You clearly did not read that thread.The thread did not have a "monolithic," theme to it.There were many differing opinions.& I've come to the conclusion that you will simply not ever get it.I've been around & had these talks with plenty of other Black women.I took a Black Feminism class & had discussions with those women & discussions with my professor who was a VERY intelligent Black Women.You are not going to convince me the way I & other Black Women feel is unreal and all in our heads.Stop trying to invalidate what we are saying,you do not know our experiences as black WOMEN.
Oh agree there some cool sistas not co-signing that anit-black male rhetoric, it doesn't change the fact that the ones that are sounds like racist white men.
And who said anything about convincing ya'll of anything, ya'll the ones with accusations of majority of black men shyting on black women and we ask for evidence of these attacks.
& No,you are not someone to have discussion with.You my friend, don't know how to listen.You are not interested in sympathizing and trying to understand my view point.Your only purpose is to criticize what I'm saying & tell me what I'm saying is either wrong, over exaggerated,or non-existent.You are not the kind of Black men that I am willing to have this conversation with.
First of all, your the one whose not listening, you say plenty of things that does fit with reality, for example you said only black men is the only race of men that degrades their own women, that's a lie, whites, arabs, and other races of men go way harder on oppressing their own women.
I ask you many times before to show me proof of a large scale of black men in the media shyting on black women that way I can see your point of view but you never did.
Another one was you complain about black women not being promoted in the media and being shyted on. You say because of black men, I say is the white men that hires them, because all the rappers you claim are putting down black women could say "enough is enough, we will not degrade our queens anymore". Than their white bosses will fired them and get new nikkas to follow their orders. The problem is you don't know how systematic racism works and you made black made your enemy, when we're far from it.
What does having mixed children have to do with this?Never have I ever implied that white men are the solution.The Black "Community," may exclude us but that doesn't mean that White Community has opened arms towards us.Black Women have their own unique stance.
Because mixed kids are causing colorism and putting light skin vs dark skin, white media is making mixed women the standard for black beauty, I don't know how you can't see that. And you admit that whites folks and black folks will not accept you but still wanna marry one to be part of no community.