White supremacist are obsessed with the thought of Black men uncontrollably pining for White women. They lust on our lust for White women. I think the worst thing you can say psychologically to a White supremacist, is you're not attracted to White women. Protecting White female virtue from the uncontrollable sexual urges of the Black male, used to be their bread and butter for recruitment. And that used to be the prime motivation for mass violence against Blacks.
This is an excellent point that I don't think a lot of people take into consideration. Some white men will get extremely offended if you (as a black male) make it known that you are not attracted to/interested in "their" women. Rejecting white women means rejecting a major part of the white playbook.
I laugh at black men who really think that messing with a ww is "getting back at the white man". What a joke! Lusting after ww only serves to further empower their white power system. It's a major part of their game. White men know exactly what they're doing when they "sell" the illusion of white female "beauty/desirability" to the world and white women are willing participants in this game. They are not sweet and innocent little victims of white male patriarchy. They have their role in this system and they play it all too well.
The image of black men lusting after and being in relationships with white women however is pushed very heavily by white men, especially in pop culture. People don't ever stop and ask themselves why?
BM lusting after WW only serves to reaffirm the white "superiority" not only of white women, but of white men and white people/society in general. If you don't then they will take that rejection very personally, because you're not playing by the rules of the game that they've set in place for you.