wet landscapes
stuff like this baffles me, since I've never seen it irl, from either sideI love my sisters, but yall some choosy women. Yall like what yall like and wont settle for anything less until there's no other options.

my friends all have really specific types and they have frequently dated against those types
friend one likes:
-pretty, Prince-like (the artist) dudes
-fit, thin bodies
-long hair
-interesting hobbies
has dated:
-an average looking dark skinned guy with a fade
-a skelly with dreads (not pretty), weeaboo

friend two likes:
-men significantly taller than her
-dark skin
-unaffected attitudes
-handsome faces
has dated:
-average looking clingy litebrite
-average looking clingy litebrite, barely taller than her
-average height dark skinned dude
my dude friends date against their types occasionally too