Don't call people out if you aren't prepared to deal with the backlash. When you rattle someone's cage, they're gonna respond. Zaza Ali needs to come down off her high horse, she only seems to care about the disrespect of women and keeps throwing her little shots at black men in general. BTW she rocks with that War on The Horizon dude Irritated Genie, yet Irritated Genie openly calls biracial people the enemy of black people on his own website....why doesn't she say something about THAT? But now she's gonna get all prissy and play the innocent with Mr Illuminati Griff when she's the one who ran her big mouth and started this shyt in the first place.
Most of these so called conscious people are just a damn joke.
well now you're being dishonest. that guy says the same thing i say. biracials have the potential to be our greatest ally or our greatest enemy. but to avoid white supremacy using biracials against black folks, just STOP having the damn biracial children; stop adhering to the one drop rule when its being used against us.