Tariq is doing something that brings THOUSANDs of blacks together WORLD WIDE, in ONE ROOM almost annually now, and the "conscious" community aint doing a damn thing. These clowns literally trying to force the title on the man in order to slander him. Tariq is pro economics point blank, him and Claude Anderson straight up say if you aren't building you won't last to even practice all your triple darkness spiritual vibrations bull. These hotep cats are in the the same boat as the Porkchop Preachers they hate, both never provide guidelines to improve your situation, only give you bull crap to keep you dependent on them. Cats like Umar are doing lectures at real universities around the world, and even he was thrown under the bus by dusty hotep cats trying to say he had baby mama drama. All these hotep clowns can die for all I care because they are just as cancerous as c00ns.
See this is what alarms me, just because some dudes say something opposite of what Tariq says its a problem or he is labeled an agent.
Why would you say he is bringing thousands of blacks together worldwide? The dude is hardly unknown and doesn't even have tens of thousands of listeners? Tariq is basically in the conscious community since all he talks about is racial issues and hovers around the, . He needs any subject to be on Ustream