I fw you bro but I dont think you would really want that
This is from wiki:
In Australia, hunting by cats helped to drive at least 20 native mammals to extinction, and continues to threaten at least 124 more.Their introduction has caused the extinction of at least 33 endemic species on islands throughout the world. A 2013 systematic review in Nature Communications of data from 17 studies found that feral and domestic cats kill billions of birds in the United States every year.
Ecology of fear or "fear effect": is a negative impact on prey that leads to a decrease in their population due to predators' presence or scent. The study "Urban bird declines and the fear of cats" refers to how native species are reproducing less to avoid predators, even if predator mortality is low. This study indicates how small predator mortality is, which is less than 1%, but it has a considerable impact on the birds' fecundity and reduces the abundance of birds to 95%. The fear effect is one indirect way cats affect native species besides diseases. The presence of cats altered the prey foraging, movement, and stress response and significantly impacted survival and reproduction.
So basically domestic cats are SO DEMONIC that just the presence of them causes all the animals smaller than them in an environment to stop eating, having sex and enjoying life out of pure fear.
And you would like them to be as big as dogs?