I have notice the sisters AROUND MY WAY tend to settle after 5 and 10 years and they reach 35 and they finally wake up that tupac in a suit doesn't exist and the dating pool out here is getting less for them they go back after the dude they passed over 10 years ago, but a lot of them dudes already moved on to something new...
A lot of sisters don't realize that the numbers are stacked against them because there are more sisters than brothers, especially if u had the fact brothers are in prison
God has a way of writing a lot of wrongs right. That's why I love being a man. So i'm just going focus on me and when it's all said and done have my fun in my 30's and 40's as a better version of who I am now, and these black females can spend their prime chasing after fantasies, and be single and lonely because one things that's for sure is when i get to point of having all my shyt together i won't be saving them. fukk them! Sorry sweetheart you had your chance, and now the train has left the station. Think Will Smith and that girl who choose the rapper Trech (forgot his name) over him. I bet she wish she could have that back