This sounds similar to my experience but I already know since I'm a woman, I'll be a former kewn azz nikka
I'll say this for me even though all my gfs have been white cept for one who was lolo jonish, growing up I was all black girls, on black planet at a young age, first girl titties i sucked on and fingered was a black chick. I just got in where I fit in, went to majority white schools in white areas, when I used myspace, hi5 etc it was white girls hitting me up, even when I used pof, it was just white girls so meh, wth was i suppose to do, if im on a desert island and thers only fish to eat ima eat fish
hell the last chick I smashed was a white legit model, i've dated white doctors, accountants, lawyers, trust fund babies, chicks with their mbas.
hell when i used tinder i had over 1000 matches twice and 98% of the women were white
id have to be some 6'2 tyson beckford type cat to cavort and canoodle with a black doctor, accountant, lawyer, trust fund baby, chick with her mba, or a legit black model
hell chicks on here @trilldealbaby out here making fun of me for the way I look, ive never had a white chick make fun of me.
nikkaz can starve like a Ethiopian with a fly in their eye, or eat
In high school, I wasn't really hitting on shyt besides I was awkward, an introvert, shy, and a virgin so sexually inexperienced and wasn't giving it up so dudes either weren't looking my way at all or when they did talked to me; they would drop me for another chick

I started using dating sites while in college and only got messaged by white guys or black guys much older than I am (okcupid and POF).
The guy I lost my virginity to I knew from High school but we didn't talk until we were both in college and hit it off on Facebook (arab). The other two (biracial and white) I met off okcupid.
For some reason, black dudes for the most part aren't really looking my way. I mean I've been hit on by hood dudes but what black chick hasn't (