Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
It's really sad to be successful in the dating American black setting you have to put on a mask or persona and if you don't you're labeled corny or lame. The black community is going to hell in a hand basket and I could care less anymore.

That is why I make light insults to some women like "you walk weird" or "your head shaped weird" and they be all :youngsabo: when I don't kiss their ass.

Marl0 Stanfield

Yeshua Ben YHWH
Feb 14, 2015
Date who u want. Nobody gives a shyt what a fake ass militant thinks. If a person makes u happy, go for it like Connect Four. Life is too damn short to be trying to satisfy some wack ass Farrakonvicts. U get one shot and ur gone, so if u can find a partner to help u sift thru this miserable shyt and find love, just do the shyt and fukk what ppl think. They ain't gon pay for ur funeral, ur wife/husband will.


Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
It's true though. I've come to the conclusion that Black men can't handle integration, look at what happens as soon as they got it here in America. Look at what happened to many African countries as soon as the West started taking them in. I read somewhere that there are more Ethiopian doctors in the West than there are in Ethiopia. A brain drain occurred as soon as Africans were allowed to enter Europe. A brain drain is underway in Jamaica right now because after independence, the best and the brightest Jamaicans went to England, Canada and America. After American integration, Black men conveniently forgot about the centuries of abuse they suffered at the hands of cacs and turned around and went to cac neighborhoods and stopped creating Black wealth in Black communities now we got Asians, Hispanics and Indians eating good off Black communities.

Black men cannot handle integration and the best thing that cacs did for us was to force them to stay in their own communitiies. Tell me I'm lying.:yeshrug:
Your right to an extent. Our community was stronger as a whole during segregation. Thing is the schools that were black during segregation remained black. The neighborhoods that were black remained black. Integration just gave us the ability to be able to move more freely which cant be considered a bad thing. Yes a lot of folks with money left becuz they looked at these neighborhoods that they previously couldn't live in as forbidden fruit that they could finally eat. I don't think anybody knew what the ramifications of them leaving would be. The problem lies in the fact that after integration drugs were pushed into the community and local governments cut back on education.

Reagan even cut back on school lunches saying that ketchup was a vegetable :scust:And with some of these kids the best meal they got all day was at school

We have been the victims of systematic oppression and divide and conquer. Underfunded schools, underfunded neighborhoods, drugs. Immigrants from Latin America took our jobs. A black man with little education could always make a living with his hands but we been outsourced outta that
Jun 8, 2012
And stop saying that dumb shyt that black women dont like dudes that come off as "corny" or they're too "nice". Black women arent even monolithic. That shyt is only for AA's/Caribbean women who have that attitude.

African women(especially horners) will date the "corniest" of dudes. They dont care about swag.
I've honestly never met a corny African woman.

Now African men? They can be some no swag having, corny ass dudes...but they got they professional game tight and money game tight so :yeshrug:

I say this as an African man myself. Them brothas with the karl kani button ups with the bootleg jeans and boxtoe dress shoes...them Igdbo Oakwinuoje type nikkas...step yo game up!

I personally think us first gen American Africans are on some other can tell who's fresh off the boat. I got swag...but it took a while to get to this point.
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Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
So whats corny for Africans?

Corny to them is someone who's not family based and don't carry the tribe. It's a lot of pride that comes with being a man and having a tribe. The only similarity is the hyper masculinity that's expected of the men but I think that's just a black thing.


Aug 16, 2014
It's true though. I've come to the conclusion that Black men can't handle integration, look at what happens as soon as they got it here in America. Look at what happened to many African countries as soon as the West started taking them in. I read somewhere that there are more Ethiopian doctors in the West than there are in Ethiopia. A brain drain occurred as soon as Africans were allowed to enter Europe. A brain drain is underway in Jamaica right now because after independence, the best and the brightest Jamaicans went to England, Canada and America. After American integration, Black men conveniently forgot about the centuries of abuse they suffered at the hands of cacs and turned around and went to cac neighborhoods and stopped creating Black wealth in Black communities now we got Asians, Hispanics and Indians eating good off Black communities.

Black men cannot handle integration and the best thing that cacs did for us was to force them to stay in their own communitiies. Tell me I'm lying.:yeshrug:

Black men standing out in the rain with black women and black children. Instead of building his own shelter for the protection of himself his woman and his family, he going through the back door of the white mans home to seek shelter.

The problem with black men is they treat integration like a cargo cult. THey think because they can drive the car white dudes have, have the house, the white wife, etc. they are just like the white man but he isn't. He will never be. They don't want to admit it. They think they can forsake black folks, (especially black women because black women are the only part of blackness they can hate and not be judged for) and be an honorary cac.
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Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
I've never had trouble getting black women!!!!! :why:
And I'm not a rapper, I got a MBA
I think folks are talking more about personality and looks than what your education level is like? I know plenty of dudes with "swag" and highly educated. How do you dress,talk, etc...


Bedwench & Armchair Militant Killer
Jun 20, 2013
it's his prerogative, matters of the heart usually are...

end thread/

Not sure why this is anyone's business.

they feel like they're in competition w/them :heh: shyt is so warped

Thats a damn good point. I think youre right about this.

I married a black woman. We're divorced now. One of the main things she told me was that she needed excitement and butterflies in her stomach.

About a year after we divorced I heard a rumor that some niqqa was dropping her off at work and driving her car all day.

True story. Makes my soul burn slow.

I dated 10 women in the couple of years after my divorce and I been exclusive with a white woman for the past few years.

Exactly half the women were black and half were white.

I moved a black chick in with me for five weeks. Among other things she was pining for the ex that banged her head on concrete and was arrested for trying to kill her. Actually contacted this dude by sending messages through people from his hometown on FB. shyt was sick and sad.

I never looked at it as choosing a white girl. I gave them all the same shot. 9 came and went and this 1 fit well and was good to me. And was white.

I actually dumped a couple cool white chicks for sisters cause I was looking to get married again and that's where I saw myself. After awhile I gave up on searching and just rocked with someone who made me happy.

A shame that you put yourself through that....but you can only blame yourself for chasing women who werent into you while rejecting those that were. That was super silly. You dont owe anyone that kind of loyalty unless they have a ring on their finger, man.

Go for a woman that you can get along with and are attracted who makes you happy. Regardless of race. Just do you man and fukk anyone else because it has nothing to do with them.


Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
Black men sold their souls for cac dollars. Thug culture and its music was created by Black men and their Jewish promoters to get suburban cac dollars and destroy Black neighborhoods. If you let another race of man manipulate you like that then you have no one but yourselves to blame. Think you going to convince Jews to sing trash music to their own people so that you can enrich the Black community? That would never happen. Black men on the other hand? :scust:
You cant blame music for our condition when music is really a reflection of the streets. Unless your super educated its hard for a black man to go out and get a job where he can support a family. That's why so many of us think the only way out of a bad situation is to rap or play ball. Its easy for a lot of us to say that black men sell their souls for cac dollars cuz a lot of us on the coli are educated and can read between the lines. Unfortunately too many in our community have been dealt a bad hand since birth and don't kno any better
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