women absolutely commit more domestic violence
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Harvard Says 70% 0f Domestic Violence is Committed By Women Against Men
Women More Likely to Commit Domestic Violence, Studies Show
hitting someone because you're mad is abuse? What? So if im mad because my girl just kicked my balls, that's abuse?

what's the point of hitting someone because they gave you an std? Just sue them? Do women even try to make sense? i know yall operate on emotions but you just can't be out making up shyt because it makes you feel better.
the statistics for dv are varied
This report describes domestic violence—violence committed by intimate partners, immediate family members, or other relatives—by victim and incident characteristics. Data are from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). In 2003–12:
Domestic violence accounted for 21% of all violent crime.
Intimate partner violence (15%) accounted for a greater percentage of all violent victimizations than violence committed by immediate family members (4%) or other relatives (2%).
Current or former boyfriends or girlfriends committed most domestic violence.
The majority of domestic violence was committed against females (76%) compared to males (24%).
Figure 1
Violent victimization, by victim–offender relationship, 2003–2012
Percent 40
Immediate familyb
partnera Domestic violence
Other relative
casual acquaintance
Note: In a small percentage of victimizations, the victim–offender relationship was unknown or the number of offenders was unknown. These estimates are not shown. See appendix table 1 for estimates and standard errors.
aIncludes current or former spouses, boyfriends, and girlfriends. bIncludes parents, children, and siblings.
Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Crime Victimization Survey, 2003–2012.
A similar percentage of violence by intimate partners and immediate family members was reported to police (56% each). An estimated 49% of violence by other relatives was reported to police.
Most domestic violence (77%) occurred at or near the victim’s home.
Intimate partner violence resulted in injuries more often than violence perpetrated by immediate family members and other relatives.
A weapon was involved in a larger percentage of violence committed by other relatives (26%) than intimate partners (19%) and immediate family members (19%).
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...pRQEniOkX4SzLGtfw&sig2=TbtrOnOGjwsW0gOldVHASg (its a pdf)
you can also find several papers on gender symmetry in domestic violence
and this isn't even a pissing contest
men shouldnt put their hands on women period because they are bigger and stronger
women shouldnt do it either, but what women do isn't a cloak to hide mens actions
neither should put their hands on anyone, but bringing one up to excuse the other is pointless gendered tit for tat for nothing (like you're doing right now)