Woman Says She Makes Good Men Wait to Have Sex with Her While She Does It with “Wack” Men


May 19, 2013
Its also womens nature to get bored easily like children#TheChildOfMan. So we strongly reccomend being a four sport athlete like Bo Jackson and Deion. Quite frankly most men dont have the life experience and wealth of knowledge to keep most women entertained/satisfied. Which of course is the first tenant of a happy home:respect:


If she succumbs to that then she is undisciplined. Your purpose in life is not to be her entertainment. That will not last. How long can you keep that up? She has a responsibility to discipline herself and you both find a purpose together.

When they're constantly seeking the next high like that it will leave them unfulfilled and that is not your fault. Contentment is a choice, not based on circumstance. They have to CHOOSE to be content. Part of that is fighting the fleeting emotions.
Dec 19, 2017
A women making a man wait for sex is a good indicator of her level of attraction to him. We all know when women like something they want to indulge in it as fast as possible either it be food, cloths, hair, men etc

Having sex early means one of two things: either you have considerably more resources than her and she wants/needs the $$$....OR....she just finds you physically attractive and wants the D.

The money thing is self-explanatory. The physical part comes in two varieties: she's just horny and wants some fun or (more likely) views you as an attractive mate and knows she needs to give up the P.

This is where women get in trouble.

For women, the level of man they can attract for casual sex is MUCH higher than the level of man they can attract for relationships. A male 10....he'll happily fukk and get sukked by a female 6. She thinks she's on his level, not realizing he just went for an easy (for him) lay. Female 6 ignores male 5/male 6 and keeps chasing the 9 and 10. She's aiming for the stars with hope that Male 5 and Male 6 will be there to break her fall in case she can't nab the baller.

Red flag is a lady with lots of single male friends. Dudes just hovering around waiting for the chance. She's already decided those brehs are fall-back options but she's not going to seriously consider them until age 35 or age 40.
Dec 19, 2017
A women making a man wait for sex is a good indicator of her level of attraction to him. We all know when women like something they want to indulge in it as fast as possible either it be food, cloths, hair, men etc

Having sex early means one of two things: either you have considerably more resources than her and she wants/needs the $$$....OR....she just finds you physically attractive and wants the D.

The money thing is self-explanatory. The physical part comes in two varieties: she's just horny and wants some fun or (more likely) views you as an attractive mate and knows she needs to give up the P.

This is where women get in trouble.

For women, the level of man they can attract for casual sex is MUCH higher than the level of man they can attract for relationships. A male 10....he'll happily fukk and get sukked by a female 6. She thinks she's on his level, not realizing he just went for an easy (for him) lay. Female 6 ignores male 5/male 6 and keeps chasing the 9 and 10. She's aiming for the stars with hope that Male 5 and Male 6 will be there to break her fall in case she can't nab the baller.

Red flag is a lady with lots of single male friends. Dudes just hovering around waiting for the chance. She's already decided those brehs are fall-back options but she's not going to seriously consider them until age 35 or age 40

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Yes and I'm not talking about you as an individual,I'm talking about female thinking in general. It wasn't until I startes asking women questions and listening without judgement that I learned things.

For example most Men kinda put women in either the Madonna or Whore catagories when in actuality women move in an out of catagories all the time.

This is women's biggest issue from getting to the political feminism that they say they want. I just saw an article in The Root where they're amazed that Megan Goode is still with Johnathan Majors. Dude is supposed to be kicked to the curb, but they don't understand that the wierd dressing homie still is way up on M's from his short lived success.

My Point is there's dudes who are considered "bad" who women will choose because they want to do what they want and or they like clout and money.

Again dropping more red pill bombs than you meant to.

Most women date Men for status, and they want to brag to their girls that they got a guy that her friends will deem desireable not because they're ïn love.

Then they're always surprised when their homegirl throws p*ssy at her Man.

all that mental shyt go out the window when you run into a big girthy dikk

the highest rated dildos on amazon are the ones with 5.5+ girth

women want to be stretched this is a fact

This is an assumption(regarding not being used to it), and devolved into an old trend at this point. Alot of women do this for kicks and it's becoming common knowledge.

If you were a man, they would say you are telling on yourself. But I'll be consistent in staying that, at 2AM(especially on a week day, or intoxicated) I dont think the same energy is there to give the effort like it would be at 10pm. It's true the familiar one is with whoever they're engaging with, the better the experience.

Good morning fellas. I don’t have the time nor desire to go back and forth about this. But I wanted to acknowledge that I saw the notifications.

Have a good day. 😎


May 1, 2012
This is common knowledge. It’s all based on how they categorize the guy.

If she meets Deaunte and finds him sexually attractive, but doesn’t see a future with him, why wait? She doesn’t care what his perception is of her.

Now if she meets Dr. Jones, a guy that she takes seriously, then yeah she plays the game differently. She wants him to take her seriously.

Now that whole scenario completely turns guys off. If Dr. Jones finds out from his circle that this nygga Deaunte that works at Oncue and got 3 babymommas smashed within a few hours of knowing her, Dr. Jones is gonna be like :camby:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
If she succumbs to that then she is undisciplined. Your purpose in life is not to be her entertainment. That will not last. How long can you keep that up? She has a responsibility to discipline herself and you both find a purpose together.

When they're constantly seeking the next high like that it will leave them unfulfilled and that is not your fault. Contentment is a choice, not based on circumstance. They have to CHOOSE to be content. Part of that is fighting the fleeting emotions.

Is it undisciplined to want to change the channel on a boring,uninteresting t.v show? Your purpose in life shouldnt be to be her entertainment. But your job is to be entertaining. A man who is constantly learning,constantly planning,teaching and introducing will have a hard time not being entertaining. Unless like I said the woman just doesnt like you looks wise,your aesthetic,energy etc. But even someone who likes you could fall out of like/love if the relationship is monotonous.

Is it not a womans job to keep you satisfied sexually? Each gender has a responsibility to other gender based on the nature of the opposing gender. If you know women love attention,but you dont give your woman attention you failed to do you job as a man.

I think the problem is alot of yall feel its normal to live a completely seperate life from your woman. Yall live completely seperate but have occasional cross over events like datenight,vacations,sex,holidays,birth of a child:respect:


May 29, 2012
Quite a rationalization for poor decision making :ehh:

Its one thing if a woman is cautious and takes her time in general. However, if you letting certain dudes smash with a quickness and making others wait there is no way that you hold the dude that is waiting in higher esteem. You may see him as a better longterm option that you can manipulate not necessarily the superior option in the short term. No woman has ever said "Wow he is so amazing and I am so into him but Ima make him wait while I fukk this wack ass nikka". These are after the fact realizations.