So in entertainment and sports? yeah, just what we need more of. It's not like the majority of people who try out for these art forms ever make it. Masculinity means building up nations for your people to thrive, not dribbling basketball and being able to "sang".
Being good at athletics, having musical ability and nation-building are not mutually exclusive. In comparison, cacs are better than Asians at athletics and music (as well as spend more time on both, historically and now), yet cacs have richer nations. This proves that blacks can have it all, musical arts and sports, and still build nations. Music and sports in America, for instance, generate more economic activity than many small countries in the world

As we speak black men have good developing countries. Some Carribean countries have more in terms of GDP than some cac Eastern European countries. If Nigeria reaches its potential, it can eclipse parts of Europe.
But to go back to your argument, you implied that blacks can't lead in getting women because we don't need in "anything else". You are wrong, Ethiopian. Maybe the East Africans lead in nothing, but black men in the Americas do in fact lead in many things, which may or may not include getting women. Sad for you, I guess.
Black men need LESS sexual partners, that seems to be your only claim to fame and the root of many of your problems. Many sexual partners lead to overpopulation that then leads to food shortages and conflict and not being able to take care of your people. Why do you think countries with the highest birth rates tend to be the poorest? Then you flee to the white man's countries to take you in because you made conditions back home unbearable because of all the fvkking.
No, Ethiopian, black men don't need fewer sexual partners OR sex (I don't remember if black men reported more sexual partners OR more sex, but whatever). It's possible and preferable to have sex or partners and be successful. Cacs generally have more sex/sexual partners than Asians, and have historically done more than Asians. As such there's no logical line or thinking which says blacks need to have fewer sex or partners to succeed--except in your own dumb mind.
In fact, overpopulation is part of why why cacs rule America and underpopulation is why Native Americans don't exist, as well as why blacks have no influence. The last time I checked, China has the largest population in the world and is one of the strongest developing countries on Earth. A slow march to having fewer children is what happens after population booms and the large population begins to advance. This comes AFTER the population grows and advancement progresses, not before. If overpopulation is so bad, why do all the strongest and most developed nations on Earth have the highest populations? Who rules Asia? India and China, WHOM HAVE THE LARGEST POPULATIONS. Who rules Europe? Germany, Russia and the UK, whom have the LARGEST POPULATIONS. Coincidence? no.