the fukk up and do what you're told. she had it coming ..meh.

like ole boy said above me you don't fukk with cops in certain parts down here. you just "yes sir ...no sir " and keep it moving. she had to know she was walking a fine line getting all mouthy with them... :yeshrug:

i didn't say all that or that is was "ok". of course it's not. ..... but if you know a snake bites and put your hand all up in it's mouth....i'ma look at you like the dumb ass when you get bit. that's just me.
You just a dumb cac cock sucking bytch

This is ass backwards. If everyone thought like that we'd still be on plantations, or sold to the highest bidder.
She already has been sold, she prolly tells his mom she has revitilago, if shes even met her :mjpls:

Uncle ruckus ass hoe:madcamel:


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
what a train wreck you are. So let me get this straight, you feel confident enough to endorse and support an illegal physical assault by those sworn to protect the law, based on a conversation and complaint that you cant even hear?

You say she should have simply "sht the fck up" (never mind thats an inherent birthright that people have died for in this country), and yet you have no clue what she was even saying (she claims she wasnt allowed a phone call. Another right). All you know is that she's a niqqer, and the officers are white, and in your sad, self loathing world thats game set and match when it comes to who is right and who is wrong.

You used a snake metaphor in this thread, yet I think a snake charmer is more apropos when describing the likes of you. You wake up everyday with the expressed purpose of dancing with these snakes, by acting like an intellectual and social prostitute --- spreading 'em and getting on your knees for white supremacy like clockwork. If you show your undying loyalty, you will surely build up to the capital to be rewarded, no matter the cost to personal dignity and pride. Well, you're gunna be the one who is eventually bit, and that wake up call wont be pretty.

Fcking moron.


Oh you aint dodging this one :mjpls:

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LWO Joint Chief
May 1, 2012
The fukk is going on with black people these days?!?!?! If every person who came across cops that get out of line just tucked their head and let it go, what's to stop it from becoming common practice? Are we serious right now?! I feel bad for some of you in here, I'm from the south, from Texas, and we didn't grow up like that. Know your rights, don't go out of your way to be disrespectful to ANYBODY, but don't take no shyt from NOBODY. Do ya'll realize that this is exactly the slave mentality?! Hush up now, you gone get in trouble wit BOSS! And the people justifying what they did because she "mouthed off", are you fukking retarded?! She can say whatever the fukk she wants to say, that's still no cause to do her the way they did. And the fact that they were fired MORE than validates that point.

I really didn't know it was that many spineless black people on this site, shyt is saddening.


RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012

Oh you aint dodging this one :mjpls:


That hoe sniffing coke somewhere tryna lose whatever booty mother africa blessed her with

Gettin trains run on her by bubba n em in the bed of a f150

Looks in the mirror and wishes she was adopted

c00nin like it comes with a 401k
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Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Flusterose and her gorgeous titties dapped up almost all my posts in this thread. Please don't be a man. :noah: