whooooooooooo primitme now we talking now this is a toughie
prime GFK
oh boy this is a serious problem
so both albums were classic but SC had more of a mainstream impact due to cherchez la ghost
is really a toss up ...........we have the ironman intro "burn him" just me n u motherfukker i put trademarks around your fukking eye"
crackhead woodrow skit ...................suzy sue toss it out the window.................i still randomly yell this out from time to time
slight edge Ironman but im not sure why i just enjoyed the skits more and they seemed tightly woven into the album
Also tough IM was crafted in house while RZA just oversaw SC......you have the innovative back scratch vs the phrentic adrenaliune pace of assasination day. For soul controller you have childsplay
slight edge to ironman again as im more partial to the gritty wu style no disrepect to the beats on SC they were def banging but again i have choose one
. Lyrics
Jesus christ and Mohammed ........why man.......so he presents two very distinict flows on both albums as a matter of fact the flows anbd styles are so different that you would think 2 different artist.........but what makes it so tough is he absolutely mastered both flows ...............one is the comic book street tinged rap and the other the stream of consciousness rap that may or may not necessarily make sense on first listen.
toss up i really cant call it
Overall album
SC wins here in a much more clearer fashion since 1) the album was way longer 2) less guess stars 3)ironman was almost like a 3 person collaborative effort Ghost Rae and Cappa ( who by the way was dope on this) 4) more enjoyable and stretched the def of what a rap album esp a wu album could do at the time
so i typed all this up to see if i could justify a pick and man it really is SC but gaddam i love ironman too
MC Ultra high-brolic bank roll alcohol vulture
Garlic balls dice the shield of ocre
Tally ho pitty-pat backgammon pro
Pink salmon five spring rolls know me,
you love my intro
Half a face wig sewed together like Manhattan Chase
Looking like snatching the place, check behind the drapes
Castor Troy layin for Travolta mic gun pump
Laying on the floor Clark's bleeding watermelon chunks
Hold up... sprinkle the hash, Tony d
Snatch RZA last piece of fish right off the glass dish
Butter roll beats bagel tracks wavey hair decks
Lay it down straw hat style, Butterball crown
Time life investments, when broke I wrote the old testament
Crashed domes now perform excellence
Words with the President, brunch with Yeltsin
Gorbachev under Meth's nuts, he out in Belgium
Six and a half monkeys, twelve nazis
Four disappear, three eight two one flash to thin air
God's replica no wheel drive motionless mind cresica
Tilt the hat like Escher