Real ghost fans know Fishscale is a classic record tho![]()
Yeah, I got Fishscale right behind Ironman and SC. Pete Rock, Dilla, Just Blaze, and DOOM fit right in since RZA wasn't on there. I like Fishscale more than Bulletproof Wallets, at least the retail Bulletproof Wallets. Haven't heard the Napster leak OG version in a long time, but I remember liking it way more than the retail.
ironman because it was very wu sounding. if he never made ironman everyone would always be talking about how ghost would've been better if he did an album with all rza production(tical, liquid swordz, ob4cl)
also love this as a companion piece to ob4cl. linx was definitely harder and my favorite wu solo album but ironman is a close second. all that i've got is you is pretty much the back story to the reason ghost's career is based on guns, throwing cats in wheelchairs or the why he felt the need to smoke black dust and make moves out of state. this dude's life was miserable so it's not hard to see why he's willing to dirt to grow like a plant, son.
Yeah, that's why I voted for it. I always felt like Linx and Ironman were 2 sides of a coin. RZA really did have the best half decade run of any producer in hip-hop IMO---36, Tical, Return to 36, Linx, Liquid Swords, Ironman, and Forever all sounded different. For all those first Wu solos, RZA made each album tailored to that artists but still kept his sound. I love how each of those solo albums really fits each personality. Ironman really went in the deepest with the soul out of those first Wu solos.
I still hate the flood ruined that Deck/RZA album.