So they diss the nerds and "cornballs",mess with the hustlaz, playaz and thugz and end up like...There's a difference between being a good guy and corny dude. Black women generally aren't attracted to cornballs.Can't blame em.

So they diss the nerds and "cornballs",mess with the hustlaz, playaz and thugz and end up like...There's a difference between being a good guy and corny dude. Black women generally aren't attracted to cornballs.Can't blame em.
Funny I haven't read once in this discussion of anything related to the success rates of black men/white women relationships, which is the least successful combination of any relationship, hovering at around a 72% divorce rate within the first 2 years.
I can't believe some the self-hatred of some of the nikkas in here, dying of thirst for the approval of white America by wifing a cac, in the face of overwhelming evidence in front of them that it will be a disaster. White women have no notion of family values and perserverance, they will wake up one day and decide they want to be single again, and then 'poof', there goes your life. I wouldn't wife a cac if she was the last women in this planet. I'd fukk the shyt outta them, but would never wife.
ps. I'm not including Middle Eatern women here, or even (some) European to some extent (i've got an uncle with 7 kids married to some Polish women for 25+ years). I'm talking Anglo-Celtic American/UK Whites, they are the trash you should avoid at all costs.
The higher rates, (which are based primarily on older couples) is a direct result of EXTERNAL opposition from blacks and whites alike. Black Male non-black female marriages (and especially marriages with white women tend to be the LEAST acceptable).
Any conehead who's been on this planet more than 5 years knows this.
Oh ya but you have stats on black women on speed dial and have selective amnesia when it comes to reporting bthe reasons why stats are what they are. We can all use stats but it is easily manipulated to fit someone's agenda. Finally, you didn't deny what was said either by other male posters. I am willing to bet their high divorce rate is more highly likely due to people in the relationship than external forces. ..because if a bm/ww went through the trouble of gettinge married despite the racism that exist it is more to do with relationship woes than anything else (ie. In compatibility, relationship fizzling out, etc) and despite what black men think white women are stil white and will harbour racist ideologies, you being married to her may not really change that. We all know of people making an ihindividual an exception to the rule. You are married to a white woman so I understand you have an agenda.The ignorance on Interracial Divorce rates has got to stop. It's hilarious that some of you have these stats memorized but for the sake of of funneling your own agenda, but yet you conveniently leave out the explanation for the higher rates by the VERY SAME here it is....
"According to the adjusted models predicting divorce as of their 10th year of marriage, interracial mar- riages that are most vulnerable involve White females and non-White males (with the exception of White females/Hispanic White males) relative to White/White couples. Conversely, White men/ non-White women couples show either very little or no differences in divorce rates; or, as in the case of White men and Black women, are substantially less likely than White/White couples to divorce by their 10th year."
"A second explanation posits that the ‘‘problems’’ interracial couples face vary in severity for different race or gender groups. A substantial literature, mostly focusing on Black/White unions, has shown that these couples experience negative reactions from strangers and diminished support from family and friends (Chito Childs, 2005; Dalmage, 2000; Hill & Thomas, 2000; Killian, 2003). Our findings suggest that these issues may be more common for White female/non-White male couples. Stigmas attached to interracial interaction are strongly gendered as well as racially specific. In particular, White females have been perceived as a threat to Black women’s marriage opportunities (Chito Childs; Dalmage)."
Not stanning, but just clarifying some things....let's get the facts straight BEFORE we propagandize ignorance
The higher rates, (which are based primarily on older couples) is a direct result of EXTERNAL opposition from blacks and whites alike. Black Male non-black female marriages (and especially marriages with white women tend to be the LEAST acceptable).
Any conehead who's been on this planet more than 5 years knows this.
Lol I actually chuckled at this.
You sound extremely desperate to dismiss well founded research on the lack of success of such relationships. You have absolutely no evidence to suggest that external influences play a large part of why those marriages fail. Furthermore and most importantly, even if those conjectures were correct, what does it say about the bond of such relationships, when external factors (i.e what other people think) causes marriage breakdown??
Believe me when I say this but there is very little in this world that could break the bond between husband and wife that is founded on mutual love and trust. For you to suggest that things like "family support" are to blame for why many of those marriages don't lust just shows me that the marriage wasn't shyt in the first place, such are the fate for relationships based on self-hate, fetish and lust.
See my post. The guy is always pulling stats when it shows bw in an unfavorable light but wants to explain this study. For two people to make to the altar it takes a lot especially two people of different races.Lol I actually chuckled at this.
You sound extremely desperate to dismiss well founded research on the lack of success of such relationships. You have absolutely no evidence to suggest that external influences play a large part of why those marriages fail. Furthermore and most importantly, even if those conjectures were correct, what does it say about the bond of such relationships, when external factors (i.e what other people think, family support) are the main causes marriage breakdown??
Believe me when I say this but there is very little in this world that could break the bond between husband and wife that is founded on mutual love and trust. For you to suggest that things like "family support" are to blame for why many of those marriages don't last just shows me that the marriage wasn't shyt in the first place, such are the fate for relationships based on self-hate, fetish and lust.
Oh ya but you have stats on black women on speed dial and have selective amnesia when it comes to reporting bthe reasons why stats are what they are. We can all use stats but it is easily manipulated to fit someone's agenda. Finally, you didn't deny what was said either by other male posters. I am willing to bet their high divorce rate is more highly likely due to people in the relationship than external forces. ..because if a bm/ww went through the trouble of gettinge married despite the racism that exist it is more to do with relationship woes than anything else (ie. In compatibility, relationship fizzling out, etc) and despite what black men think white women are stil white and will harbour racist ideologies, you being married to her may not really change that. We all know of people making an ihindividual an exception to the rule. You are married to a white woman so I understand you have an agenda.
Listen here babygurl...I'm not interested in your desire to add your own analysis of the study.
All I'm sayin is that I've supplied you with the FULL breadth of research that you've been propagandizing for eons.
You can no longer claim ignorance on the subject. You've been educated on the matter...and now you are no longer misinformed.
So you can run back to whatever black feminist forum (lipstick alley, dateawhiteguy, Madamnoire etc) and spread the good news.
Listen here babygurl...I'm not interested in your desire to add your own analysis of the study.
All I'm sayin is that I've supplied you with the FULL breadth of research that you've been propagandizing for eons.
You can no longer claim ignorance on the subject. You've been educated on the matter...and now you are no longer misinformed.
So you can run back to whatever black feminist forum (lipstick alley, dateawhiteguy, Madamnoire etc) and spread the good news.
Listen here babygurl...I'm not interested in your desire to add your own analysis of the study.
All I'm sayin is that I've supplied you with the FULL breadth of research that you've been propagandizing for eons.
You can no longer claim ignorance on the subject. You've been educated on the matter...and now you are no longer misinformed.
So you can run back to whatever black feminist forum (lipstick alley, dateawhiteguy, Madamnoire etc) and spread the good news.