I want a chick period. I met a fire asain chick yesterday. But I usually look for black women
I have no preference either. I'll be happy with any attractive broad that will respect me and love me

I want a chick period. I met a fire asain chick yesterday. But I usually look for black women
nikkas will fukk anythingI just don't get what's sexually attractive about white women. I dated one once and broke up with her cause I needed to get back to black women. These were my exact words. Can someone explain the fascination with white women in the black community besides brainwashing? Black women have the best bodies and when they are actually in their right state of mind are pretty die hard for us.
and what does it tell you when you see a brother with a basic/ugly black woman? or asian? or spanish?Some black dudes think that getting with the massa's daughter will get him closer to massa, as far as status is concerned. Thats the only logical explanation I can come up with when I see these black dudes with these basic white bytches. Its the same reason why some blacks are color struck. It all comes back to internalized racism and thinking that white is right.
I was reading the other thread where you're tearing into that dude talking about how he's dated a white woman
Ya'll are really against miscegenation in Coli-world huh
This is a strange, strange place to be in 2015![]()
That's real.If this is strange, try living in a world where you are killed, beaten, targeted, shamed, and spiritually destroyed solely because you were born white... Try living in a world where all of your lineage was destroyed because you were white... Try living in a world where policies are strategically instituted so that you are denied access to quality education, careers, homes, and opportunities soley because you are white....
That's strange....
Wanting to unify in order to grow as a community is not strange
I can picture you looking exactly like this saying exactly that ...
and you still don't see the problem ...
Like i think ive come to terms with the fact that my wife 98% wont be black
i really only attract suburbian white gurls
Maybe they think you only like white girls. I know if i think a guy doesn't like bw, I wouldn't try to talk to him.
Yea, I had that period "
I thought you liked white girls."
Brotha was speaking proper and wearing polosWhy can't I still want Jannelle from round the way? The way her red ankle socks with the flower on top look with her
clean K-swiss:letyasoulglow:
either you look like a square or a@Pifferry @HankHill ass nikka
Did you read my post right? ... I'm not talking about white girls ... I'm talking about black girls.
I was saying that he has probably has corny vibe that's why black girls don't like him
We all know white girls like black thugs too but I'm talking about why black girls may not like him.
... of course it depends on the girl so it is a kind of generalization. Most black women imo (and I'll let them speak for themselves) do not want someone who acts like someone from another culture. I'm not saying you have to be a thug but you can't be copying some dweeb white boy and expect to be successful with the majority of black women. This should be common sense - why - because we naturally aren't corny - that's an adoptive trait for the most part. Note also - quiet is not corny, playing video games and watching Anime is not corny, smart is not corny but being a full out geeky goofy white boy with inadequate interpersonal / social skills and black skin is very corny to most black woman who grew up around black people.