Thats dem nikkas not me

Besides they aren't saying anything about average black women......

I feel like if your "corny" or dont have "swag" black girls aint checking for you...ever notice how white guys feel comfortable coming out the house in open toe flip flops and a corny tee shirt, but meanwhile every black man feels the needs to have a designer belt and some jordans just to pick up a bag of ice from the gas station? I feel like thats because black women want you to have "swagger" while white women are more accepting of men just being "cornballs" lol so yeah conrball brothas are gonna be more inclined to mess with girls who care less about style and shyt tbr.
Look at jon jones and his wife..he been with that white girl since high school, and you can tell jon wasnt no fly nikka back in the day, he still kind of a corn ball now. So he probably got with her cause sistas wasnt feeling a 6'4 nikka with no swag and a scar on his forehead lmao
just my two cents though
Are you though? 1/3 of you will go to prison in your lifetimes. Less than 10% of you are college educated. A higher percentage of black women are employed than men (which means that the economical portion of marriage is shared), yet you still want someone to do all the domestic duties? You all love,patriarchy, but most of you don't even love up to its basic standards. You abandon 70% of your black children, and 40% of your precious mulatto ones. And you actually purport that there are several quality black men out there? This thread is just a circle jerk for black males who can't be honest with themselves. I commend them for leaving innocent black women alone.
Though white women are starting to wise up too with 95+% of them initiating the divorces in that pairing (the pairing with a 75% divorce rate the highest of any group). I won't pretend that all of you are like this though (just a significant portion).
lsa logic
Any black man marrying period is a fool unless he's financially stable and makes at least 150k a year having his own business supplying products to black people.
And get lost with that black nerds get no ass logic, that was back in the 90's, I'm one of the older brehs on here, back in the day this was true
But today any black man with a decent job is fukking at least 2 to 5 black females
example = Atlanta, large amounts of sisters chasing a handful of stable men
If you making a decent salary, got a place, nice and good career and you ain't get ass log off and work on you
No black man of means is single, women these days chase MONEY FIRST, everything else is second
No one can ever tell me a group of women who never enjoyed the earlier benefits of being women (aka having the ability to have a man provide) is gonna diss a man with paper in his pocket and when I mean paper I mean a stable job paying least 60k
Black women never had shyt given to them by men, white supremacy made sure of it,
You can't get a black women most likely you broke, if you ain't broke you just a sorry ass nikka
They lust after money 100% first no offense.
This is the real answer
If she's a dime. She gets her pick of dikk. So you already fukked up right there. Going for gold, trying to bag the best chick in town, knowing damn well what she's gonna want....... Everything. This tall, this hair, that job, that look, this attitude. Don't matter if she black white or blue
Then you want the women to ignore her tastes. She don't want a 6 in the face, same way you don't... But she's wrong for not being attracted to you
Then you don't even share the same interests. You in comic mode, nerd mode, new age fashion tip. Trying to get at women in booty shorts, at the club, looking for nikkaS.
Race has zero to do with it. There are ghetto white girls who have told me I talk white and wouldn't fukk with me cause I'm not thugged out
I've dated black women with professional jobs, who are beautiful and thick, but couldn't name 3 rap songs, don't drink or smoke, and love art museums
Yall so busy trying to get your own type. You forget that women have a type too. All races have a type. Date within your bracket
You're a nerd - find a nerdy woman
You're a thug - find a woman who likes that
You think Oprah want a thug? Nah she want someone on her level
You think the black woman at the bank manager position is coming home to a nikka hustling crack???
Why are all you nerds thinking you deserve the black woman who doesn't even like the same things as you, has nothing in common, isn't attracted to you if you did AND is a stuck up bytch by the way she shot you down???
Why aren't you at comic con, tinder, pod, the library, school, meetup groups, conventions...... Looking for this black nerd woman to match?
Cause you really just want a thick ass dime that looks good. And some p*ssy. That's easy to get. You ain't really looking for that compatible match and beyond her looks, like you expect her to do
That shyt you quoted was stupid maybe ole boy ugly. Its a lot of black dudes not wearing designer stuff and getting black chicks. Y'all nikkas give these chicks too much power. Stay in your lane and you'll be alright try to make a square peg fit in a round hole be on here bytching for eternity how you can't get "bad" black chicks.Thats it in a nutshell.
Thank you sir.
Where dis come from?
You know how sometimes in white movies, they'll have the nerd get the girl. They don't even try that shyt in black movies because it's unbelievableYou can have Knocked Up when sloppy Seth Rogen pulls Katherine Heighl, The lames in Superbad get dates or Transformers where Sam Witwicky got two bad azz girlfriends, hell even Seth off the OC had Summer. Black directors wouldnt even waste their film making a black nerd pull like that
I think the closest was Kid in House Party
I mentioned that black female nerds or any black women who are open to being with a nerd are already with nerds, normal black men or non black men.have you red the thread or skimmed through it??
there's been plenty of first hand stories... of nikkas trying to go at the baddest bytch around... of nikkas saying "why should i settle for ugly.overweight women".... of nikkas saying they tried and got rejected by women, who didn't have shyt in common with them except "she looked good"
i haven't heard a single "black nerd" say he was constantly getting rejected by other "black female nerds" nahhhhh they say how hard they are to find... while mentioning the 15 other women, clearly not in the same social circles.. they they tried to get at
You know how sometimes in white movies, they'll have the nerd get the girl. They don't even try that shyt in black movies because it's unbelievableYou can have Knocked Up when sloppy Seth Rogen pulls Katherine Heighl, The lames in Superbad get dates or Transformers where Sam Witwicky got two bad azz girlfriends, hell even Seth off the OC had Summer. Black directors wouldnt even waste their film making a black nerd pull like that
I think the closest was Kid in House Party
I said before, I've dated white doctors, lawyers, accountants and I live at home and wasn't making sometimes half of what they were pulling in.
A black doctor, lawyer or accountant wouldn't even sniff me.